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  1. 21 points
    Warp To Me Upgrade Policy What is the policy? WTM Incursions welcomes new pilots to come try out incursions with us, and we have provided several affordable options for entry-level battleships that let you get into fleet without breaking the bank. However, over time we ask that you invest in making yourself and the fleet more effective, which includes getting set up in a ship that is well-suited for incursion running and then upgrading it over time. Step 1 │ Intermediate or Optimal Hull & Optimal Logi │ 20 in-fleet hours Shooty Ships: The Intermediate and Optimal Ships are listed as such on the fitting website. If you aren’t flying one of these hulls yet, then we ask that you upgrade to one with a proper fit (which can be found on our fitting website). Based on average fleet earnings, this should give you more than enough income to fit up a ship as well as helping towards covering your monthly Plex costs. Logi: One of the biggest improvements you can make for logi is to complete the Logistics Cruiser 5 skill. This allows you to bring more utility with the Scimitar and fly the Basilisk. We ask that you complete this training and upgrade to our Optimal Fit for the respective T2 logi. Step 2 │ T2 Guns, MWD, Faction Damage Mods │ 65 in-fleet hours Shooty Ships: After upgrading into an intermediate or optimal hull, we ask that you begin training into Tech 2 Guns for your preferred ship type, as well as purchasing a few upgrades, specifically Optimal Microwarpdrives and Faction equivalent Damage Modules. Based on average fleet earnings this should give you enough time to train the skills naturally or earn enough to purchase skill injectors. Step 3 │ Optimal Fits on either an Intermediate or Optimal Hull │ 80 in-fleet hours Shooty Ships: Now it is time to finish out that fit. By now, you are expected to be in one of the optimal doctrine fits of either an intermediate or optimal hull. So start planning your upgrades now! If you still haven't fully upgraded, you may be skipped over for boxes from those who have, so don't wait too long to finish upgrading, and keep your assets safe! Travel Safely! Step 4 │ Optimal fit on an Optimal Hulls │ 250 in-fleet hours Shooty Ships: Still coming back for more? Great! You are finally expected to be upgraded into one of the Optimal Battleships, the Intermediate hulls are designed to be your stepping stone into one of the Optimal Hulls, so choose your path wisely. If you haven't completed this upgrade path, you may be skipped over for other pilots and boxes who are meeting their upgrade policy. If you are already flying an optimal fit, thank you! We recommend that you continue to upgrade your ship with implants, skills and abyssal modules. Feel free to ask questions in WTM Incursions on how to become better! Why? We want to run incursion fleets the best we can and in order to that requires investment from you! Many veterans have already invested in themselves and in fleet without this policy, however, some pilots have decided that sandbagging is okay. It’s not! For this reason upgrading is a requirement. This all sounds great but I have been busy and haven't upgraded yet, can I still join fleet? Yes! You can still x-up with any ship that meets our fitting requirements. However, out of fairness, the FC may skip over you if there is limited space in fleet and others waiting in line who are following the policy. We understand that life can take some crazy and unexpected turns so please speak to a member of Command Core if you feel that you have exceptional circumstances. Thanks for improving yourself, improving fleet, and for flying with us! See you in fleet!
  2. 11 points
    UPDATE: BECAUSE OF RECENT CHANGES IN THE GAME THE LESHAK CURRENTLY IS NOT SO OPTIMAL FOR HIGHSEC INCURSONS. I WOULD RECOMMEND TO NOT START TO TRAIN INTO IT OR TO NOT BUY IT IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT YET! HOWEVER WE CANT KNOW WHAT CCP WILL CHANGE NEXT, AND MAYBE THE LESHAK WILL RISE AGAIN AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE. Hey guys! Just wanted to share my POV about the Leshak, and provide a basic guideline about how you should fly this beautiful snowflake in a WTM fleet. So here goes nothing! Disclaimer: a lot of time passed and a lot of things changed in EVE (nowadays i feel like every other week something huge is changing) since i wrote this. So while most of it is probably still useful it has become just a little bit outdated by now, for example FC might ask you to shoot something different... Currently i dont feel like updating it. Maybe it will change in the future. Who knows. GENERAL TIPS: With every guide the first general and golden rule should always be: "USE COMMON SENSE, PLEASE!" So there you have it. Its not hard. You just have to think a little bit Second golden rule is: "ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR FC!" Maybe there is something unusual thing going on and fleet needs to react and adjust. Please do so! For example i will probably do unusual things nowadays when im FC The Leshak is not a "DPS", neither a "SNIPER" ship. Its a snowflake. If you want to fly it, then please fly it properly. Basically you will need to anchor yourself all the time, not following AAA or VVV around. Most of the times you need to shoot out of tagging order, something different. I really do expect all my Leshaks to actually put effort into flying their ships as long as they are in my fleet. Getting The Precursor Battleship Level up to 5 is super important. Its an amazing bump to your efficiency. For real. I mean sure, weapon spec to 5 is nice too, but you can leave it temporarily at 4 in order to train Battleship Level 5. Its way more important! Always try to use the Occult ammo. You should use Mystic only when you enter a pocket and you are burning into position, or if you are finishing a wave and you are prepping for the next one but still removing the remnant of the wave. Veles gun is actually better than T2 gun even if you have weapon spec 4. And its not that expensive. T2 gun is however better at spec 5. WTM does allow Veles gun, but bear in mind you have to have at least weapon spec 1 and you have to be able to use T2 ammo in order to fly with WTM. This ship is all about its weapon spool-up. You should aim to shoot a single ship continuously as long as possible, preferably with Occult. Its basically a guessing game: you need to guess the ship that normally would die last on the grid. And shoot that ship. When it dies you just simply reset the game. Exceptions: - Spawn Trigger Ships: you need to exclude those from this game for obvious reasons. - Outuni Mesen: if there are 3 on the grid (or 2 and FC says so) at the same time then they are just too dangerous to completely ignore them in a shield fleet. Even if you are a Leshak. So they come before the game. Don't be scared to break the spool-up of the Mystic if you know you can shoot with Occult around 20 times or more after the switch on the same boat. Don't be afraid of burning as much as you want. This ship has mad cap stability. Use it! Keep at range 15 km on your main target is a really easy way to keep the spool going until they go poof. Especially if they are burning somewhere. If they are 20 or more km away, that's where you can start worrying about breaking the spool with Occult. I'd suggest to adjust your position if they are more than 20 km away. You should always shoot something. There is no excuse to ever stop shooting with this ship. You have everything in order to do so: You can switch ammo instantly, you can always burn whenever you are not in range cuz you have the cap for it and you have a ridiculously short cycle time. Jack of all trades. In my opinion utility high slots are less important for the Leshak in a WTM fleet. So if you are missing some fitting space (PG or more likely CPU) you can try to adjust your fitting by using up less on the high slots. Nevertheless if anyone feels like stuffing one or maybe two remote armors to utility highs feel free to do so! The ship indeed has a bonus for it. Just be careful about the tight CPU fitting limit. But more importantly as a Leshak you should never broadcast for cap if you are not neuted, so please dont cap yourself out with them! Overloading: in case of contest you can easily continuously overheat your single gun during almost (if not) the whole site! You can train relevant skills for better results of course, but just try it out! Experience your personal limit with it! Just don't burn out your gun pretty please. In "NRF" site (see below) depending on fleet comp and fleet numbers you always want to adjust your targets. I know. This is actually "hard". But after a site or two you will get a good feeling about your fleet. If snipers need help, you shoot sniper targets. If DPS needs help, you shoot DPS targets. Its not a big deal if you make a mistake with this, don't worry. As long as you are shooting, you are good! But properly adjusting yourself for fleet needs with a Leshak means shorter site time. I will write a few examples later on. With multiple Leshaks in fleet you guys can communicate with each other and try to not shoot the same target. Remember: the longer the spool the shorter the site time! Altho' be careful to not flood voice comms. Maybe its best to just use Fleet Chat. Example: "s4" means you are shooting (spooling) on tag 4. Of course this is getting harder with more Leshaks in fleet. I do understand that but again as long as you are shooting and try your best, you are good. Expect damage agro! If you are doing everything correctly with proper skill set and good fit then don't be surprised that damage agro lands on you. It means you are doing your job and being pretty good at it! So anticipate some agro switch on your ship, be on the lookout and please broadcast on time, like everyone should! Taking fleet roles with the Leshak is not the best idea. - You should never try to MTAC (lack of agility, gun range problem, but most importantly possible niarja jam which can ruin your and your fleets whole day). - You should probably not try to AAA (you dont have enough range to shoot properly). - You should not try to DDD or HHH (lack of webs). - You might be able to VVV in it, but its not really optimal to do so (lack of agility now even more so after nerf). - You already have a unique role in fleet. Its called "Leshak"! SITE BY SITE GUIDE: I'll try to give you examples here. Mostly just presuming you are the only Leshak in fleet. Sometimes you have to adjust your targets depending your fleet as i wrote above. I'm sorry this is not a sandbag ship, you actually have to use your brain, not just your eyes Hey now! Don't blame me! You chose to fly it. True Power Provisional Headquarters (TPPH) First pocket: Usually you start Mystic on Outuni and burn to Occult range of the second tagged Osti (in most fleets it should be tag 5). When you are there immediately switch to Occult and shoot it until its dead. - If fleet is really light on numbers, then you do the same, just Occult the Outuni and then Occult the healthiest Osti! -If fleet is really fast, you can just start with Osti! Second pocket: Burn to the second Osties and spool on them. - If fleet is sniper light you should burn to 2nd Antem and Occult it. If you are super-sniper light then i guess you need to shoot the Mara as well before Antems. Remember: do not burn much while shooting the Mara, cuz it ruins your tracking. - If fleet is low on numbers then kill Mara and then Occult the second Osti. -If fleet is really fast, you can just start with Osti! Third pocket: - First wave: Spool on Osties. When there are only 2 Osties left (or when FC says) burn to your one and only anchor spot which should be 80 km from beacon and 20 km to the left from the tower (exactly where the last VVV spot is). Important!!! Don't shoot the last tagged Osti (usually tag 9 or Z). If super-sniper light you might need to help out with killing the Mara at the beginning of this wave. - Second wave: Start with the second to last Osti tag. Again, its important to not shoot the last, wave trigger Osti (9 or Z)! After it goes poof you can help out with killing Romies or just spool on something that you think is best (except the wave trigger). If fleet is light on numbers you should primary the Intaki and then go business as usual. - Third wave: Spool on Osties, then whatever is left. You should try to even kill the very last frig on grid if that's the only thing preventing you from tower bash. After tower spawns Occult it, drone it and enjoy your bio! Nation Rebirth Facility (NRF) First Wave: Burn to Ostis and kill them. When you can, switch to Occult! When it dies find the next best thing to spool on. When there is only 2 Battleships left (or when FC says so) burn to your first anchor spot: 90 km from beacon, 50 km to the right from tower. Just about 20-ish km from AAA. The goal is to be in Occult range of the spawning Yulais. - If light on snipers then you might need to help out with Vylade(s) or even with Mara(s) as well. - If light on DPS then change your anchoring to roughly around DPS anchor spot cuz you gonna shoot Osties next wave! Second wave: Occult Yulais! Preferably backwards, but you should start shooting them even if there are no tags yet. Remember, spooling time is everything for this ship! When Yulais are dying shoot whatever is left and burn to next DPS anchor spot (you can look for VVV guide or for the actual on-site VVV for help). - If fleet is light on DPS or sniper heavy then you should shoot Osties backwards in this wave. Third wave: Occult Yulais first, then whatever is left! If there are only 3 ships left on grid you should start burning to VVV last anchor spot. Rough positioning is enough (say +-5 or 10 km doesn't matter) Fourth wave: This is when it becomes a little bit tricky. you can easily find yourself out of position in this wave. Don't worry about it too much. Unless fleet is light on numbers you should primary either Osties (DPS need help) or Yulais (Snipers need help). - Stay about 30km to AAA to ensure you are still in logi range and Occult Osties or Shoot Yulais with whatever ammo you can reach them. - If fleet is DPS light or you have faith in Snipers to finish the job without you then you should simply shoot Osties backwards with Occult of course. - If fleet is low on numbers you should shoot Outunies, then Intakies. After that Osties. Remember: never stop shooting until payout, please! True Creations Research Center (TCRC) After entrance spool on Outunis and start burning to the tower. Be careful to not be completely out of logi range due to early burning! In all fairness that's actually pretty hard to achieve in this site. Nevertheless you should better check! After Outunis died Occult the tower ASAP and never stop until it blows up. You should sit next to Vindicators nice and close, zero on the Tower for reasons you can find in one of my posts in this thread. In case of jam you re-spool on the tower and cry silently (F). When tower hits 50% hull lock up the warp disrupting ships (usually just Schmaels and Auga). At 20% hull you should recall drones and start to align to your FC's broadcast. After tower start shooting the "scrams". When "scrams are clear" and your FC tells you to warp you leave the site with the rest of the battleships. Be super careful in this site! Chances are if you are doing everything correctly, then at some point there will be a huge agro switch onto you! On-time broadcast is essential to stay alive in a TCRC! The Kundalini Manifest (MOM) After entrance you start burning to the Kundi and start shooting The first tagged Outuni if present. If not then the first tagged Arnon. If there are no Outunis and no Arnons then i guess you can try to shoot the Bombers while you are burning to the Kundalini. Do Not Bump It Pretty Please! Should keep at range 15 km! When you are in Occult range you start spooling on it ASAP. Its really important, because your ship is literally designed for something big, like this. In case of jam you start to shoot the Kundalini again. You never stop shooting it until its dead. And then enjoy the payout. ADVANCED TIPS: I would like to point out that you already spent a huge amount of ISK to get this ship into WTM. So while you are at it you should probably go all the way and do the bling properly. Pimp it out as much as possible! This of course includes Abyssal Rad Sinks (at the very least 23% increase or more), and Augmented Ogres! T2 Rad Sinks are pretty bad and Factions are super expensive. So your best bet is a nice Abyssal Sink. The only modules not really important in this ship are the utility high slots. In case of a contest you can go really crazy with overheating your gun cuz this ship can actually take it. A lot will depend on you when it comes to a TCRC contest! Try to shoot the tower as soon as possible and try to overload all the way! Be careful tho', you really don't want to burn your gun out. You can equip a Mobile Depot and a local Sensor Booster with ECCM Script into your cargo hold. When it comes to TCRC tower bash after burning into position you can drop the Depot, switch your MWD to the SeBo and try to resist those Niarja jams. BE AWARE! You need to refit again switching back the MWD when the tower is at 50% hull. Also don't forget to scoop your Depot before you start aligning out! A lot of possible mistakes come with this, so you need your A-Game, or don't even try it. You can go full-on nuts and get several guns into your cargo hold and just switch them when they are close to burning out. Only possible with a friendly Orca/Nestor around or at the very beginning of a TPPH tower bash with an earlier deployed Depot. This way you don't have to go to a Citadel every time you overheated your gun. You can paste the utility high modules, but the gun would be too expensive. Never stop thinking about what else you could do to improve! I'm pretty sure there are plenty other tips and tricks with this ship, but i should probably stop for now. My personal take on recommended implants (disclaimer: it's not going to be cheap, but it also won't be "ultra-high end"): High-grade Ascendancy Alpha (player market) High-grade Ascendancy Beta (player market) High-grade Ascendancy Gamma (player market) High-grade Ascendancy Delta (player market) High-grade Ascendancy Epsilon (player market) Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Warp Drive Speed WS-618 (available in Concord LP Store) Ogdin's Eye Coordination Enhancer (player market) Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-806 (available in Concord LP Store) Inherent Implants 'Lancer' Gunnery RF-906 (available in Concord LP Store) There is really no useful implant here for a shield Leshak so far, only an armor buffer: Inherent Implants 'Noble' Hull Upgrades HG-1006. Would not really recommend to buy this for a WTM fleet. Hoping for a weapon +6% damage sometime in the future but i doubt its happening. Updates: 1. Leshak's tracking is not as good with t2 ammo as it was when i originally wrote this. Shooting a frig with t2 ammo is actually painful now. 2. Thankfully there are more Leshaks nowadays in fleet than just 1 or 2. So in NRF you might want to think about splitting in-fleet Leshaks between Yulais and Osties.3. Logies are recommended to bring light combat drones now, so at least one remote armor repper would be pretty cool and recommended on each Leshak. 4. With... -SS patch -Leshak agility nerf -all the WTM upgrade policies and addons to it -all the contests going on ...Leshaks are less and less actually useful for fleet, unless you spend at the very least 6 billion on it, but probably more. And you could just fly a 4 bil vindi and be simply more useful generally all the time. Of course there are some exceptions (when you have 10+ newbro/rookie/metagun) to this, but most of the times it is true. Granted, it is more effort. Harder, sure. And again sometimes people want variety, which is okay. Okay... This has gotten much bigger than i thought it would. Sorry about that. If anything else comes to my mind i will adjust / remove / add things if and when i feel like it. Feel free to share your own thoughts below!
  3. 11 points
    WTM has expanded it's Upgrade Policy. At 90 hours in fleet all battleships are expected to, along with being in an optimal hull, have T2 Guns, Deadspace Microwarpdrive, 4 Faction Damage mods (not including DDAs/TEs). Also now at 125 hours in fleet, we require all battleship pilots to be in the Optimal doctrine fits. This is to ensure efficiency and fairness in this ever competitive HQ Incursion climate. There will be a one week grace period before this goes into effect. (1/24/2021) If you are already over the time limit please take this time to upgrade your fit. If you have questions on how to fit your ship, feel free to reach out to a commander in WTM Local chat. Or mail a Council member found in the WTM Local MOTD.
  4. 11 points
    Hey guys. I had a random convo on Slack the other day asking me to give out my POV about the DDD role. As per usual it triggered me (in a good way this time) and i got drawn into the convo more and more, turning it into one of those hour-long teaching moments of mine. It is a really raw copy-pasted format and kind of "niki-blunt" . But maybe it turned out to be something sharing worthy. If its useful for you then im glad. But im not really looking for anything else with this topic. I just wanted to share. Without further comment here is the convo itself: Anonymous [6:12 AM] You're probably offline atm, but any advice / suggestions on DDD after tonight? niki [6:13 AM] could you copy your fit here Anonymous [6:20 AM] [Vindicator, Vindication] Damage Control II Domination Tracking Enhancer Domination Tracking Enhancer Abyssal Magnetic Field Stabilizer Abyssal Magnetic Field Stabilizer Abyssal Magnetic Field Stabilizer Abyssal Magnetic Field Stabilizer 500MN Abyssal Microwarpdrive Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Abyssal Stasis Webifier Abyssal Stasis Webifier Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Neutron Blaster Cannon II Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Large Hybrid Burst Aerator II Ogre II x5 Null L x5180 Nanite Repair Paste x500 Void L x10036 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB3 Dose I x17 niki [6:21 AM] so whats the abyssals strength and % ? i mean range and strength % Anonymous [6:21 AM] what do you mean range? niki [6:22 AM] web range and web strength Anonymous [6:22 AM] the webs are 15.5km each and 82.7,81.4% web niki [6:22 AM] the web Anonymous [6:22 AM] (on the vindi, of course) niki [6:22 AM] gal bship 5 or 4 ? Anonymous [6:23 AM] (base strength is ~63% each) gallente 5 niki [6:23 AM] 15+ kms and 60+ % webs are pretty awesome to ddd with. and minmatar bship level? Anonymous [6:23 AM] only 3 =/ niki [6:23 AM] yeah so 2 things first and foremost get faction (cal navy is the most common to use) antimatter its better than nul whenever the frigs are closer than 20 km and its always better than void if its frig shooting 2nd thing get minmatar bship to 4 at least 5 would be better ofc also needless to say gunnery support skills and blaster spec is important too Anonymous [6:26 AM] all support at 5, blaster spec 4 niki [6:26 AM] thats pretty good... obviously all relevant skills on 5 would be best with the suggested implants included as well for vindis. that is the high-end. Anonymous [6:26 AM] (just bumped min BS to 4) niki [6:28 AM] gameplay wise i split my guns 4-4. if you kill one maybe you can spare 4 guns for the next which is a huge deal. webbing 2 different frigs shoot 1 until it dies shoot the other one but meanwhile start webbing a 3rd cuz you need the webs to actually apply. essentially you always need 1 more frig to be already webbed so you can instablap it or close to doing so. dont forget to always fill your locks thats actually one of the biggest mistakes a battleship can do. specially true for DDD. you can tell that you are doing a good job if you always feel like you are racing with yourself. guns vs webs. a close race. Anonymous [6:29 AM] ok. I've tried doing that in the past, but I've worried about wasting the drone effort, with them continually chasing new targets. but then, the drones are just bonus anyway... niki [6:29 AM] forget the drones. they dont exist. Anonymous [6:29 AM] ok niki [6:29 AM] just trust in yourself. you can do it without drones. and if you train yourself then after a while it doesnt matter if you dont have any drones. in some fleets you actually will lack light drones anyway. relying on them is a mistake imo. they are just a little extra/bonus. Anonymous [6:30 AM] tonight, I did have my guns split, but I wasn't leapfrogging targets. I was staggering webs and guns though, so I'd have a new half more often niki [6:30 AM] try to not burn too much around . just some cuz it ruins your tracking. Anonymous [6:30 AM] right I did notice that niki [6:31 AM] if the frigs are not on the way where you are needed to go and more than 20 kms away then just stop, load null and hope for best. if you are not moving your tracking is much better. sometimes ppl will pull the frigs away. if its temporary then dont even switch to null cuz in 20 seconds they are going to burn back anyway. if you feel like its gonna be more than 20-30 sec then switch to null. if the frigs are actually on your way then try to burn just 1 cycle and then slowboat and stop when they are in webrange the drones are actually helpful when you cant reach out with webs and you are shooting with null cuz then it takes ~10+ sec to kill 1 frig you can try to overheat web if you feel like you are behind on the schedule and you need just a few extra kms to reach out. webs dont burn out easily and just a few paste is enough to rep them while in warp Anonymous [6:34 AM] ok niki [6:34 AM] and they stop overheating after the frig dies anyway TPPH all first waves i'd burn 1 cycle to exitgates or anchorspot . then slow down and if you are in webrange stop NRF is easiest site as DDD just gotta make sure you have a good tempo in first 2 waves TCRC is an interesting site you can try go greedy kill schmaels before you reach the tower but its actually hard to complete . and also sometimes you need to switch to niarjas anyway or just try to kill niarjas only, burn into position and then try to schmael at the tower. somewhere in between is still fairly easy Anonymous [6:38 AM] yea, I was doing something in between tonight on the TCRC niki [6:38 AM] in tpph i always try to kill schmaels first cuz its easiest to web the first few frigs before aggro switch, and schmaels are hardest to kill as far as frigs go also forget about acronyms if you cant reach some frig with webs, always target the one that you actually can. webs are ensuring you gonna kill that frig really really fast if its not webbed its gonna die significantly slower. so range is more important than some "shooting order". except ofc if FC wants to bounce from site then scrams are priority. if i can choose freely cuz a lot of frigs are in range and we are not bouncing i prio webbers whenever i can (1st schmael 2nd renyn) cuz it helps the fleet the most. but obviously niarja must die first, no matter what. Anonymous [6:40 AM] right niki [6:40 AM] but yeah antimatter is a great help. nowadays i do 8k null 10k anti the rest void in vindi shoot antimatter most times, null if you need to constantly kill frigs more than 20 kms away . void is okay in tpph last wave and nrf 3rd 4th wave cuz you shoot only very few frigs in those. you have tons of time and you will probably be on top of them and you can web them anyway. and in those waves you will shoot cruiser or bship too Anonymous [6:43 AM] ok niki [6:43 AM] in tcrc i usually switch to void after all the schmaels are dead and im just chilling shooting tower and looking for respawner niarja niarja is a really easy frig to kill. Anonymous [6:44 AM] yea, the niarja blap easy niki [6:45 AM] tough frigs order : schmael >>> eystur > renyn >>> tama >>> niarja hardest to easiest to kill. (not a shooting order ofc, lol) Anonymous [6:46 AM] ok thanks for all this. I'll keep at it. hopefully I have more opportunities to take DDD =P niki [6:49 AM] no problem its fun. i actually enjoy ddd in tpph. otherwise its a pretty boring site. but i still really enjoy doing even that one if i can snatch ddd Anonymous [6:50 AM] yea. it was fun to race the rest of the fleet niki [6:56 AM] oh and always ask for 2xtracking . if they offer a 3rd ask for 1 range. but 1 tr 1 opti is not as good as 2xtr no matter who says what. Anonymous [4:17 PM] ok. one other question is if there's ever anything other than frigates that the DDD shoots before frigates? Like does the DDD follow full fleet calls for the Arnon/Outuni in TPPH 3rd-3rd, the Mara/Vylade in NRF 3rd and Outuni in 4th, and the Outuni in TCRC? I'm pretty sure the HHH does follow those calls (right?) but what about DDD? niki [5:07 PM] for DDD tpph 3rd 3rd shoot 2nd outuni then frigs . nrf 3rd mara(s) then frigs , nrf 4th if there are 3 outunis. then the 3rd outuni . TCRC niarjas are more important to shoot than the 2 outuni. if niarjas are down you can shoot 2nd outuni if you want but fleet should be pretty close to kill them. HHH : TPPH 3rd 3rd you should shoot second outuni then vylade then leftovers. NRF 3rd you should shoot mara(s) then vylade. NRF 4th vylade , except if there are 3 outunis. then the 3rd outuni first. TCRC you should not have any drones assigned, so you are just a vindi, not HHH. shoot in order. Anonymous [5:10 PM] ok, cool UPDATE: After Surgical Strike Patch Void is more powerful. If you are confident with your tracking (better be close to 20 at least) you can try to use Void more often to blap them frigates. At the moment (2020 May) I am usually bringing 8k Null, 5k Anti and the rest is Void to fill up cargohold to max. But you know... im pretty confident :smirkcat:
  5. 9 points
    Hello all; Good Luck and Fortune to'ya. I am hoping Vindi Vets and DPS Vets add some of their wisdom on top of this, and please take the liberty to correct anything as they see prudent. I fell in love with WTM culture of newbro friendly, ISK faucets of fun: I started this thread to remark on some of the things i picked up and allow info to be spread to newbro's (including me'self) As DPS, whether your in an Optimal Ship, or a Starter: remember the fleet counts on us: being efficient in removing dangerous DPS tags from the field, as We are the Sword of the fleet. Our DPS targets are chosen with Wisdom behind it. The faster we Pop the Sansha, the faster our fleet will be in a safer state. I hope to stay on topic by sticking to Maneuvering, Web calls, and general info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maneuvering ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The VVV Anchor should always be on your watchlist, easy right? But what happens when FC calls tag 1+2 outini/auga/deltole and you have no anchor in the pocket? BURN BABY BURN! 'Keep At Range' on the primary/Tag1 (Turn on your MWD) You do not need to be attached by the hip especially at the beggining of a room (*exeption TCRC) remember almost all FC's want Focus fire 1-X so you will generally be in the same place as the anchor anyhow. As a Blaster ship, you must get close to the enemy Sansha to hit them effectively. So in every beggining of each room, You should be anchoring(K.A.R) on your DPS Tags. This insures optimal range, and maximum potential damage application. **Pay attention to how many DPS tags are left, as you Should be Keeping at Range on your VVV-Anchor when DPS tags are low, or when FC calls for DPS burn to anchor spots* This applies in 1st rooms where the sancha are already on field, tags are up, and DPS is warping in: What I do 1st (example TPPH turn left go fast) i am spam 'E+Click' on tag 1 and as soon as i see warp meter ~40% i hit my MWD to start the burn. Then start locking your tags, i find im already hitting max speed just as the rest of the tags come in -Just remember the closing rate is fast! don't Bump nor overshoot your target (~20k out kill your MWD) and keep spamming that keep at range so you do not 'bump the targets' If your not still burnin' you can actually start to "keep at range"(E+click) to Tag 2, IF T2 is within 10k and IF Tag one(T1) is webbed.. this will help you apply more dps to T1 as you slowboat to T2(tag two) Get familliar with the Keep at range mechanic, as you get more experienced you'll notice how to apply more efficient DPS, and help the fleet and you make more ISK/hr as well as BE safer. - Eve University has a great thread on Transversals, angular velocity, and general gun dynamics, as a blaster you could benefit greatly from checking it out <https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Turret_mechanics> --------- Sliding: aka "Using Momentum"------- So: In reference to landing in a pocket (aka Taking a Gate with FC's authorization) avoiding painful Mathimatical Calculations, what if i told you, that there is a way to use the warp speed you had to burn towards Sansha after you take an accelleration gate? Im not kiting you, it is possible. As you play, start to pay attention to your velocity Bar, especially while beginning to warping/ landing from warping. After awhile, you'll notice that the "Warp Bar" (The velocity bar that has WARPING shown across) enters warp at a certain point, (75%-90%) and exits warp, at about (40%) (Thats why we have you aligning full speed to quicken the warp) and although thats usuful, Im focusing on Landing from warp. * Id suggest to you to pay attention to when your ship Exits 'WARPING' (Aproximately 40% ) you'll notice it switches from saying "Warping" to the regular display (100m/s for example) ** This is the exact server tick/time that your ship is free to Move/aproach/keep at range, activate modules, lock targets, recieve links etc. if you desire it. And i would say you do! Why?? Because it allows you to carry that momentum! It is a lot easier for your ship to Burn to Max velocity from 100m/s vrs from a dead standstill. You "slide" from out of warp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Precall webs always. Every Situation 2 webs are needed when Sansha start their burn. Remember, you can limp away with 1 kneecap, if you lose 2 kneecaps? "You're goin' NoWheahr'!" In TPPH's, NRF's - when you Land&Slide, call Your Webs! You have all that time to burn towards them, so VVV will probably web tag_1, there are all the others out there, So call them! this will give plenty of time for your fellow pilots to grab the rest. So break the sansha's kneecaps and start shooting em in the face, the rest of the DPS train will come along following 1-> X, and they shall not have to travel far because you webbed that sansha down. [<3 Imelda <3] Webs help the whole fleet, especially DPS squad; in the pre-spawned pockets, down to when your VVV brings you to the next spawn, you want as many DPS targets webbed down as possible. - don't call webs after you web them imho -i would suggest precalling webs, it allows your fellow DPS to not waste time switching web targets wasting precious cooldown seconds. Be aware and know what will be in web range, and what will not. If your gonna lose a web on something, call it. WTM culture will not mind if you were mistaken, if you call "6 got away" it may allow another dps to try and catch it. Foshkey wrote an excellent article that includes pictures) regarding BS that need webs that are doing 100m/s or more. Dont forget if BS are webbed, go for them cruisers (Rommi's usually) as well, and help the HHH out. Remember when the FC calls for 'DPS burn your anchor spots' turn your MWD on and keep at range on your anchor (Be aware not to bump any objects (Tower, Rocks, etc), the fleet and your VVV needs Your blasters and webs ready and in range for the next wave.* again Spread those webs! Precall, and if there are no tags yet, STILL WEB. You can coordinate what you have webbed when the tag numbers appear. If you have a tag that is just outside web range, remember you can -Overheat your web- to reach out and stop them (To Sansha: "whear you Goin'?!!") And if your K.A.R on that one trying to get away, you should be within standard web range within 1-2 overheat cycles (so you dont damage your Mid slots too much) Remember to be shootin' some'thin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tips------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Tag J if FC/LM calls one on the field, make sure you are not shooting it. Vylaids DONT NEED WEBS (Fiona helped me know that) as the Vylaid has no Propulsion module. Put that web to good use on some'thin else If you are HHH: and Vylaide is your Primary: 1 web on Vylaid will help Heavy Drones apply damage bettah While your webbing, remember to keep focus fire on your DPS Tags 1-X Don't chase after Trigger Tags (tag 9's OR tag Z's (TPPH last room))when the rest of the dps targets are killed. You should be K.A.R on your anchor when there are 2-3dps tags left. Remember Shoot in order. In a TPPH Final Room, Tag 9's Or Z's Ostingales are the Trigger for the next wave. It is important that tags before the trigger are killed first. * If the final Osti's are killed before the rest, there is a good chance You and your Fellow DPS members will not be waiting in ambush for the Next Wave spawn. ---Split your Guns 4/4 and stagger them, you will not regret it. You will apply more DPS, get armor shots without trying, and not waste volleys when Sansha's Pop. You can do this by holding shift, and dragging and dropping your gun group modules to the next module slot. It will start 7/1 and the next it will be 6/2. Get it to 4/4 and you will notice a difference. And dont worrie! You can always regroup them on tower bashes if you like seeing full damage ;] Precall Your Webs! Remember to shut your MWD off when you are done manuevering. Tactical Overlay Helps me out in maneuvering around the field the Default hotkey is (Ctrl-D) You can also find a Press-button Bottom left of your Capacitor GUI. -- then use HoldQ+LClick, (1st Lclick is direction, second LeftClick is elevation.) Keep and mind: listen to your FC! If the FC calls full fleet Arnons + Outini, or DPS Auga Outini Deltole Start locking them! When FC calls primaries : lock the primaries and then lock the rest of your DPS tags when the numbers arive. Remember to keep focusing fire. Just be aware if you accidentally lock a sniper target to Unlock them. You want to help your DPS squad crush your targets. Hotkey for Unlocking a target (CTL+SHIFT : CLICK) No worries about burning to final tag when there is another spawn to come, as it is much more important to be in position for the next wave/Room. (Except the end of the NRF) Your 2 types of ammo will almost always be Long Range (NULL/Faction Tungston, or Short range(VOID/Faction Antimatter. Try to pay attention to how far your targets will be, and Load the Appropriate ammo for the Task at hand. Remember it takes 5 seconds to reload *Niki's simple ammo change rule: " i always tell ppl with blasters: -if its more than 15 km away, change to long range -if its less than 10 km away, change to short range (hopefully this will be the case most of the times) -if its between 10 and 15 km just keep shooting with whatever you have loaded currently. This is good to follow until you get so experienced that you can figure out the exceptions yourself." [<3Niki<3] \m/ Try grouping your guns in a 4/4 setup, and stagger them on your DPS tags (in order), this will allow maximum amount of DPS/less cool down Active Brawl. Imho it is Much more fun and engaging than simply latching onto your VVV and not letting go. Remember: You must listen to your FC, as some things change, and WTM commanders are trained to see things you dont, coukd it safety situation, or a more efficient way than S.O.P (All written things are subject to change of the current Voice FC ) I have a blast flying with WTM (pun intended) these are just tips i gathered from learning, they'are not manditory (exception: for DPS burn to your anchor spots, be with your VVV) But they certainly go a long way to helping fleet, as well as yourself to have fun, safe fleets. I apologize in advance for any typos, as this was done from mobile device. Good luck n Fortune, I shall see you in Fleet! --VVR P.S Whether you are a Hyperion, rohk, or vindi -* if you have blasters*- and have any questions or would like to know more feel free to message me me in game mail, or give me a poke on TS "Victor Victor Rothwulf" - Me' door is open if im around. And I will find the time. \m/ "Make them sansha's go No-whear!" \m/
  6. 9 points
    Warp To Me Logi Rookie Guide See our Fittings Webpage for current Logistics fits. Once you have a ship, please read our general Rookie Guide. Fleet MOTD The Fleet MOTD contains important Information. At the bottom of the MOTD are the Fleet Roles. The pilots assigned to these roles are linked so they can be easily added to the Watchlist. Ensure you have the FC and the Booster on your Watchlist. Warp only to the FC if separated from the Fleet Orbit the Booster at 10km with afterburner on Exceptions: In TPPH, you are burning straight to the outgate, only in the last room do you orbit. Watch List As a Logi pilot, you should make use of your watch list, as it is a quick reference for locking, orbiting, or watching members. To add members to your watch list, right-click on their name, go to Fleet > Add to Watch List. You should add the following pilots to your watch list. Basi Pilots Booster DDD (if you have light drones) FC Newbros / Aggro Magnets Scimi Pilots Pilots you are giving RTCs to Booster DDD pilots (All links should be going to the DDD / DDD2) FC Newbros / Aggro Magnets - Note for Scimitar Pilots: typically there will be two DDDs in any fleet, there is an in fleet Logi Chat you can join to help sort out links, you want to ideally have 2 tracking scripts and 1 optimal script on each DDD, extra optimal and tracking for either is left to the discretion of the DDD or FC. If you're not sure, ask! Entering Site Logi ships should try to avoid taking the initial aggro to reduce their risk of death. This means that you should be aligned but wait until you see a few battleships leave the grid before you activate the gate yourself. You do not want to be the only target on an otherwise empty grid with no backup. Upon entering a site, there is a pattern that you should follow: Burn straight forward for 40k with your Afterburner on (this stays on at all times) Exceptions: In TPPH sites, there are 3 gates, in the first two rooms you are just burning straight to the outgate, then stop your ship and align down the gate as the wave is close to being finished. For the TCRC site, first burn 40k forward. Only anchor on Booster when FC explicitly instructs. Scimi’s: Lock up the Pilot you need to be linking. Lock up all Shield and Armor Broadcasts Apply staggered reps to pilot taking agro and scimi’s apply links Orbit the Booster once you get clear of the fleet. Get Moving! Once you land in site, get moving! In the TPPH (last room) and NRF, use q-click to burn straight forward 40km. Then, right click the Booster in your watch list and select Orbit > 10km. In the TCRC, q-click to burn straight forward 40km and only anchor on your Booster after FC specifically instructs you to. Always try and ensure you are orbiting the Booster with your Afterburner on. This will ensure that you are in the right spot as the Booster will take you where you need to go, and having the AB on will ensure your speed stays up so you can maintain your speed tank. Lock up your Link Buddies Once you have landed and started moving, lock your Link Buddy and give tracking links (Scimi). These tasks need to be done each time you land in a room. Lock up ALL Shield Broadcasts It is imperative that you lock all shield broadcasts every single time. The broadcasts will appear in the broadcast history window and can be color coded (as shown in the example image). A simple way to lock is hold down your lock hotkey and click on the broadcasts. Lock up ALL Armor Broadcasts We sometimes have armor ships in fleet. They have a Nestor but still need some reps from us. If an armor ship has main aggro apply two staggered reps and watch them, If they start dipping into low armor or hull apply more reps. Lock up ALL Target Broadcasts (for pilots) There are a variety of reasons that a pilot may be target broadcasted by a commander or another keen eyed pilot. Almost always, it is to help that players safety because something is a little off. Example include: late/missing broadcast from the pilot, potential disconnects, pilot who is out of position and may take agro. Logi need to lock these broadcasts, keep an eye on that pilot and apply reps as necessary if they start taking damage. If you are using our color scheme, it should be one of the only uncolored broadcasts. Apply Reps In normal circumstances, you will lock up the person taking damage and give them 2 shield reppers. Try to stagger your reppers by about a second. This will ensure a steady stream of reps landing on the target. If Target is dropping past 50% shield, apply a third rep and then the Fourth when they drop below 25% shield. Remove the 3rd/4th reps as soon as the target has stabilized. Applying more reps than needed will cause you (the logi) to get aggro. Be ready to switch the reppers off of one target onto the next once the aggro switches. Always try to have a repper in reserve for this aggro switch. Remote Capacitor Transmitters Also referred to as "Combat Caps" Basilisks will lock all Capacitor broadcasts as well, and apply both cap transmitters for 3 cycles and then move on to the next broadcast. If there is an Outuni Mesen on grid, the cap broadcast of the Outuni target is top priority and ALL combat caps go to that pilot. If there are very few cap broadcasts, pick random T1 battleships like hyperions, or marauders out of bastion, and top them up proactively. Also cap all marauders for three cycles when they come out of bastion. Site Details TPPH - 3 rooms. First room has an Outuni (Neuts). Second Room has low DPS. Third Room has 3 waves. Second wave has High DPS and Deltoles (Paints). Final wave has an Arnons (Jams) and Outunis (Neuts). Logi Should not be orbiting in the first 2 rooms of TPPH, just burn directly for the Gate. NRF - Multiple waves. Relatively low DPS throughout until the final wave. Final wave has 1-3 Outunis and 1-2 Deltoles. Heavy Neuts and Paint with a very hard switch. TCRC - Very High DPS at the start of the site, including Outunis (Neut) and Deltoles (Paint). The Outuni victim will need cap immediately, and afterwards, Deltole victim will need cap. The Ostingeles and Yulais (with whatever remaining Deltoles) will hard switch onto a new target shortly after the Outunis are killed. Deltole Target Painters are very dangerous when applied to Logi. At the end of the site, Logi stay behind with FC until all other Battleships are off grid and FC will call for Logi to warp. Logi Should be prepared for both initial aggro and then the switch at 60s for each wave. Initial aggro is based on positioning and those who enter grid first. Switches after the initial are based on highest applied damage, then weighted towards remote reps/caps, remote assistance, and ewar/webs. Expect Marauders with their high dps to grab damage switches regularly. Bastion Marauders Marauders are special high DPS ships in our fleet that use a unique module called 'Bastion'. While in bastion their DPS is doubled, but they can't receive remote reps or cap. In the case they get aggro while in bastion, they will broadcast for shield once, then broadcast once more when they come out of bastion. While they are in bastion they can use their local rep to keep themselves alive until they exit bastion. Be aware of when they come back out and be ready to catch them. Additional Logi Tactics There are times in which everything does not go according to plan. We expect our logi to be able to quickly adjust and correct any such circumstances. Too Many Targets There will be times when more people will broadcast than can be locked up at once. If you are out of available locks and a new broadcast appears, unlock pilots who are not taking damage for the new broadcasts. Get in the habit of managing locks so you can be ready to lock up the next broadcast! Remember that aggro does not carry over between waves, so if all Sansha are killed you may unlock/stop repping everyone. Advanced Target Management III, is a highly recommended skill for logi pilots, so you can lock up to your ship's maximum lock limit of 10. No Broadcasts Pilots will fail to notice they are being shot, we expect our more experienced logi to learn to catch/save these pilots even without the broadcast. Practice, watching the direction of the Sansha Lasers, Scram Notifications and your watchlist in order to identify these pilots. Once you find them, Start Locking them and Broadcast/Voice who the pilot is for the other logi. Once you are more comfortable in your ship you can practice watching for this, be confident in what you call though, calling out the wrong target can distract from who is really in trouble! If you are catching up to the fleet or land late on grid, you will likely have missed the broadcast from the person who took the initial aggro. In this case feel free to ask for a rebroadcast. Its better to ask, than to try and spend extra time looking for it yourself. And if you are failing to lock up this person, you may find yourself under scrutiny for not doing your job! Overheating Occasionally, more repping power than is available is needed to save a pilot (Normally in the case of a late broadcast or multiple Logi or Booster Disconnect). When this happens we expect our logi to be able to comfortably overheat in order to reduce their repper cycle time and save the pilot. It is suggested that you set up hotkeys to overheat your modules (default Shift + Module Activation key). Other modules can be overheated as well. Shield Hardeners to increase Tank, Prop Mod to Increase Speed. Overheating your prop mod a couple cycles can help you keep up when the fleet is burning through empty TPPHs. When you are overheating a module, it will generate heat that damages the overheated module as well as those around it. Be careful not to let modules generate too much heat or they will burn out and become unusable. Trusted Logi Badge For experienced pilots who have proven their ability to perform exceptionally well as a Logi and shown a high level of Situational Awareness while in fleet can be eligible for the Trusted Logi badge on Teamspeak. This allows a pilot to apply to fly T3 Lokis or for our Dual Logi program. If you are interested in this ask a commander while in fleet to watch you or give you feedback!
  7. 9 points
    Command Structure Badges Grand Poobah - Special Founder Badge for Sparta93 Canyon's Badge - Special Founder Badge for Canyon Vjourytant Leadership - Elected Leaders of WTM incursions and part of Commander Council. Officer - Selected assistants to leadership and part of Commander Council. Certified Trainer - Certified Trainer Training CT - Certified Trainer in Training Fleet Commander - WTM Fleet Commander. The Fleet Commander commands the fleet by doing the Voice, Fleet Composition and Tagging. Training Fleet Commander - WTM Fleet Commander in training. They are also Line Commanders as a prerequisite. Line Commander - WTM Line Commander. They are the masters of standard incursion mechanics and all individual ships on grid (meaning Battleships, Boosters, and Logistics). They are here to watch the fleet for safety, perform any necessary roles, and train everyone that needs it, especially Line Commanders in training, which are the Residents (supersedes Trusted Logi). Resident - WTM Line Commander in training Ship/Fitting Badges Clyde - Earned by Flying an Optimal Nightmare or Optimal Machariel in Fleet. Must be currently in fleet in the ship to get the badge. WEBS - Earned by Flying an Optimal Vindicator in Fleet. Must be currently in fleet in the ship to get the badge. Field Medic - Earned by having both an Optimal Scimitar and Basilisk available for Fleet (X-up with both). Must be currently flying one of them in fleet to get the badge. Flush - Collective Badge for earning each Progress Ship Badge (WEBS, Clyde, Field Medic) Bastion - Earned by Completing the Bastion Training Program (Never Overridden) MASSIVE DPS - Earned by flying a Kronos with 4100 DPS Gun damage (cold/sober). Fitting Window Screenshot Required. Must be currently in fleet in the ship to get the badge. BRRRRRRT - Earned by flying a Vargur with 3350 DPS Gun damage (cold/sober). Fitting Window Screenshot Required. Must be currently in fleet in the ship to get the badge. DISCO - Earned by flying a Paladin with 3350 DPS Gun Damage (cold/sober). Fitting Window Screenshot Required. Must be currently in fleet in the ship to get the badge. 3 of a Kind - Collective Badge for earning each Marauder Ship Badge (Massive DPS, BRRRRRRT, DISCO). All of the Cards - Collective Badge for earning all Ship related Badges (Flush, 3 of a Kind) Ability/Skill/Implant Badges Dual Logi - Earned by Completing the Dual Logi Program (Never Overridden). Trusted Logi - Earned by demonstrating Exceptional Logi ability. Must regularly lock all shield broadcasts and rep appropriately, catch pilots who are out of position, catch pilots who broadcast late or don't have hardeners on (TL is required to fly the Lokis and 4-Link Scimitar fits). Trusted Logi may box 1 Logi and 1 non-Logi (e.g. Battleships). Logi always comes first. (Only overridden by Dual Logi) Hunting Rabbits - Earned by demonstrating Exceptional DDD Ability. Fleet must have 15+ Marauders during observation. JumpTAC - Earned by demonstrating Exceptional MTAC Ability. Minimum 3x Correct MJD Jumps and Getting MTAC before others. Ascendancy - Earned by flying a clone in fleet that contains Slot 1-5 High-Grade Ascendancies and WS-618 or High Grade Ascendancy Omega for slot 6. Screenshot required. Fun Badges Under the Influence - Earned by joining the first WTM fleet that is formed during the influence grind and remaining in a WTM fleet until influence reaches 0% or a WTM HQ Fleet is formed. Wall of Shame - Earned by getting the bonus LP payout in a focus. Must show Journal Screenshot. One of the Few - Earned by submitting a Top 5 Leaderboard Hit in the Discord channel Island Vacation - Earned by flying in a WTM fleet on a High Security Island. Get Them All - Collective Badge for earning all other non-commander badges (All Badges on this list except those listed as Command Structure).
  8. 8 points
    If you're new, and you get in my logi wing, I'll say these things to you. Even if you've read this post, I'm gonna say them. Also, yes, that's how long it takes to say this stuff in voice; those speed runs through "Fox In Socks" finally paid off. -- Logi have four jobs: join your logi chat and do what they tell you, move, rep people who broadcast for shield, and basi's have to keep the cap chain going. Setting up As soon as you join fleet, hit the link in fleet MOTD to join basi-chat or scimi-chat. Say "Hi," give your Logistics Cruiser level and how many links/resebo's you have. Join and say hi even if you don't have any links, don't make me hunt you down and ask. Add AAA to your watchlist. If you're a basilisk, add your cap buddies. If your logi-chat gives you link or resebo targets, add them too. Make sure your fleet window's open. You'll need the "My Fleet" tab to find us for the first time, then switch to the "History" tab so you can see shield broadcasts. Move! The instant you land in a site, find your AAA in your watchlist and orbit him at 10km. Turn on your prop mod. Stay like this forever. First exception to this rule: In the first two rooms of a TPPH site, find the EXIT gate, and orbit that at 500m. When any battleship gets up next to the gate, switch your orbit to the battleship. Second exception: at times, the FC will send an "align" broadcast. Align and turn your prop mod OFF. This always happens at the end of a TCRC, and occasionally at other times. Rep people. Lock up every person who broadcasts for shield asap. Every last one, all of them, no exceptions. Use your judgement as to how much rep to drop on which people. Some folks just have a troll frigate nibbling them, some get the whole room. Try not to run all four reppers at once. It attracts aggro and makes you slow to help a new person when Sansha change targets. Stagger your reps. Don't drop several reppers on a person at once, do it like "REP one thousand REP two thousand REP". Cap chain Basilisks always cap up. Cap the person who's immediately above you in the user list of basi-chat; if you're the top of the list, cap the guy on the bottom. Basilisks ABOVE a basi with Logistics 4 also cap down. If the number next to your name in basi-chat MOTD is RED, you're above a L4 basi, use your second transmitter to cap them. Send cap to your cap buddies on gates! We hang eighty billion isk worth of battleships off that cap chain, testing it is important. Basilisks with a free cap transmitter send cap to fleet. Watch for cap broadcasts. If you have a free transmitter, type the first few letters of the guy's name in basi-chat, lock him, and start capping. If somebody types "FRED" just as you were planning to cap Fred, you can either find another cap target or just type "+" to say "I'm capping him too." If we get more cap broadcasts than we can handle at once, send each person three or four cycles of cap and move on to the next one. If you get neuted out or jammed, you can't send cap, and your friends have to deal with that. Tell basi-chat by typing "NNN" (for neuts) or "JJJ" (for jams.) Type "-NNN" or "-JJJ" when the effect ends. Some people also type "WWW" when they're webbed. If the basi you are capping gets neuted out, jammed, or blown up, deal with it by using your second cap transmitter to send cap to THEIR cap buddy. Sometimes this gets complicated and the LC has to tell people where to send their combat caps; when this happens, listen and do what they're telling you. Sites - Each site we do has a particular moment that gives the logi fits. Know them. TPPH - In the third room, on the third wave, there are three Arnons (which jam) and two Outunis (which neut). All combat caps go to the Outuni's target. NRF - The fourth and final wave contains 1-3 Outunis. All combat caps to the Outuni target! After 20-30 seconds, back off to two reps on the person getting hit, because in 45 seconds the entire room switches to a new target, all at once. TCRC - The instant you land, lock up AAA and start repping him. Two seconds later, we get attacked by Outunis, Deltoles (which do EVERYTHING) and Niarjas (jams). Aggro goes everywhere, half the fleet broadcasts for shields, and at least one basi gets neuted out or jammed. If a Scimitar takes aggro during this part, throw armor bots at them immediately, the room can alpha right through their shields and well into armor. Finish your coffee before we go in, please.
  9. 7 points
    Hey Guys. This one has been a long time coming guide, with many requests. Finally it is time. What is a Capsprey? A Capsprey is a cheap Osprey focusing on helping out a WTM fleet and its great cap-hungriness, following them around and servicing capacitor on-grid, while not in fleet. Ideally this character is an alt of someone who is already in fleet and getting paid for site-completion. How to safely do this without blowing up? You have to play by a couple of really simple rules and you will most likely (99.99% chance) not going to get targeted at all, unless our CCP Overlords will decide otherwise (the 0.01% why you cant say something like "impossible or always/never" in EVE). Rules: 1. As always you have to listen to the FC. Nothing new here. 2. Unless you have an explicit permission from the FC you are not going into a TCRC. Only NRF and TPPH. To be fair TPPH is by far the most cap-hungry site anyway, and thats where you are needed the most. In TCRC there are a couple of frigs and cruisers who are not playing by the usual aggro rules, and sometimes its messy enough even without a Capsprey. Feel free to ask permission, but dont get grumpy if FC says no tho'. 3. In NRF and TPPH when fleet takes a gate you have to be a 100% sure that the initial aggro already happened (somebody is already getting shot), after that you have to take the gate really quickly, because you have to keep up with the fleet, and not be out of position when the next wave spawns! How to confirm aggro? Either check it with your in-fleet character, or if you dont have that wait 15 seconds after fleet took the gate, then catch up fast! 4. Anchoring: DO NOT ORBIT! You have to reach your anchor position before the next wave spawns, this is super important! When you are there then obviously you can turn off your prop-mod. I'll give you two options how to anchor yourself: a) In case you can move in 3D (Q+doubleclick) and have the capacity to choose a safe spot: anchor yourself! This is probably safer than relying on a booster that sometimes can be slightly out of position. -TPPH: last room 30 km left from the tower, 80 km from the beacon, your altitude (important) should be the top of the very highest spike of the tower. -NRF: 50 km right from the tower, 80 km from the beacon, your altitude (important) should be the top of the very highest spike of the tower. -TCRC: does not matter even if the FC lets you in, there are no waves after Outuni spawn, so you should be fine anywhere. b) In case you can not anchor yourself: You will anchor on the primary booster. You burn to it really close, keep-at-range 1000 meters. If the booster is not out of position you probably (99.99%) wont take new wave initial aggro. Okay, you survived. Nice. But how to effectively use a Capsprey, what is the job? It is rather simple because you should focus on your in-fleet character mostly anyway. You should service cap for the most cap-hungry boats in the fleet. Who are these guys? Blaster boats. Typically: all the Hyperions are cap hungry all the time. Vindicators who are burning around like madmen. Vindicators who are doing crazy DPS, pulling damage aggro. Hope they are not in fleet, but alas if they are: Rokhs. Honestly, all the blaster boats will be grateful for your deed. Some rare times if they notice you they might just tip some ISK as well for your service. I know i do. ;3 So you put 1 cap transfer on each of these guys (5 at a time), and you basically are good for at least 1 wave. I would recommend to maximize your focus on your in-fleet character. And only switch cap targets with the Capsrey if you still have spare time, which sometimes you probably wont have at all. Depends on the fleets nature, really. I would also recommend to just keep capping Hyperions (Rokhs...) all the time and never let them go. You can shuffle around the rest of your cap transfers on Vindicators if you want tho', cuz most typically they wont need them all the time, just a refuel every now and then. It is completely fine to just choose 5 ships and cap them for a whole site and to not pay attention to your Capsprey at all after you started capping and reached your anchor. What to do if you screwed up and failed to play by the rules or CCP decided you will be unlucky? AKA: if you are targeted by sansha. The tanky fit that i listed below most likely will hold and not blow up, if the in-fleet logi can catch you on time. If possible then you should voice it on comms, even target broadcast your own alt quickly. Overheat the tank, the prop-mod and try to burn away. Hopefully the commanders and logies are on the lookout on their own as well and will try to save you. Do not warp out with the tanky fit, please even if you are able to. It will just cause split aggro, which can easily result in losing some drones, and of course grumpy logi. Most likely you will survive, but even if you die, it is a cheap loss and a good lesson what not to do with the next Capsprey. If you are in the greedy fit then feel free to warp out, cuz you are not going to survive a full wave aggro. But that fit is only recommended for veteran pilots who are experienced multiboxers and confident enough that they wont screw up ever. Recommended tanky fit for everyone: Not recommended greedy fit for veterans who are experienced multiboxers and really confident: Why Small Cap Transfers? Small Cap Transfers will give enough cap for your targets, but they will not pull enough aggro to be targeted by the sansha. It is the perfect solution and these small Corpii A-Types are also really cost-effective. Alright thats enough to start. Not sure if i want to expand more on the why's and how's and make this another "book" of mine. I will update if there is something that i feel important enough. Off you go, and cap some mighty Vindicators!
  10. 7 points
    Travel Safely Traveling between focuses is one of the easiest times to catch an incursion runner off-guard and without logi. We are shiny targets and our fits are designed to have logi keeping us safe. Nothing in Eve is 100% safe and this guide is about limiting the risks. These are general good recommendations of how to Travel Safely. Travel Tip #1: Do not let anyone know when you are moving! WTM Incursions Channel is a public chat channel and anyone can join. We do our best to keep gankers out of the channel but it is impossible to keep all of them out. Travel Tip #2: Always travel fit and haul your bling separately. Travel fitting your ship makes it much harder to gank. Shiny modules in your cargo hold are just as likely to drop as they are fitted. Move them separately to lower the chances you get ganked/reduce the impact if you do get ganked. Travel Tip #3: Avoid Low/Null sec. It's just not worth it. Smartbombs, cynos, bubbles, and so many other things can go horribly wrong. A couple of quick definitions: Travel Fit: Removing your expensive incursion mods and replacing them with lots of T2 passive tank. This helps make you a less inviting target than those around you. If you are moving battleships using a bowhead, travel fitting is removing all of the expensive mods before stuffing your mostly bare hull into the ship maintenance bay. Taxi: A small, fast ship with just enough cargo to hold what you need. The goal is a very small signature radius (making it take longer to lock you) and a sub-1 second align time. Other General Tips Don’t fly what you can’t afford to lose Don’t autopilot or go AFK - Keep moving! If you get caught, you are most likely dead. Buffer tanks are better than active tanks – Ganks are very quick, which gives active tanks very little time to repair HP. Thus amount HP repaired during a gank is usually less than the extra EHP you’d get from fitting a straight buffer tank. Use Eve Gatecamp check, scouts, the in-game map, or any other intel tools that you have at your disposal to see if gankers are currently active along your route. Sometimes systems with ganker activity can be avoided with a negligible amount of extra jumps. Sometimes you’re better off waiting until later to haul. When using Eve Gatecamp, make sure to select "Secure". Don’t fly on wardecked characters or with killrights. Turn off duel requests if you haven’t done so already and be careful what you click on. Occasionally, gankers try to send received random fleet invites from gankers to warp get warp ins or you away from gate guns. Don’t shoot gankers – neutral logi can’t rep you if you pick up a limited engagement timer. Don’t go suspect – (don't loot neutral wrecks on your route) logi can’t rep you if you go suspect. Keep aware of current events – Read dev blogs, watch podcasts, read reddit, and/or don’t socially isolate yourself. Don’t get caught with your pants down because you didn’t realize that a 90% loot drop event was going on (i.e. Trick or Treat). Burst Jammers will get you concorded. Don’t use them in HS. Using the MWD cloak trick can help if there is a gate camp. 500MN MWD trick - If your align time is greater than 10s, fit a T1/T2/Meta 500MN Microwarp drive. After taking a gate, hit jump/warp to your next destination, cycle the MWD once. Your ship will enter warp as soon as the MWD turns off, this works for Bowheads as well. Overheat your hardeners. Ganks last less than 25s. Overheating your hardeners will give you more EHP and may help you survive the gank. Align out and spam warp. If the gankers accidentally lose tackle, you may get off. Even in the event your ship dies, this will help get your pod off so you don't loose implants. Travel fitting your Battleships Basics of travel fitting: Take off all of the expensive mods and anything non tank related. Then, the more passive tank, the better. LSEs in the mids and Steel Plates in the lows. Apocalypse Navy Issue Hyperion Tempest Machariel Vindicator Nightmare Kronos Paladin Vargur Things to keep in mind when moving your battleship: Some people keep multiple sets of incursion ships strategically placed around HS, and use interceptors to get between areas. This means that they usually don’t have to move their incursion ships very far. It also means that they are far less likely to need to move their ships through popular ganking systems. This practice is probably even a better idea since the fall of Niarja. Note that killing gankers is not a viable strat. Yes, your double web vindi is technically capable of deleting catalysts from the field. But (1) it will also take you a relatively long time to lock them, (2) some gankers will actually fit remote sensor damps to their ganking ships, (3) they will likely use enough ships to kill you regardless, and (4) you will no longer be able to get reps if you are in fleet. Using a Bowhead to move your rigged battleship: Do not think that you’re too big to fail. Overload it with stuff at your own peril. Multiple rigged hulls can be moved in a bowhead. However, bling should still be moved separately. The MWD will reduce your align time to 10 seconds as long as you’re starting from a complete stop (i.e. just jumped through a gate). Initiate warp, toggle the MWD (turn autorepeat off), and as soon as the MWD cycles off, you will enter warp. Moving your Bling Sub-1 Second Align Time Taxi One of the safest ways to move the bling is using a sub-1 second align time taxi through High Sec. Just because you are in a fast ship does not make it any better to go through Low or Null Sec. Anything above 1 second warp time can be caught. Sitting on a gate idle will get you caught no matter what you are in. This is one of the cheapest Taxi options with enough cargo to get your bling in as few trips as possible. Yes, the drug is required and expensive but it is a lot cheaper than losing your shiny mods. There are other taxi options, but those can be discussed in other places in more depth. Blockade Runner Blockade Runners are great. They can be very slippery and hard to catch when they are flown correctly. All covops ships are susceptible to being to getting decloaked by “gate trash” (i.e. a large gank fleet causing a bunch of wrecks and faction police to litter a gate). And, gankers often pop blockade runners because they assume it contains juicy loot. But these risks can be minimized by using intel tools. Moreover, it is most certainly safer than flying bling around in a fat bottomed vindi. When flying gate to gate: Initiate jump on the next gate, as soon as you initiate warp, activate your cloak. Use insta-undock bookmarks to help with busy and/or camped stations. As always, passive tank (LSE's and Steel Plates) are key to minimizing the Tornado instablap. T3C Covops This example fit uses the different subsystems as the WTM fit. By switching out the Loki Core subsystem, it allows you another midslot for more tank. The main strategy used by the fit is to not get caught in the first place, but the tank can move you out of the engagement profile of smaller/less prepared fleets. Do note that T3’s can swap rigs without destroying them. Complacency Just because you got away with it before, doesn’t mean it’s safe. No one is too big to get ganked. Fleet numbers can rise and fall, and depending on when they scan you and how fast you move, they may even have time to reship into something that can take you on. Moreover, if you provide a juicy enough of a target, they may decide to actively hunt you. Covert ops capable ships are not uncatchable. They stand a fair chance of getting decloaked on gates where gankers have been active (they will be surrounded with wrecks and faction police), and are still vulnerable to smart bombs, lag, and DC’s. Ships with 2 second aligns are not uncatchable. They are vulnerable to lag, DC’s, smart bombs, and insta lockers. Bonus Safe Travel/Hauling Tips Use instant undock and insta-dock bookmarks when appropriate. If you web your freighter, always send duel requests to the webber, and never to the freighter. Everyone sees duel requests, and if they see dual requests going to the freighter pilot, they’re going to try to send him one in hopes of getting a limited engagement timer with him. Some guys will try to kill your webbing alt. But, better to lose that than the freighter. Be wary of corps that have friendly fire turned on, especially if they’re loose with their recruitment policy. If you can’t haul it safely, pay someone to haul it for you.
  11. 7 points
    Hello Everyone, Due to the current situation that’s going on in the world, people in the medical field are putting insane hours to fight the Covid-19 virus. To show our appreciation, we would like to gift all of the medical staff that fly with Warp To Me 1 month of omega (500 PLEX). The current list of people I know that work in the medical field as doctors,nurses,etc… are: Docz Izumi Noc Please reach out to Thrawn Lannister if you work in the medical field aswell and ISK Maintenance will send you one month of OMEGA aswell Thank you again for everything ISK Maintenance Managment
  12. 7 points
    Hi everyone, As the topic title (and the Rolling Stones) says, after some time that I'm running incursion sites with WTM, I would like to introduce myself. I'm Mark Demartini ingame, Vindicator pilot that tries to suck as less as possible (and I'm not always successful in that) Unfortunately, despite of the 50/60 sites i already ran (THANKS FOR THE ISK!!! ), sometimes I still have tunnel vision and miss something (a classic is to forget to assist my drones to HHH). I'm trying to improve... I have to make my compliments to WTM: is a really nice community where the newbies and the veterans can co-exist. As I put myself in the first category there's a lot to learn from the seconds Special mention to FCs and Logis (guys what you do is frakking awesome!). I really would like to start to take some role eventually (probably first step would be HHH, isn't it?), but I'm still afraid to mess up. I don't care about my name on MOTD I just would like to be more useful than I am now I don't want you to have fun of my written English any longer (Italian here ) so I will cut it short! Thank you guys, I hope to stick around for a long time! Marco
  13. 7 points
    Ladies and Gentlemen; A rather large bear hug and thank you to all those who have expressed their sympathies for this. Mother was a vibrant human, if she did not like you she made it known as the opposite was true as well. Made friends wherever she was. When a stroke hit her, some years ago, her health was a roller coaster. 44 years as a wife, 43 years as a mother or two boys and young at heart individual. Time has been rough on me and my father this past week but the timing could not have been better as it was World Pride in NYC and throughout the world when she passed on and that is the memory that will make me smile...That She Rode Off Into The Blue, Riding A Rainbow. Again, Much Gratitude to everyone that sent well wishes through here or ingame. The energy is still being felt as one writes this. Remember: Keep smiling and look forward as the memories are in the past to guide us toward the future. ~Talidar
  14. 7 points
    Warp To Me Rookie Guide Introduction Welcome to Warp To Me Incursions! We are very happy that you are interested in running incursions with us, but as you might expect, you must know a few things before joining our fleets. Please read this guide thoroughly and verify everything is properly set up before attempting to join one of our fleets. Incursions are high level PvE. For everyone’s safety, characters under 4 weeks old are not allowed in fleets. Refer to Brand New Character No Longer Allowed for more information. Warp To Me Incursions Channel Warp To Me Incursions is a new player friendly environment. Therefore we ask that you to not talk about politics, religion or other sensitive topics in our channel. If you simply follow our #1 Rule: DON'T BE A DICK, you won't have any issues. Joining our In-Game Channel If you are not currently in the Warp to Me Incursions in-game channel you will need to join it! In order to join a new channel, you must open up your channels menu. If it is not already on your neocom, you will find this by opening the Eve Settings Menu (Giant E above your character portrait) and then navigating the menus to Social and then Channels. Once the Menu has opened, simply type “Warp to Me Incursions” into the text box and click join. Message of the Day (MotD) The Warp To Me Incursions Chat MotD is a source of the majority of the information you will need. At the top, you will find important links for WTM. We highly suggest you to join our forums and the WTM Discord today! Then we have the current location of the fleet. HQ states which system is the HQ incursion system Dock-up states which NPC Station you should dock in during this incursion. Note that this dock-up is the closest station to the HQ system, most of the time in the HQ system, but sometimes it is one or two jumps away when the HQ system doesn't have an NPC Station. Citadel states the player owned Citadel anchored in the HQ system that is operated by a member of the community. This citadel has free repairs and clone bays for those that need those services. These citadels often stay up a week or so after the incursion finishes. Do not leave assets in these structures. These citadels are not run by WTM but by people in the community. Please join the mailing lists for the corporations running these citadels. Finally, we have any important announcements, updates or other things of note. If you ever happen to lose track of the information in any MOTD you can always refresh it by clicking the three dots (or gear icon in the old UI) (in your channel window) -> click Reload Channel's MOTD (toward the bottom). Settings (Docked Up) Before joining a Warp To Me Fleet you should change a few settings that aren't set by default. CSPA CSPA is a mandatory isk charge to any pilot attempting to contact you, either by private conversations, mail, or fleet invites. This is an attempt by CCP to prevent spam to new players. By default, this is set to 0 Isk (it used to be 2,950 Isk), but we still need you to verify it is 0 Isk. Fleet Commanders cannot invite you to fleet unless CSPA is 0 Isk in the mail settings. General Settings Under General Settings, there are 3 things to check: Auto Target Back: Ensure this is set to 0 Targets. This will ensure you are not auto-locking logi and other pilots who may lock you up during site. Enable Emergency Warp: Make sure that the Disable Emergency Warp box is UNCHECKED. If you disconnect, we want to make sure you get offgrid safely. Before logging back in, you must get back onto TeamSpeak and ask the FC if it is safe for you to log back in. Auto Reject Invitations: Turn on Auto Reject Duel invites. When you enter a duel, logi are unable to rep you due to flags and combat timers. To avoid accidentally entering a duel, you can block duels from ever coming up on your screen. From the settings menu (accessed using the Esc key), go to General Settings, and halfway down the center section. Simply check the box to block duel invites. Broadcast Settings Before joining one of our fleets there are certain settings in your fleet broadcast window that need to be set up. To change broadcast settings you will need to be in a fleet. The easiest way to do this is to right-click on your own name in a chat channel and select “Form fleet with…” This will create a fleet with only you in it. Once in a fleet, click on fleet settings and then navigate down to broadcast settings. In this menu, ensure that the following broadcasts are checked: Need Armor, Need Capacitor, Target, Warp to, Align to, Need Shield, and In Position at. Any other broadcasts you want to see you can check as well, but these should be the minimum. You will notice on the right hand side of your broadcast settings menu are small square menus that you can use to color-code your broadcast history. Changing the colors of your broadcasts to colors of your choice will make them easier to identify in the history tab. This is especially important if you are in a logistics ship or to easily distinguish between align to and warp to broadcasts. Finally, back on the Fleet window, at the very bottom, you should see a row of broadcast buttons. If you do not see these buttons, be sure to click the two small arrows in the bottom right of the window. Once the window is expanded there will be a symbol in the bottom right corner. This should be arrows pointing in all four directions that when the cursor is hovered over displays “Scope: Everyone.” If this is not the case, left click on it until it is. Finally, be sure to drop your own fleet when done adjusting your settings! Our FCs will not be able to invite you if you are already in a fleet, even if it's your own by yourself! Settings (Undocked) For the rest of these settings, undock and tether to a citadel. Tags An efficient form of communication that our Fleet Commanders use are tags, to show which targets to shoot. By default, this column on your overview is not visible. To add the column: Right click at the top of your overview in the Distance column. Make sure Tags are checked Click on Change Order Click and drag Tags to the top of the list Furthermore, if you do not have an overview that is set up to see the Sansha and the incursion sites, it is highly suggested that you either ask for one in Warp To Me Incursions chat that is specifically designed for incursions or create one yourself in the overview settings: Sansha ships are listed under NPC > Pirate NPC Incursion sites are listed under Celestial > Beacon Safety Settings Warp To Me Pilots are doing a wide variety of things in EVE when they are not flying with us. Therefore it is very important that our pilots ensure that their safety settings are always set to Green (enabled) whenever they join our fleets. There have been many instances where pilots have forgotten, accidentally aggressed another member of the fleet and lost their expensive incursion ship to CONCORD. If your safety is not Green, simply click the circle on the top left of your hud and select “Enable Safety.” Audio Alerts We highly suggest that you set up Audio Alerts for your ship. These alarms are not to be relied on but may save your ship if you become distracted while in fleet. To set up your audio alerts, open up the settings menu in the bottom right hand corner of your HUD and click on “Configure Ship Health Alert Settings.” In this menu, set your shield alarm to 95% (any higher and it might bug and not sound) and your capacitor alarm to 30%. Drone Settings Whenever you are in a Warp To Me Fleet, your drones need to be set to Not Auto Attack and Focus Fire. You will be assisting your drones to another pilot, and these settings help this pilot control your drones. Look at your Drone window, click the menu and confirm these settings. Comms (TS3) Warp To Me Incursions Fleet use TeamSpeak 3 as our primary means of communication with the fleet. We require every pilot to have teamspeak set up before joining fleet, and be connected and listening to the FC while in fleet. Please download it here. The server address for the Warp To Me TeamSpeak will be found on the waitlist after you have posted a fit or in the MotD of Fleet chat. For identification purposes, ensure your TeamSpeak name matches your in-game name, without corporation/alliance tags. It does not matter if you have a microphone, but you must be able to hear the FCs. Please do not Mute your speakers while in "join this" channel. If you are a hearing impaired pilot you are still welcome to fly with us! Please read our guide here. If you are using a microphone it must be set to "Push-to-Talk." This can be found in Settings > Options > Capture > Push-to-Talk. From there, in order to talk, you must hold down a key (as chosen in the options) in order to open your mic and talk. TS3 default is Ctrl and we recommend changing this so you are not keying up every time you lock something. The keyword "Check" is used to indicate the closing of open communications on TeamSpeak. In other words, stop talking if you hear "Check." For legal and safety purposes, we do not allow streaming or recording of comms in any form. For permission and more information on streaming, please contact your FC. Joining Fleet Of course, by reading this guide, you're looking to join one of our fleets! Arguably being the most important part of the guide here, we'll cover getting yourself a ship and how, exactly, you can get into one of our fleets with that ship! Ships & Fittings To fly in our fleets you need a fitted ship! Not only that, but a fitted ship that meets our minimum requirements. These requirements and fit suggestions can be found at our dedicated fitting webpage, which can also always be found in the WTM Chat MotD. We also expect you to be actively using everything fit onto your ship. That means that your guns should be firing, missiles launching, drones going out, and prop mod burning whenever these actions are appropriate. Most importantly, it is crucial that your Shield Hardeners be actively cycling and staggered whenever you are in space. Turning your hardeners off inside a site is grounds for being removed from fleet. In order for an FC to send you an invite, you must have a valid fit that meets minimum requirements. If it doesn't, then the FC or a commander will assist you in fitting to meet these requirements. Occasionally, however, our FCs make mistakes and allow invalid fits that other commanders will catch later. Just because you got in last time does not mean that your fit is correct. Also know that our volunteer Commanders are there to help you! Ask your questions in Warp To Me chat and off-duty Commanders (and maybe even some experienced pilots) will always be willing to help you with any questions you may have regarding your fit or otherwise. For further information, please read our Rules & Regulations or contact an Officer or a member of Leadership. Make sure to take a look at the Anti-Gank doctrine and bring the extra fit to focus with you, just in case. If we see gankers in system, the FC will have the fleet dock up and change fits. Wait List Manager WTM is an HQ community, which means we can have a maximum number of 40 on-grid pilots in our fleets before receiving reduced payouts. This means that we sometimes have to tell people to wait. WTM has and always will invite on a first come first serve basis within your ship type, based on fleet needs and for those that meet our Upgrade Policy. We manage waiting pilots through our Waitlist website. The link to this website can always be found in our channel MotD. All invites to the fleet (with a few exceptions) is done by this wait list manager, so to join our fleet, you need to know how to use it! Upon signing in to the website, you're presented with the X-Up form, and six columns down below: X-Up, Logi, DPS, Sniper, Mar DPS, and Mar Sniper. X-Up are those that posted their fit and are waiting for approval from the current FC. Upon approval, they're moved to the appropriate waiting column (Logi, DPS, Sniper, Mar DPS, or Mar Sniper). When spots in the fleet open up, they're replaced by those at the top of these five columns. How to X-Up Please make sure you are no more than 3 Jumps away from dock-up before you X-UP! Invites can come fast and we do not wish to delay fleet by having to wait for pilots that are more than a few jumps away. "X-Up" means to post your fit for approval and potential invite. Here's how to do this: In the EVE client, go to the Ship Fitting Window. The default short cut is Alt+F. Make sure you are on the Browser tab. Select Import & Export. Then select Copy to Clipboard. Go to the Wait List Website. If you don't see the X-Up form, click the green X-Up button at the top. Click in the big text field, below Fittings, press Ctrl+V or right click and select Paste. Note that you can enter multiple fits! Just copy and paste each of your fits into that window separated by a return. If Logi, enter your Logistics Cruisers Skill Level when prompted. Click Enter On Waitlist. Your Fittings will now be queued up in the X-Up column for approval. Once your fit is approved, you will be moved to the bottom of a waitlist column: Logi, DPS,Sniper, Mar DPS, or Mar Sniper depending on what role your fit is. As pilots at the top are invited to fleet, they will be removed from the list, moving you up towards the top. Once a spot opens up in fleet and you're at the top, you'll get an invite! Note that your fleet invite is valid for 60 seconds. The wait list manager has a number of tools to notify you of this invite, including a poke on TS3 and a notification link that plays a sound when invited. If you miss the invite, don't worry! The FC will invite you again on the next wave of invites. However, if you miss three invites in a row, the FC may remove you from the waitlist and you'll have to X-Up again! If you x-up a fit and you need to update it after you have entered the waitlist, you can use the Update button to update your fit without losing your spot on the waitlist. Ship Replacement Program Warp To Me offers a Ship Replacement Program (SRP) to its pilots. SRP is like an insurance policy that covers the loss of your ship if the loss is not your fault: 20 Million covers up to 12 Billion New Pilots are automatically paid into SRP for their first day in fleet. Examples (but not limited to) of SRPable loss: FC Error (sometimes FCs mess up) Logi Error (if broadcast is on time) Examples (but not limited to) of non-SRPable loss: Failure to broadcast on time Taking a gate without FC permission (called "leeroying") Being CONCORDed (Please make sure your safety is set to green) Having a killright or wardec (please take care of those before joining fleet) Ganks are covered as long as you follow the FCs commands. In short, if you follow FC commands and broadcast on time, your ship will be covered. Note that your ship must meet our minimum requirements to be covered by SRP. Your SRP payment covers you from the time you pay until the next Down Time (DT-1100 server time). You may leave fleet and rejoin as many times as you wish during this time without having to repay every time you join fleet. Sounds pretty good, right? Well how do you sign up? Simply send the payment (20 million) to the In-Game corporation with the name of "WarpTo SRP". This corporation will be linked in the fleet MOTD. This is the only official WTM SRP corporation and the only one you should trust. If in doubt check the CEO name for "Sparta Epic Cyno." WTM is not held responsible for scammers, although if one appears, please report it to a WTM Officer or a member of Leadership. Broadcasting For you to communicate effectively with the fleet, you must learn how to broadcast properly. Furthermore, you must be able to see broadcasts, as Commanders use them for communication as well. Sending Broadcasts There are three main broadcasts that you should know: Shield, Capacitor, and In Position. The buttons for these broadcasts can always be found at the bottom of your fleet window. If you don't see a row of broadcast buttons, click the two little arrows in the bottom right corner of the fleet window. You should broadcast for Shield when the Sansha first target you. Denoted by yellow boxes around the Sansha icons. A loss due to failure to broadcast for shield on time is considered a non-SRPable loss. You should broadcast for Capacitor if your capacitor falls below 30% or targeted by Outuni Mesens. We set an alarm for this earlier Do not broadcast for capacitor if there are Outunis on the field and you do not have aggro. The person who has aggro needs it far more than you, due to dangerous Outuni neutralizers. You should broadcast In Position if you no longer have aggression or no longer need capacitor. When the Sansha ships icons changed from yellow box to red box back to yellow box, you no longer have aggression. When your capacitor is greater than 70%, you no longer need capacitor. If you broadcasted for both, then no longer need one, broadcast In Position, wait one second, and broadcast for whichever you need. E.g. you have Outuni aggro, you broadcast for both shield and capacitor. Outunis die, you have >70% capacitor, but still hold aggression. Broadcast In Position, wait one second, then broadcast for Shield. Viewing Broadcasts You should always have the History tab active in your Fleet window to view the broadcasts of the fleet. For FC communications, there are two main broadcasts: Align to and Warp to. Align broadcasts are orders to align to a point in space. Right click on the broadcast and Align to. Warp broadcasts are orders to warp to a point in space, most of the time the next site. Right click on the broadcast and Warp to at 0. Do not warp before FC orders via voice commands. If you are flying a logistics ship, you are required to lock every shield and armor broadcast. This is most easily done by holding down the hotkey for locking (Ctrl) and clicking on the broadcast. For more information on flying logistics ships, read our Logi Rookie Guide. Broadcast Hotkeys We discourage the use of hotkeys due to unreliability, while the fleet window buttons are 100% reliable, and we absolutely want every new pilot to use fleet window buttons instead of hotkeys. However, if you use hotkeys at your own risk, increase reliability by ensuring you do not have a window active (click in space) before pressing the hotkey. Furthermore, verify that your broadcast went through by looking in the Fleet History window. If you do not see your broadcast, the Logi do not see it either. Note that utilizing this method does not make Hotkeys 100% reliable. Using hotkeys is not an excuse for failure to broadcast on time. If this becomes a problem, we'd recommend to just use the fleet window buttons for broadcasting. Roles Individuals of the fleet have certain Roles, ranging from standard DPS ship to more specialized roles of Anchor and FC. In this section we'll cover basic roles and more specialized roles, what those roles mean, along with important roles to add to your watchlist. Basic Roles There are four basic roles in our fleet that you will automatically be grouped in: Short-range DPS, Long-range Sniper, Bastion Marauders and Logistics Cruisers. Logi is self-explanatory, you're flying either a Basilisk or a Scimitar and providing reps to the fleet. DPS and Snipers are the offensive part of the fleet, and you're classified based on what guns you have fitted to your ship. Bastion Marauders are an extension of these two roles, shooting their relevant tags. What tags you target are based on whether you're classified as a DPS or Sniper ship. Long-range Snipers Projectiles and Lasers Targets are lettered tags: A, B, C, ..., H, I Wait for FC command to shoot tag X Do not shoot tag Z Use your MJD to anchor as specified in the Anchor Guide Short-range DPS Hybrid Blasters, Drone Boats, and all types of Missiles Targets are numbered tags: 1, 2, 3, ..., 9 and untagged Keep at range 5,000m on HHH and follow the Anchor Guide Logistics Cruisers Orbit at 10 km on Booster Read our Logi Rookie Guide If there are none of your tag type remaining on grid, then shoot the other. I.e. DPS shoot numbers then letters, Snipers shoot letters then numbers. If you are late on grid and don't see any tags, feel free to ask FC for "Tag Refresh" so they can update them for you. Your FC's voice commands always override the tags you see on grids, so be sure to be on comms and listening closely! Do not ever shoot tag Z. This is used to designate a target that, if killed, would put fleet safety in jeopardy. Shooting tag Z is a valid reason to get a kick from fleet! Tag X is used in a variety of ways. Only shoot Tag X when told by your FC. Specialized Fleet Roles Certain pilots within the fleet have specialized roles. These roles include FC, Anchors, MTAC, and Boosters, and are mandatory for a good upkeep with the fleet. When you see it empty please x up for it! If you have interest in these roles, read the guides and volunteer! Guides can be found by clicking the links below or in fleet chat. We're always willing to teach these roles, and if you ever want to be a Commander, best thing to do to get our attention is to take these roles whenever possible! FC: Fleet Commander - Gives commands to the fleet, be sure to listen! LC: Logi Commander - A designated Commander to lead the Logi in place of the FC. HHH: Heavy Drone Bunny - Assist your medium & heavy drones to this person. DDD: Light Drone Bunny - Designated Vindi to prioritize the frigates, Assist your light drones to this person. MTAC: Performs a specific job in the TCRC site. Booster: Provides Command Bursts for the Fleet and acts as Logi Anchor. Logi Orbit at 10KM. Snipers without an MJD will use this person as their anchor temporarily, keep at range 5000m. Drones What do you do with your drones? This section will cover just that. Light Drones will be assisted to the DDD Acolytes, Hobgoblins etc. Medium & Heavy Drones will be assisted to the HHH Ogres, Praetors, Geckos, Hammerheads etc. If you have multiple flights of different size, try and use the most of your bandwidth, heavier is usually better! You assist your drones by Right Clicking on your Drones in Local Space > Assist > Watchlist > [Pilot Name]. A pilot can only have 50 drones assisted to him/her. If the DDDs and HHHs are full, then let your FC know, so they can assign additional bunnies! Watchlist The fleet watchlist is a very important tool to every pilot. To get this watchlist started, right click on your FC in the Fleet MOTD, go to Fleet > Add to Watchlist. This should open up your watchlist window, and place it somewhere accessible. You can click and drag other names into this watchlist as well, and it's recommended that you should at least have your Drone Bunny(s), and Booster in your watchlist. When assisting drones, this adds a "Watchlist" submenu so you can easily assist your drones as well. Finding the Fleet in Space This is one of the most important processes to learn, and if done wrong, could see you losing your ship! So pay attention. The first step is to look for your current FC, this information is found in the fleet chat MOTD. You want to warp to the FC, land on the acceleration gate (do NOT activate), warp a second time. If you are at the correct site, the game will confirm this for you by giving you what is called, the Natural Phenomenon Error message. This lets you know that the fleet is in that site. Once you have this error message, align down the gate using Q+Click. Once aligned, you can ask your FC for "Gate Status", only use this phrase. You can ask over comms or in the fleet chat. FC will answer in 2 ways: Gate is RED: Do not take the acceleration gate, hold and wait at least 30 seconds before asking again. Gate is GREEN: You may take the acceleration gate. On a GREEN gate status you must take the gate immediately. If you cannot, please ask again. Please make sure you are on gate, aligned and ready to go before asking for "Gate Status". Your gate status is not valid if you are not aligned and ready to go. Please align using the Q function. Hold Q down and align down the gate. See graphic below for details. (Keep in mind in the TPPH site there are 3 gates total. You always ask for the first gate, then listen for FCs call on what to do for the next two, typically you will ask again on the third gate, named "Gate to Headquarters".)
  15. 6 points
    Scouting Guide Scouting is an invaluable part of running a fleet. In this guide we’ll go over what it takes to be an effective scout. Suggested Scout Ship Fit Suggested fit - although you may scout in whatever ship you want, this Atron fit is extremely cheap and low-skill friendly Timing Sites When a site is complete, it triggers a new site to spawn in exactly 7 minutes, 15 seconds. To give yourself a margin of error, you can start a timer of 7 minutes, 12 seconds. I recommend using this timing website, with the alarm duration set to 2 seconds and close after 30 seconds. You can time sites from the time a beacon despawns (beware: if you are sitting on a beacon, it will take longer for it to disappear from your overview), the final ship dies or the tower dies in a site. When a site spawn is upcoming (within ~45 seconds), communicate that with the FC – especially if you are about to either enter a new room or a site. More information is better. Following Fleets When scouting, it’s imperative you are on grid, following the other fleet. This is the only way to give your FC the most up to date information. To do so safely, enter sites shortly after the other fleet has taken the gate and position yourself in a place to not take aggro – generally, “higher” up in the site is safer. If you do not know how to position yourself, you can also cloak in the site. In TPPH’s and TCRC’s, it’s important to attempt to lock the tower when bashes are undergoing – this way, you can give your FC the best information possible (how far along their bash is). If you are unable to get on grid for any reason (perhaps you had to bounce to preload a site and go back to watching the opposing fleet), you may use wrecks to determine what point a fleet is at in a site. TPPH Two deltole wrecks - fleet is in the final room Arnon wrecks - fleet is on final wave or tower bash NRF Two Uitra wrecks - fleet is on second wave (or further) Intaki or Eystur wrecks - fleet is on final wave TCRC Less than two Niarja wrecks - fleet is early in site More than two Niarja wrecks - fleet is on the tower bash You may also scan for drones - while many communities do not utilize drones, drones being out is an indicator that a fleet is unlikely to bounce immediately from their current site. Communicating with the FC Communicate with the FC as effectively and briefly as possible. Put all written information into fleet chat unless requested otherwise by the FC. Use a dscan tool (such as this one) to display information about the opposing fleet. Alongside it, post the amount of marauders. This means if the FC is unable to click the link, they can get a rough idea of the opposing fleets strength. Example message: “https://dscan.info/ - 25 Marauders” If you need to communicate via voice chat for any reason, do not hesitate to speak over anyone (but the active voice FC). Prompt information is important for the FC to make informed decisions. Preloading TCRCs To preload a TCRC, take the gate. If the fleet is with you, make sure to voice that the gate is red as you activate the gate so no one follows you. If there is another fleet in system, only preload sites when asked to by the FC. If you warp in and the site is already preloaded, communicate this to the FC and booster, especially if the Outunis are within 25km of the beacon. This may affect how the fleet enters the site. Optional (for Advanced Scouts) If you feel comfortable with preloading, consider doing the initial tagging for the site. As you land, use your tagging hotkey to tag respawning Schmaeels and the Auga. Warp out or cloak immediately. The respawning Schmaeels are circled here: https://imgur.com/a/p5iQgQW Identifying Other Fleets When identifying opposing fleets, it’s imperative to know who the enemy Fleet Commander is. You may do this by looking at the following: Community Waitlists Community Voice Comms (Teamspeak, Discord) Community ping channels (Discord) Checking which pilots are active on grid, and in what ships Tagging Site Beacons As a standard, utilize the following tags and tag sites when you see a fleet enter the site: J - Don’t warp here X - Our site (WTM) A - TLA Y - RDS B - Multiboxer (Typically Slaiy) G - NGA E - Eve Rookies If a fleet evacuates a site for any reason (bounces to a better site, for example) – retag the site whenever possible to a number. If it isn’t possible to retag the site, vocalize that the site has been evacuated to the active FC. If the FC requests a different tag, respect their request. If there are multiple scouts in a fleet, divide the roles between the scouts – for example, scout A would follow the opposing fleet while scout B would preload and tag sites when necessary. When no other fleets are active (we are alone in system), aside from preloading, the scout can actively monitor local (for spikes in player numbers), other fleets in-game channels (for MOTD changes) and dockups (for people undocking). To preload a TCRC, warp into the site. If you are able to do so, tag the respawning schmaeels and Auga (shown here) before warping out or cloaking. If other fleets are running, ask the FC if they would like the site preloaded, and/or wait for FC direction. Utilizing DSCAN When scouting, your dscan should by default be set to 1AU Distance, 360 Degrees scan. However, you may adjust dscan settings to obtain extra information – if there is a site 5AU away, consider increasing your dscan to account for it (thereby scouting two sites from the same location). Gankers First, and most important – when Gankers are around, whatever the FC says to do, is the most important thing. If you disagree, the time to discuss it is when the situation is less tense. Do not hesitate to be vocal over everyone (aside from the active voice FC) when giving information as it is crucial for decision making. Upon the FCs request, you may be instructed to do the following things: Watch where the gankers are located (other system, station, safe location, tether on structure, at a gate, etc) Investigate where the fleet is going to go (next site, back to dockup, to a neutral location, etc) Cloak on the undock (if gankers are harassing the undock)
  16. 6 points
    Warp to Me has made the decision to no longer allow characters under 4 weeks old to join fleet. These new players should spend time training up skills and learning the game before jumping straight into high level content like Incursions. Older players making new alts for incursions may be an exception if they can prove their in-game experience with another of their characters and fly an intermediate or optimal hull. Any questions can be directed to Council found in the Warp To Me Incursions ingame MOTD.
  17. 6 points
    Since Oni started a wonderful thread over in Logi Tactics, figured to start up the same here, except in the form of a giant wall of text. Introduction I. Love. DPS. My very first ship I've ever flown in incursions (long long ago) was the Navy Domi, back when sentry drone boats were a thing. The garde/blaster combo was something I had to get used to, as my only PvE experience was AFK lvl4s with a sentry boat. I very quickly gathered the isk to buy my first Vindicator, which I instantly fell in love with. Nothing beats the space shotgun in satisfactory annihilation of my enemies. Now, nearly 3.5 years later, my main ship is still the Vindicator. I've tried nearly every other ship that we allow in fleets, even a few that aren't allowed just to test a few things. But nothing will come close to my love for the king of DPS. After these years of passion and experience, here are my tips in being an effective DPS pilot. The Vindicator Behold, the King of DPS in all its glory. Loaded with Void Ammo, this thing skyrockets to 2155 of sheer, raw DPS. Nothing even comes close, even my beloved Kronos. Even that rattlesnake claiming to dish out just as much applied DPS. For tower bashes, it is the equivalent of two blaster rokhs, nearly two hyperions, two nightmares, or nearly three machariels. This is what a true king looks like, and that is your goal. However, it's really expensive. That's ok. You'll get there. In the meantime... The Starter Vindicator, starting out at ~1600 DPS. You want to get into this ship as soon as possible. Keep in mind the guns can be swapped out for Meta 4, but you should be getting T2 guns ASAP, as that is the most significant increase in DPS. All in all, this fit isn't that expensive, relatively speaking, sitting at ~400m. That is insanely cheap compared to how much DPS it pulls when compared to any of the starter ships. That's roughly 14 sites, easily doable in an evening of incursion running. Get this ship as soon as possible. You won't regret it. Now, the upgrade path is as follows: Meta 4 Guns to T2 Guns T2 Magnetic Field Stabilizers to Faction Add another web, by doing either: Upgrade invuls to dual Pith C or better, change thermal rig to EM, drop EM amp Upgrade invuls to single Pith B or better Get a damage rig (Burst Aerator or Collision Accelerator) Upgrade invuls to dual Pith B or better Drop the two Large CDFEs Upgrade Drones Optimal setup is 2x Geckos, 2x 'Augmented' Hammerheads, 1x 'Augmented' Hobgoblin T2 Tracking Enhancers to Faction Drone Damage Amplifiers The Webifiers The most unique thing about the Vindicator, other than its raw, powerful dps, is the ability to fit webs and use them effectively. Baseline, these slow sansha ships down. Doesn't seem all that special until you realize everything this does for us. First, you have to realize that the range of the Vindicator's blasters is god awful, especially with short range ammo. For you to apply effective DPS, you want every target to be within 10km, and stay within 10km. Vindicators can reduce the speeds of ships up to 90% with the strongest faction web, effectively rendering them motionless. This also means that you have a better chance to hit them, as your and everybody else's turrets don't have to track that much. Now, this is where the term "Spreading Webs" comes in. Time for some simple math. Two targets moving at 100 m/s. Is it more effective to web each target, or put 2 webs on the current target? Let's say your web effectiveness is 80%. When applying a single web, the target's speed is reduced to 20 m/s. Apply another web, and the speed is reduced to 4 m/s (actually more than that due to diminishing returns). The difference between 20 m/s and 4 m/s is not that significant, meanwhile the other target is running away at 100 m/s, and will be out of the 10km range in less than 90 seconds. Sure, you might have killed the current target faster, but now the next target is out of range and you apply less DPS. Here's a simple rule for spreading webs: If a battleship is moving over 100 m/s (denoted by the Velocity column in your overview), web it down. If a battleship you have webbed is moving less than 20 m/s (unless you have 90% web effectiveness), remove the web and put it on a different target. When looking at the variations of webs, there are two faction webs that are used by the vast majority of Vindicators: Fed Navy and True Sansha. The differences are this: Federation Navy: less range (14km), more webbing power (90%) True Sansha: more range (15km), less webbing power (82.5%) Keep in mind we have boosts to increase the range of webs, so the True Sansha one can go out to nearly 21km! In deciding between these two, it's mostly player's preference, though we encourage True Sansha due to the range advantage. The Implants To unlock your true potential of a short range DPS pilot, you have to invest in some 6% implants. Remember that 2155 number that optimal vindi spits out? With max skills and implants, you can push that to 2357. This is the true cap for our vindicators, without going purple (fitting officer mods). Here's what I run for my implants (literal copy&paste from the Implant Guide): SLOT 1: Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 Primary Effect: Boosts perception by 3. Secondary Effect: Gives a +1.5% powergrid and capacitor bonus SLOT 2: Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 Primary Effect: Boosts memory by 3. Secondary Effect: Gives a +1.5% ship agility and armor hit points bonus SLOT 3: Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3 Primary Effect: Boosts willpower by 3. Secondary Effect: Gives a +1.5% ship velocity and shield capacity bonus SLOT 4: Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 Primary Effect: Boosts intelligence by 3. Secondary Effect: Gives a +1.5% CPU and capacitor recharge bonus SLOT 6: Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Systems Operation EO-606 Gives a reduction in capacitor recharge time by 6% SLOT 7: Ogdin's Eye Coordination Enhancer Gives a boost to Tracking Speed by 6% SLOT 8: Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-806 Gives a capacitor capacity boost of 6% SLOT 9: Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Surgical Strike SS-906 Gives a boost to all turret damage by 6% SLOT 10: Zainou 'Deadeye' Large Hybrid Turret LH-1006 Gives a boost to all large hybrid turret damage by 6% Now, you do you want to run the complete Geno set, because each implant boosts the effectiveness of all other Geno implants. However, if you're a low SP pilot, I would recommend running with +5 implants for now (the improved set). Once you're at the point where you're training gunnery/drone skills to V, then you can start popping those out and replacing them with the Geno set. The other slots are rather self-explanatory, except maybe all of the cap implants. Keep in mind the Optimal Vindi is not cap stable, nor should it be. Cap stable means it deals less DPS. However, this implant set gets it really, really close, to the point that I never broadcast for cap except under Outuni aggro. It's a nice thing to have. These implants are expensive, yes, but keep in mind you can buy these from the Concord LP market, at 250m isk & 250k LP. Furthermore, you get to keep these implants all the way until you are podded. I've had these implants for over 3 years at this point, so they last a very long time. The Tactics Your rivals are the Snipers. You must beat them in every wave. Compete with them, challenge them, as they challenge you to kill all targets before they kill theirs. They may not admit to this rivalry, but it is very real as a DPS pilot. But here's the truth: they don't have to work as hard. You do. But that's where the fun comes in. Here's what you have to do: MOVE. You have a microwarp drive, use it. Any time you're out of range of the anchor or the next spawn, light it up. Get to position. The key difference between a good vindi and a fantastic vindi is positioning. The VVV anchor mostly helps with this, but I actually encourage you to move yourself. Yes, that's right, I'm telling you to unhook yourself from the anchor, and be free my little bird. Or rather, my death-dealing shotgun with wings. Be free. You are free to burn after out-of-range ostingeles, as long as you're in position for the next wave (and within Logi range). When I'm just in fleet, not doing any FC roles, I almost never keep at range on the anchor, and burn to all of the positions myself, burn after the ships myself. Not only will this help with your range, it'll help you learn the positions for the VVV anchor. If the role opens up, then you certainly have the confidence to take up the role. I'm not saying the VVV is a bad thing, I'm just saying the truly good vindi pilots are those who unshackle themselves from the VVV. Edit: As Spudzy pointed out, best if you stick with your anchor if you draw aggro. Now, there are some cases in which you won't apply much DPS by burning to one target, smacking it with void, burning to the next target, smacking it with void, etc. This is where Null comes in. Beginning of TCRC, first wave of NRF, first two rooms of TPPH, I'm running Null. You'll apply way more damage to targets consistently 20km+ out of range. It's only a 5 second reload time, utilize both ranges of ammo where it is applicable. In terms of drones, you should almost always assist them to the VVV (or HHH if there is one). Exception to this is beginning of a TCRC, where the DDD needs those drones to kill schmaeels (only if you have lights/mediums). If you are the VVV, assist your own drones to another random vindicator. Two options as the VVV in what to shoot: Main targets or cruisers. The FC won't mind which and either one is effective. And then let me talk about targets. Here's the deal. If there is an Ostingele tagged 5 that is 60km away, and then an Ostingele tagged 6 that is 20km away, which one should you shoot? Most FCs won't mind if you shoot 6 in this case, because it's obvious that you can apply more DPS. If you're in my fleet, I actually want you to do this. However, keep this within reason. If an Outuni is 30km away and an Osti is right next to you, you should still shoot the Outuni, due to its threat. Conclusion Remember what I said: The snipers are your (friendly) rivals. Don't let them win. Use these tips to give yourself an advantage over the snipers. They're a bunch of lazy brats that complain about cycle times anyway. Seriously though, there is nothing more satisfying than running up to a target, blasting them with void, and watching their shields melt under your power. You'll impress FCs and Logi by drawing aggro all the time, maybe even earn yourself an Aggro Magnet badge in the process. So be free, my death-dealing shotgun with wings, and show the sansha the true meaning of Ridiculous DPS.
  18. 6 points
    What is this? Upgrade Raffles will be held about every weekend for one of the following ships: Vindicator, Leshak, Nightmare The Raffle will cycle through hulls in the above order. They are FREE to enter. Please read the entire form before submitting it. The winner will be contracted the prize before the next raffle. Unless stated all prizes will be located in Jita 4/4 Can I donate? Yes! If you would like to donate or sell at a discount, please mail Blobert Jenerik in game. Current Raffle (March 5th) https://forms.gle/zwVAiqvyhS9Q2B6M9 Past Raffles https://gyazo.com/d8e1ebf48d6009598cc9dba18826c07d https://gyazo.com/6a82c3dc5ebda59bd4edb4b87690c1b6
  19. 6 points
    I think it's much simpler this time, and less is being discussed? Exactly what Toh Kay said. I believe we have Beryl on board with implementing 'something' (likely something like TyCoe's tracker) into the waitlist. He was just waiting for a commitment to method (calendar time / x-ups / fleet hours) and target of tracking. I think (I could be missing something) that the current discussion topic is primarily "what the limit should be". It sounded like fleet hours was the most favored, so we just needed to pick a number. I saw 20 fleet hours first, countered with 40, but it sounds like 30 fleet hours might be a comfortable middle ground. So, for a stake in the ground: 30 fleet hours, tracked automatically by the waitlist via the mechanism used by TyCoe's tool? ... I was going to say just use reactions for 'votes' but it seems we can't actually negatively react on this forum (probably for the best overall)... so lets say... React to this post with "Like" ( <3 ) for "agree with those parameters", or "Upvote" (up arrow) for "bump to more discussion" ?
  20. 6 points
    I absolutely hate your poll options. It is perfectly possible for me to show you why this fit won't work, but your "no" option assumes that the only reason I would say no is because I refuse to look at it. We have a billion tools and testing methods to prove out fits. Please do not assume we are unwilling to evaluate. Doing so is likely to just anger the most valuable people to your cause.
  21. 5 points
    Warp To Me Rookie Refitting Guide Alpha Pilots are exempt from this guide until such time that you are Omega. Please prioritize getting your Omega to get the most out of your ship and skilling. Until that time, for our hulls that are dual prop, remove the MJD and replace it with an extra utility mod. How to refit using a Nestor? It is helpful to add the Nestor pilot to your watchlist to see when they are on grid with you. In your hud settings, ensure that Display Empty Slots is enabled. Make sure you are within 5,000m of the Nestor. If they are too far away, Keep at Range 1,000m the Nestor. Open your ship's inventory window. Drag the module you wish to replace from your ship fitting slot to the inventory. Drag the module you wish to put on the ship from you inventory to the now empty slot. You have now refit your ship! When do I refit? A True Creation Research Center (TCRC) is easier and faster when our DPS and snipers all have MJDs (Micro Jump Drives) to jump to the tower. When we land on the gate before we enter, generally a Nestor will be on the gate. The FC will instruct you to refit. Before you go into to either an Nation Rebirth Facility (NRF) or a True Power Provisional Headquarters (TPPH), you will want to refit back to your standard fitting. A Nestor should be waiting on that gate as well. What do I replace for my MJD? Tech 1 and Faction battleships should keep all tank modules and MWD (Micro Warp Drive otherwise known as a propulsion module or prop mod) fit at all times. The MJD replaces utility for a TCRC. Hyperion: Tracking Computer Tempest: Tracking Computer Vindicator: Stasis Webifier Other Accepted Battleships: A utility mid (Web, Tracking Computer, Tracking Link, Target Painter) Marauder Optional Utility Refits Marauders have some other optional refits. Refer to Marauder Fit Changes for NRF and TPPHs and Bastion Marauders for more information.
  22. 5 points
    For a few weeks in a row optimal hours have been suspended. This means more pilots in non-optimal hulls and fits joining the WTM fleets, but it also means the fleet is less able to take contests in the heavily-contested EUTZ, resulting in more waiting, bouncing and losing contests. Recently a few people discussed the problem, different interests that need to be balanced and possible solutions that could improve the current situation. This post was written together with Thomas Neoo and Xoceac. The problem During EUTZ there are four groups running HQ sites. WTM, TDF, NGA and recently a Korean group has started running HQ sites. These groups generally play nice with each other, but TDF can and will contest other groups to raise their own ISK/hr, lowering the efficiency at which the other groups can run sites. Running the WTM incursion fleet on a first com, first serve basis during these highly contested hours (from DT through early EUTZ) results in a serious loss of income for the entire fleet. The interests There are two conflicting sets of interests. On one hand everybody likes more ISK. On the other hand WTM wants to be a community open to newer members without requiring a multi-billion ISK investment up front. For each suggested solution we will try to balance these two sets of interests. Possible solutions Limiting non-optimal hulls in fleet Set a hard cap on the number of non-optimal hulls that are allowed in fleet until there are no more optimal hulls on the waitlist. This would make WTM fleets harder to contest, but the tradeoff would be making it harder to join WTM fleets for new pilots. A less harsh version of this would be only accepting optimal and preferred starter ships. This would remove some of the more... interesting hulls from fleet. Expansion and stricter enforcement of the upgrade policy Currently the upgrade policy requires pilots to upgrade to an optimal hull after 30 hours in fleet and to T2 guns after another 90 hours or 4 months, whichever comes first. Using the low estimate of 100m/hr you're looking at 3b for 30 fleet hours. That is enough ISK to (currently) buy PLEX for one month + upgrade to one of the non-Leshak optimal hulls. The suggestion here is requiring damage mods to be upgraded after 20 hours in fleet after getting an optimal hull. Assuming four damage mods that would be approximately 400 million ISK of the 2 billion people should've made in that timeframe. If possible it'd be great to expand upon the waitlist tool showing pilots they might have to wait for a long time to get in fleet because they are lagging behind on the upgrading policy. More guidance for new pilots Make a clear and easy guide on how to upgrade your ship, starting from a starter ship and covering all improvements until the pilot is in an optimal hull and fit. Preferably with an explanation for each upgrade. This gives pilots a clear path to contributing more to the fleet. This can also be combined with other suggestions. Also, Xoceac already started implementing this it seems! Newbro-focused assault fleets Another idea floated around in the Discord conversation was running assault fleets focused on non-optimal pilots. Newer pilots could get some incursions practice running assault sites, making ISK without having to deal with the higher stress and contesting resulting from the high competition for HQ sites. Obviously these fleets could only be run during very active hours (like EUTZ during weekends), but it would be a solution that would be beneficial to all (except if there aren't enough FC's to run assaults that is). One of the FC's seems to have already stepped up to organize this Bringing back optimal hours This solution speaks for itself. Bring back the optimal hours during the most highly-contested time (11-16 approximately). Perhaps combined with having a minimum number of x newer pilots in fleet. Waitlist notifications for non-optimal fits Another way of informing people they can and should upgrade could be through the waitlist, showing notifications for pilots to remind them to upgrade their ships. Summary There are a bunch of ways to improve WTM fleets without hurting the goal of being new-player friendly. We were wondering what other people thought. Let us know
  23. 5 points
    We are changing our standard initial meatshield for TCRC entry to be our Booster ship. AAA will enter with the rest of the fleet but on landing will STILL shoot the tower to consolidate aggro. This should reduce losses dramatically in TCRC's. Follow FC instructions while running!
  24. 5 points
  25. 5 points
    Hi, I'm still alive. Really miss you guys, just been having a tough year looking for work. I hope to get back into the game in the next few months and rejoin the community and make memes videos and climb the ladder up again... If some of you would like to become friends, contact me , add me on steam, or something, message me ! I'll be on eve as soon as i finally get a job. Sorry for disappearing like that. I made some great friends in wtm and loved chatting and gaming with you. great community. I hope you guys are all still playing. #sexynasi4ever
  26. 5 points
    This weeks incursion was my first while playing Eve. i thought it was going to be an awkward experience full of elitists and asshats from what some had told me of anything to do with incursions. I'm glad i don't listen to people that often and judge things by personal experience. I want to thank The FCs and all the members that made the experience feel like i was coming home to an old corp. Very professional and calm crew running the show. I learned a lot and i earned a lot. I am looking forward to learning and earning a lot more. Definitely an experience that has me watching the chat to see the next incursion open. Thank you all.
  27. 5 points
    So 4y ago i had the distinct pleasure to write a mail congratulating our own @Izumi Uchiya on being accepted into med school. Today i get to one up that. Izumi has graduated from med school and has done all of us proud. Izumi is my oldest friend here in warp to me. He is my go to guy when i need advice, help with math, or just a flat kick in the ass. For those of you who may not know him, of all the active Logi Masters only i have been a commander longer, but hes had a consecutive 5y of activity and i took a few months off once or twice. There is not a single document within our logi program that doesnt have his finger prints all over it. Mine are the fingerprints that are orange and smell like cheetos. He has been an officer and is currently a special advisor to council and our logi branch head. I for one know he would really appreciate some congrats from all of yall. Sandman Logan3 Master Trainer
  28. 5 points
    It's counterproductive to go to a "central" spot in a region when you jump to another clone. Usually it's faster to go from system A to system B directly than to go from system A to system C, and then from C to B, right? If you try to be "organized" about this, you're doing that exact thing. Where you place clones depends on how many you have. When I had two, I kept one on the "Amarr side" of things and one on the "Gallente side." At three, it was one Amarr, one Gallente, one Caldari. At four, one in each empire. When I quit... I have six sets, iirc. Ashab/Rens/Dodixie/Caldari/Kador Prime/Khanid, approximately. By the time you've got that many clones assembled, you have a fair idea of what the boundaries for each one are; there aren't that many hisec focuses.
  29. 5 points
    Anchoring Guide Anchors are special positions a person is heading towards or following. Each person should anchor themselves. The MJD portions have instructions for how to make use of the module for anchoring. These anchoring spots have been tested several times, and are designed to get the best performance out of your ships. Follow them and you will have no trouble anchoring on all three sites. For all anchoring use q double click to go to your spot. You do this by holding the q button down, finding your horizontal anchor point, clicking once, then using the mouse pointer to go up or down to find your vertical point. (A Note for Non-MJD Snipers, keep at range 5km from the Booster until you can make use of one) TPPH Room 1 and 2 Short Range should be burning towards targets and then getting to the outgate before it spawns. Snipers will burn directly for outgate. For the final room, see below. Room 3 HHH (DPS): 1. Burn halfway towards the initial spawn (as shown in the picture) so everyone can web and shoot the Romis as they burn into range. 2. Burn towards the first anchoring spot, while shooting Ostis. (2nd wave) Height should be just above the tower. 95km from the beacon. About 30 km off the tower. 3. Keep at range the tower 20km for the last anchor spot. (85km from the beacon) MJD (Sniper): 1. Angle slightly up and left of the tower (about 15 degrees left if looking with Tactical Overlay) and jump. 2. Jump and burn back 1-2 prop mod cycle back towards the beacon. 3. Height should be well above the tower and the VVV/DPS group. 4. Approximately 80km from the beacon and 20-25KM off the tower. (After Jumping: Make sure you are not too low, or too far from the group, as you could pull aggro unintentionally!) NRF HHH (DPS): 1. Burn towards the initial spawn, for about 30km. 2. Burn slightly right of the tower, between the mushroom (Sansha Deadspace Outpost) and the smaller sansha tower (Sansha Starbase Control Tower). (60km off the beacon, 20 off the tower) 3 After the 2nd wave is almost killed, go towards the 3rd wave. (85km off the beacon, 20km off the tower) 4. After the 3rd wave is almost killed, go towards the 4th wave. (80km off the beacon, 45km off the tower) MJD (Sniper): 1. Jump straight ahead from the initial warp in, angled slightly upwards (in level with the spawn), burn 1 prop mod cycle back towards beacon. 2. Approximately 90KM from the beacon, 40km right of the tower, elevated just above the top of the spikes on the tower. (Shown in the smaller picture) 2. (4th Wave) After the new wave spawns, angle yourself towards the Antem/Yulai spawn. And Jump directly on top of them. (Wait till after the new wave aggro is settled before activating the MJD!) TCRC MJD: When FC calls, spool jump, just left of the tower. (Be careful not to move too far forward before jumping as it may put you on the far side of the tower) Non-MJD: When FC calls, Burn straight towards the tower, keeping it in your optimal range. MTAC: Jump directly to the MTAC Factory on landing. MTAC Guide DDD: Burn towards the Drone Bunny spot. DDD Guide
  30. 4 points
    As a person who dreads inconvenience, I delved into how best to seed ship/clones/mods to bring about ease of moving between focus. Using dotlan's navigation function, I projected the number of jumps from each major trade hub (Jita, Amarr, Rens, Dodixie and Hek) to every HQ incursion system in High Sec. The navigation is also based on safest route (always in high-sec, unless island) These are the results 1) Amarr is the closest to trade hub to around half of the HQ systems. Nearest Trade Hub No of HQ System In % Amarr 48 48.98% Dodixie 18 18.37% Jita 12 12.24% Rens 11 11.22% Hek 9 9.18% Grand Total 98 100.00% 2) A further breakdown in terms of Jumps. (From trade hub to HQ system. Eg: There are 18 systems that are within 11-15j from Hek) Nearest Trade Hub Amarr Dodixie Jita Rens Hek Within 10J 40 14 12 14 13 Between 11-15J 5 12 2 11 18 Between 16-20J 3 12 14 16 9 Between 21-25J 9 13 8 20 13 More than 26J 41 47 62 37 45 3) I further extrapolated data to determine 2nd best trade hub (within 10 jumps from best trade hub) 2nd Best Trade Hub Amarr Dodixie Jita Rens Hek within 5J 0 3 2 10 8 Betw 6-10j 0 1 0 2 20 What are the insights gathered? (TL:DR) 1) Big Brain moment - if you don't like to move around much, just stick to docking your incursion stuff in Amarr. You have a 49% chance the focus will spawn close by 2) If you wish to seed ships/clones/mods after Amarr - ideal location would be Hek. Although it's closest to only 9 HQ systems, it's 2nd best to 28 other HQ systems. The strength of Hek's locality is: Hek is within +6j to ALL of the HQ systems that have Rens as the closest trade hub. (eg it takes 9j to get to Agha from Rens. It takes 15j from Hek) Hek is also 2nd best trade hub to 15 HQ system that are closest to Dodixie, requiring additional 4-8j 3) Jita is an outlier. The 2nd best trade hub (Dodixie mostly) for most of Jita HQ systems require between 8-14j more to reach. Caldari space is not incursion-friendly 4) Seeding sequence: Amarr>Hek>Dodixie>Jita Hope this helps anyone looking at placing incursions assets throughout New Eden. Credit: MDD Teller for his diagram on HS Incursion HQ systems Raw File: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EilMgCLc4fLtT5ied42_iJk-sVBI9512BEDl9FJQ3JE/edit?usp=sharing
  31. 4 points
    This guide is meant to take an in-depth look at how damage modules affect your dps, and how to take advantage of these mechanics to achieve better results with abyssal modules. If you're a newbro with green damage modules, or a veteran on the fence about spending 3b for a 31%, this is for you. Let me preface the guide by saying this: DPS% is a scam. you don't need to buy high dps% abyssals to reach big boy damage. Look at this kronos: This is the standard WTM Kronos, with max skills and the recommended damage implants (check out https://forums.warptome.net/topic/10-implant-guide/ for a comprehensive list!) The number we'll be looking at is the Weapon dps (3889). Watch what happens when we swap one of the green damage mods for a 31.7% abyssal (the highest possible roll with a green base. You won't even see these on the market most of the time and go for several billions of isk): Gun dps jumps up to 4054. That is a significant increase, but may not be enough for you to consider spending that much for a single module. Now, look at this: 4054 gun damage, but with a 28.4% and a 29.1%, both of which are valued around ~500m each on mutaplasmids (https://mutaplasmid.space/module/1037588520435/ https://mutaplasmid.space/module/1037588520435/). but what is going on here? To understand that, we need to talk about stacking penalties. Surely, if you've ever fitted more than one module to gain the same stat, the fitting tool has warned you about these. In EVE, when you try to increase the same stat with multiple modules, these modules become less effective. The first module is 100% effective, the second is 86.9% effective, the third is 57.1% effective, and the fourth is 28.3% effective. The fifth would be 10.6% effective, which is why in WTM and most of the time in EVE you won't put more than 4 of the same module in a fit. Weapon Upgrades increase your dps by granting you 2 stats: a damage multiplier, and a rate of fire bonus. Both of these are subject to stacking penalties when you use more than one WU. But here is something not many people know: the damage multiplier and the rate of fire bonus stack separately. What this means is that, regardless of which of the 4 modules a damage multiplier/rate of fire bonus is, they will stack by applying the higher values as the most effective ones. For this reason, 2 abyssal modules, one with a max damage multiplier, one with a max rate of fire roll, are exactly equivalent to a single module with both of those stats together. In WTM you get to work with 4 damage modules, which means you can distribute high value rolls for damage and rof across all the modules. Now consider this: This kronos uses 2 abyssal modules with a maxed out damage multiplier, and one with a max rate of fire bonus, and it has 4125 gun dps, which is enough to earn the MASSIVE DPS teamspeak badge. Without even a fourth abyssal. This whole set can be acquired for less than 2b. Becase of how stacking penalties work, in your search for max rolled dmg/rof modules you can allow yourself to get a couple modules with red rolls, as they'll be stacked at the bottom of your stats and only be 28.3% effective: Even with these awful red rolls that bring the dps% of the module below faction dps% (max dmg with brick rof is 25.2%), you're still gaining more dps overall because of how your whole set stacks its multipliers. Let me repeat this: DPS% is a scam and you should not care about it when you can work with 4 damage modules. Of course a 31% dps abyssal will be better when considered on its own and it would likely never impact your dps negatively, however 31% abyssals are stupid expensive and you don't need them to achieve what we consider high gun dps. The next question you might ask is, how do I get myself some of these modules? Here is a very simple guide: 1) go to https://mutaplasmid.space 2) select your relevant damage module to look at what's on the market (usually public contracts in jita 4-4) 3) decide what you're looking for (damage multiplier affects dps more than rof, if you were building a 3 abyssal set you'd want 2 dmg multipliers and 1 rof) 4) use the sliders to filter out rolls that are too low In this example I set the minimum rof to 11%, which is faction equivalent (dmg multiplier for faction is 1.12x) 5) sort by the stat you're looking for 6) Choose the cheapest module with an acceptable modifier for the stat you're looking for (In this example, that 1.14x for 500m doesn't look bad at all) 7) Click the "Link" button to have the ingame contract copied to your clipboard 8) Paste it in EVE's notepad (not the chat window) found under Edencom > Utilities > Notepad 9) Enjoy your guns go brrrr For your 4th damage module, after you've gotten 2 max damage multipliers and 1 max rof, further increases in either damage multiplier or rate of fire affect your dps identically. If you want to round off your set, this time you can sort by dps% and choose the cheapest module that satisfies your needs. If you have any further questions or need help sorting your abyssals, feel free to reach out to me on Discord (Mombei#0337) Upgrade! (cheaply)
  32. 4 points
    I would like to apply to be more active in fleets Secondary booster/meat shields/ and work to become FC. how do I go about doing this.
  33. 4 points
    Hi there Eliz here. I kindly ask for permission to hold a logi school on Saturday 1115 Eve Time (should the focus last that long.) I understand that should there be fleet forming at the said time; I will stand down the logi school after all isk is king. This logi school while do not require specific ships to attend but if you could bring your incursion ships or logi ships; that will be ideal to understand how sites being run from logi/dps/fc perspective.
  34. 4 points
    Hello all! Recently while mucking about in my little corner of space and talking with EDI (Edencom Defense Initiative) / Edencom I was wondering about content I haven't done much of or touched upon in Eve. There is no shortage of things to do in eve, fun or...not. I was playing around faction warfare when the Triglavian content started. I joined up with a ragtag group that grew quickly that most of you now know as EDI and in the end, I became the director, a title of which I still hold today. We are not AS active now with that content being on the backburner and CCP kinda shafted the whole thing but that's another story. Some of my line members and FC's suggested Incursions. So, I plopped into one of your entry fits and made my way up a few weeks ago to test things out. Being no stranger to fleet dynamics, I sat quietly, followed directions, listened to my newbro speech and VERY MUCH enjoyed the fleet and it was very well done. After about 3 fleets and me getting more chatty in the in-game channel I was recognized however heh and people seemed to be happy to see me in content again and made me feel very welcome. I cant say I have met a bad pilot/fc (yet ) with your group and this has been some fun content. I wanted to thank you all for accepting me into your community and if anyone needs anything, please dont hesitate to ask. I've enjoyed taking some fleet roles now and I'm considering working towards being a USTZ FC (as some of you have discussed in discord with me) once I feel more comfortable and get more hours under my belt in your fleet comps. Thank you again all. Fly safe everyone o7
  35. 4 points
    "What is my goal to reach?" People were asking about DPS numbers for Optimal Hulls (Fits) over and over again. Here are your minimum numbers to reach, Ladies and Gentlemen. Disclaimer -These are not by far the end-game numbers. These are minimum numbers to reach, and say: "Nice, you are really useful for a fleet with your boat!" -There are a lot of pilots who already are well over these numbers. For them i just want to say: Thank You! -Achieving these minimum numbers is one thing. Learning how to use it effectively is another. Learn how to anchor yourself, learn how to use your ship and its modules (including guns / cap transfers / MWD / webs / tracking comps) effectively! -The numbers below do include drone damage ('Augmented' Ogre), but exclude overloading and boosters (cold and sober). Vindicator: 2400 DPS (Void L) Nightmare: 1600 DPS (Conflagration L) Leshak: 1350 DPS (Occult L without spooling) - i do realize this is by far the hardest to reach out of the 3, but it is with good reason. Obviously these numbers can change with game patches in the future. I'll try to keep track.
  36. 4 points
    This is a guide to Roles in Fleet So what are Roles? They are the thing that keep fleets moving and operating smoothly making that wallet of yours fat. 'BUT WAIT!' you say,'I thought that was the FC?' Well they do exactly what I just described but here the meaning takes on a more hands on flying ships pew pewing and repping meaning. The FC cannot do everything, I know a horrible concept to grasp, so we lowly scrubs must do our part! Without these Roles that have been painstakingly devised by people with way more time in game than you or I we wouldnt make anywhere near the isk we can now in Incursions. These Roles are everything from being an anchor to others, to commanding vast mini fleets of drones, to being overlord of your own little chatbox kingdom or even preventing enemy battle towers form living longer than necessary. All you need to do to take part in these glorious activities yourself is X up in Fleet chat when the FC asks. Really, that's it. Below are summaries of each Role with links to the awesomely written guides where they exist. Anchoring Roles VVV- This is the Short Range DPS Anchor. The Pilot performing this Role will, in TPPH 3rd room and NRF, be the Vindicator that the Short Range DPS will follow when a wave is about to finish, any other time Vindis should be burning out to Web and Kill their targets, so they are in range to apply their most damaging ammo and Web targets down to help in that endeavor. Please remember to KEEP AT RANGE 5KM and not APPROACH because if you bump the VVV out of place you risk moving the entire Short Range DPS ball out of optimal range. The VVV is also the backup Heavy Drone Bunny and when assigned drones is to follow the HHH target priority. AAA-This is the Sniper Anchor. The Pilot performing this Role will, in TPPH 3rd room and NRF, be the Nightmare/Leshak that the Snipers will follow at all times. The AAA will ensure that the Snipers are in position to deliver the most amount of DPS possible.Please remember to KEEP AT RANGE 5KM and not APPROACH and bump your AAA. In TCRC the AAA's primary job is to be the Second into the Room and the First to aggress the Tower to ensure that the Sansha aggro is consolidated on the AAA to help make this Site as safe as possible. The AAA is NO LONGER the Logi Anchor. BOOSTER-Now you may be thinking what in the hell is the Booster doing in the Anchor Rolls? The Booster is now the Logi Anchor. Greater minds than ours have theorycrafted this so just roll with it. The Logi are to Orbit the Main Booster at 10KM. The Main Booster will ensure that the Logi are in position to apply the most effective amount of reps to the Fleet as possible. See bottom of page for more Booster info. Drone Bunny Rolls DDD-This is the Light Drone Bunny (and the most fun roll in Fleet). Every Logi is to Assist their Light Drones to the DDD upon entering a site room, except in TCRC. In TCRC we DO NOT use light drones unless the FC ASKS. The Pilot performing this Role is tasked with killing the Sansha frigates. The preferred ammo type is Antimatter becasue it gets no tracking penalties. The DDD gets 2xTracking and 1xOptimal Range Links to assist them in this endeavor and should also be able to refit their DDAs to Tracking Enhancers to assist them as well. As DDD it is preferable to be moving as little as possible for when in motion your tracking falls off considerably. Get in range of the initial spawn of sansha in TPPH and NRF rooms then sit still until they are dead swapping ammo as necessary afterwards ensuring you are in position for each subsequent wave. In the TCRC the DDD is to Focus on Niarjas only killing the untagged Schmaels after the first two Niarja are dead, you may sit still and kill Schmaels until they are out of range on aggro switch or move to your Niarja Spawn position and continue killing them when no Niarja are on grid. The optimal spot to be to blap Niarja is inbetween the Shield Transfer Control Tower and the Sansha Tower slightly behind both. If our DPS is killing frigs at a pace where a competent DDD cannot keep up or a NewBro DDD is struggling the FC may assign a 2nd DDD. If you as a DPS Pilot see frigs up with your last target do everyone a favor lock them up and kill them. HHH-This is the Heavy Drone Bunny. Every Battleship is to Assist their Heavy Drones to the HHH upon entering the 3rd room of the TPPH and the NRF. DO NOT ASSIST DRONES IN TCRC. The Pilot performing this Role will in TPPH and NRF be killing Uitras, Vylades, Romis and DPS Tags in reverse order. Your main goal is to keep the Heavy Drones one one target for as long as possible to maximize the application of their DPS. Specifics on what Sansha you are to prioritize in what site and wave are to be found in the following link. When full Heavy Drones are to be assigned to the VVV. TTT-Rarely when our VVV is full on Heavy drones the FC will assign a tertiary Heavy Drone Bunny in the form of a TTT. Tips-Remember that Drones will always attack the last target you use an offensive module on. In last wave of TPPH and NRF the Drone Bunnies should ALWAYS, unless FC specifies differently, prioritize the last tagged Outuni. SSS-This is the Sentry Drone Bunny used in VG Fleets. The Pilot performing this Role will follow normal Sniper Tags and can fit a Target Painter to help the Drones apply DPS. Logi Coordinator Roles CCC-This is the Cap Chain Coordinator. The Pilot performing this Role will manage the Basi Chat MOTD, Set Up and Update Cap Chain, Assign Remote Sensor Booster Target and Inform FC about the number of Combat Caps. Scimi Link Coordinator-This is, as the title suggests, the Scimi Link Coordinator. The Pilot performing this Role will manage the Scimi Link Chat MOTD. Follow what the MOTD says in assigning links. FC preference will always trump normal assignments but the DDD ALWAYS gets at the least 2xTracking and 1xOptimal Links. Special Snowflake Roles MTAC-This is the only Role that has but one job in one site, without this being performed we could not complete TCRCs. The Pilot performing this Role will ferry the MTAC from the Concord MTAC Factory to the Shield Control Transfer Array to prevent the Sansha Tower from receiving reps. BOOSTER-The Booster provides the Fleet with boosts to our tank and propulsion. The Booster is now also the Logi Anchor. The Pilot performing this Role has to be approved by Command to do so. The Booster moves in such a way as to insure the Logi can apply the maximum amount of reps to the fleet at any given time. In VGs the Booster is also the main Logi pilot. Please Go Out and X Up! o7
  37. 4 points
    DPS and Sniper waitlists have been super long as of late and Logi waitlist is very often empty or very short. We need Logi to run fleet and have had problems running some sites because we don't have enough. Logi is a relatively easy but important role and you don't have to wait on those long DPS and Sniper waitlists. Please train into Basis and Scimis and aim for good logi skills including Logistics cruiser 5 optimally. It's a long train but definitely worth it. Check our fitting site for fits. Thank you
  38. 4 points
    Line Pilots are now allowed to fly T3 Logistic Cruisers. Currently, only the Loki will be accepted into fleets. Please refer to the skill plans below, the waitlist will confirm them when you x-up for the first time. Rep Application: T3 Logi use 8 Medium Remote Shield Boosters vs the T2 Logi’s 4 Large Remote Shield Boosters. The medium reps have a much shorter optimal range (7km vs 32km), and less repping power per rep than the Large but the additional modules (8vs4) allow the T3 logi to outrep T2 logi at any distance. When applying reps, 1.5 medium reps are equivalent to 1 Large Rep; so, in a situation where you would normally apply 2 large reps, you want to use 3 medium reps. T3 cruisers get large bonuses to Overheating: the Offensive subsystem skill increases the benefits of overheating by 50%. T3 pilots therefore should expect to use heat far more liberally. Anchoring: For the TPPH and NRF it is not really necessary to do anything different than T2 Logi (orbit Booster at 10km). To get more performance out of your reps you can anchor closer to the DPS, typically near the Kronos. For the TCRC, keep at range 10km from the tower, once you get to the tower you can turn your prop mod off and sit still. In the TCRC site there is only one initial aggro, the changes of logi getting a swap are slim, and the Loki has the tank to handle any troll aggro without speed. Sitting still prevents you from bumping into battleships/structures. T2 vs T3 Benefits: T2 logi bring utility to the fleet in the form of Combat Caps or Remote Tracking Computers. T3 logi do not bring any utility. T3 logi rep harder than T2 logi. T3 logi are also more tanky than their T2 counterparts; therefore, they can more freely use their reps. Getting aggro in the T3 is not as dangerous as a T2 logi. Skill Requirements: T3 cruisers require extensive skills to perform at their best. All of the following skills are mandatory for T3 pilots. Ship skills: Strategic Cruiser IV Subsystems: Offensive V Core V Propulsion IV Defensive I Armor Hull Upgrades IV Engineering Capacitor Management V Capacitor Systems Operation V CPU Management V Power Grid Management V Thermodynamics IV Nanite Interfacing IV Navigation Navigation V Acceleration Control IV High Speed Maneuvering IV Evasive Maneuvering IV Shields Shield Management V Shield Emission Systems V Shield Upgrades IV Tactical Shield Manipulation IV Targeting Advanced Target Management III Signature Analysis V Other Rules and Regulations: All Tech III Logistics ships must use 8x Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Boosters. All Tech III Logistics ships must be 6 rep stable. All Tech III Logistics ships must meet or exceed 74% in all shield resistances without Command Bursts. All Tech III Logistics ships must be capable of reaching at minimum 7,000 Shield Hit Points(HP) If you understand everything that has been posted here and meet the skill requirements feel free to fill out the X-Up with a Loki on the waitlist. Assuming you meet the skill check on the Waitlist, you are clear to fly one.
  39. 4 points
    I am sorry, but waiting for a me to be a commander (hoping I become one), making a proposal and waiting weeks for these guides to be updated, hurts me physically and mentally. I am unsure at this point as the guides are being worked on, but I am in awe that some are not updated yet. Clearly there are a lot of mistakes that need to ironed out, pictures are missing, typos and incursions in general having progressed, that these guides need serious updating. Below I have linked all of my own guides, as I do believe newer guides that have been made are fairly up to date. The reason I am posting this here is so that anyone can have some imput, this post eventually be moved or deleted and remade somewhere else. In general Typos removed, edited or rebuild proper sentences Shorten the guides, remove useless crap All pictures have a permanent home now and hopefully won't be removed anymore NEW GUIDE: Drugs guide This isn't an exact write up for every guide, just a general edit Updates: 15-5-2020 Added Malcolms suggestions Typos New Drop Those Drones guide headline picture Machs are the preferred MTACs. Added Flametounges changes too 14-5-2020 Added 2 implants to the implant guide Added pictures to the Drop those drones guide Wrote more about drones you should use Anchoring Guide Room 1 and 2 Everyone should be burning towards the outgate to go into the next room. For the final room, check the picture below. Room 1 VVV (and DPS): Burn towards the targets and web everything down. Priority: Auga, Outuni, Ostingles. AAA (and Snipers): Burn towards the outgate, shooting the Vylade. Room 2 VVV (and DPS): Burn towards the targets and web everything down. Priority: Auga, Deltole, Ostingale, Romi. AAA (and Snipers): Sit still, kill the Mara and then burn. In the progress of updating the NRF picture. It's too zoomed out and all 3 DPS anchor spots can have a better overview of their respective anchor positions. TPPH and TCRC pictures are fine as they are. The new NRF picture, hopefully it's ok. Leshaks should ofcourse be included into the anchoring guide. Room 3 TPPH: (This should include Leshaks) Burn towards the tower, spool nearby Ostingles. Then, follow the VVV anohor. (There is a position below the VVV, but you will most likely get Arnon aggro, get jammed and lose DPS) NRF Burn behind the AAA anchor, about 90 to 95km off the beacon. Burn left 50/55km, above the VVV anchor. After that you can burn around the 4th wave into the sniper targets. Incursion Guide Picture missing The blue color is horrible and hard to read, this should be changed to something more readable. I think adding the "A site spawns 7 minutes after the beacon despawns" in there somewhere would be nice. Outuni gets taken out first, but sometimes it's the Auga and Arnor first, this should be edited. Niarja isn't as bad as I wrote it to be, can be toned down. Vylade doesn't boost? Change it. Deltole doesn't web. Advanced Incursion Tips Pictures Missing First Picture, Staggering Second Picture, Overheating Are you THE VVV? EWAR Call out your webs in fleet chat or on voice Not really EWAR, but call out spools as well Link the skill Frequency Modulation and Sensor Compensation skills somewhere for more information. Overheating Explain how to overheat, shift click a module or SHIFT + HOTKEY (Example, SHIFT + F1) Capacitor Guide Picture missing Yeah I know, it's a big picture, but it perfectly shows how your capacitor is recharging and why we use the 30% to broadcast for cap. Rest looks good I guess, I would make some minor changes to the color and overall look of the guide. Influence guide Pictures Missing Unsure how the current influence fits are now. With maybe changes to WTM and the recent patch there might have been changes to add more tank. Remove the "Except Apocalypse Navy Issue - does not have an available midslot." Rest looks ok I guess. Drop those drones (Drone Guide) Pictures Missing HEADLINE Light Drones Acolyte II If you can't field Acolytes II, go for Imperial Navy Acolytes Hammerhead II If you can't field Hammerhead II, go for Federation Navy Hammerheads Ogre II If you can't field Ogre IIs, go for Federation Navy Ogres Unable to find the images I used to use and only able to find really big drone pictures. Remove them? DO NOT USE INTEGRATED DRONES If you have money and want to risk it, you can buy "Augmented" drones Drone Settings picture Obviously there is something wrong with the code on the recommendations for the drones. Most drone suggestions are in the fitting list anyway. I suggest removing all text and just giving the suggestions for the drones Battleships: 5 x Heavies Ogres recommended Augmented are best, but expensive. Logistics: 5 x Lights Acolytes recommended Scimitars can bring hull bots Again, don't buy Integrated, they are not allowed. Implant Guide Guide looks good, remove all prices, Bling already shows high cost. One small edit, add a capacitor slot 6 for the logistics Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Systems Operation EO-606 Cap Recharge Time Reduction -6 % 2nd option: Eifyr and Co. 'Rogue' Navigation NN-606 Velocity Modifier 6 % Drone Bunny (DDD) Remove all recommended ships for the DDD Vindicator is the optimal ship 4/4 stack your guns, put 4 guns and a web on seperate targets. Full fleet shoot XXX is debatable and should be revised. Only when contested, you should just follow the tags below. What should I shoot? NSTER For example, the first room of the TPPH, you don't shoot the Outuni. Removed the Outuni and make it NSTER./ TPPH 1st room Schmaeels, Tamas then Renyns TPPH 2nd room Is fine TPPH 3rd room3 Wave 1 1 Eystur Then Tamas Then the rest of the Eysturs REMOVE ROMIS Wave 2 is fine Wave 3 Include Vylade Leftover frigates Vylade Romis NRF Wave 1 is correct Wave 2 is correct Wave 3 First Maras (Use your resebo) Then Frigates Then Romis Wave 4 1 Outuni > go for Frigates, Vylade then Romis 2/3 Outinies > Go for last tagged, then Eysturs, Vylade, then Romis. Skill Guide WORK IN PROGRESS Remove the Rokh and the Maelstrom Skills for the Hyperion Minimum Vindicator Optimal Vindicator MTAC Guides Machariels preferred, Nightmares are secondary MTACs if no Mach is around. Add a clear picture of the MTAC factory and Shield Transfer Control Tower. Tone down the wall of text, make the guide simpler and add general tips Requirement: Have a Tractor Beam fitted Whenever you take a TCRC gate, FC will say full fleet take gate, you wait about 5 seconds, so you won't get webbed. MTAC should burn immediatly to the MTAC factory. Within 20km of the MTAC factory, turn off the MWD, drop a can with 1 ammo and tractor it. (DO NOT SHOOT YOUR OWN CAN) Put the MTAC from the MTAC factory into your can. (The MTAC is too big for your ship, therefor you have a can) Move the MTAC from the MTAC Factory to the Shield Transfer Control Tower. Then go back to the MTAC factory, wait for another MTAC and keep doing it until the tower is dead. After the tower dies, you are allowed to warp off. (This is because you can get stuck on the collidable structures) General tips Focus on the first MTAC first, then the rest, like shooting the tower (if at all) and putting your drones on the tower. Do not shoot the tower while burning towards the MTAC factory, you might get aggro. Pulse your MWD towards the Shield Transfer Control Tower for the first MTAC, this means activating it and immediatly de-activating it. Right after you pulse it, set your speed to 200 to 300, so you get a little bit of speed, no super boost. Pull your drones a bit earlier, so you are able to warp off earlier as well. 50% hull should be good enough. Contest tips If you are taking the gate later, look out for contests. Tell the FC and immediatly take the gate. Pre heat your MWD and burn towards the MTAC factory immediatly. It's imperative you get the first MTAC and ask the FC when to drop it. It comes to FC strategies on contests when to drop the MTAC. The first MTAC is the most important one, but if you don't get it, it's fine. Don't stress. If you didn't get the first one, try to get the second one and ask the FC when to drop. These should be all the updates to the guides. Thank you for reading. Thanks for @Mu Linfei for helping me with some of the edits.
  40. 4 points
    As outlined in this CCP devblog, with the upcoming structure changes on May 26 unfueled structures will lose their defensive times and will not have asset safety if destroyed. As a result, we will be removing most of our dormant structures in anticipation of the patch. Please take this time to remove all assets from Warp To Structures structures before May 24th. Any ships, modules, etc left in structures at that time will be placed in asset safety and require a fee and wait time to recover. Any pods left in structures at that time will unfortunately be automatically destroyed. When the system warrants it, we will endeavor to online a Warp To Structures structure in the current focus. When online and listed in the WTM Incursions' MOTD, this can be treated as a normal player station with all the same associated risks. After the focus is finished, you will have 72 hours from the time the new focus spawns to remove your assets from the structure before it is taken down. As mentioned above, once deanchored after the 72h grace period, the structure will place ships, modules, etc in asset safety and destroy any remaining pods. We are happy to provide our citadel service free of charge, however we cannot take responsibility for any assets that are forgotten or lost. Warp to Structures is owned and operated with the full endorsement of WTM Incursions. Please feel free to contact Officers or Leadership with any concerns.
  41. 4 points
    ...but you realized that u never put the out this whole time
  42. 4 points
    Site doesnt matter (NRF or TPPH is the perfect time to read the guide and understand it anyway), it also doesnt matter if you think we already have enough ppl for the role or not. What matters is this: FC tells you to read a simple guide and perform a simple role, and you dont even want to bother trying then there is no room for you in fleet. There are plenty who wants to actually try instead of you, just not enough room for them. Truth is, i asked for a 2nd MTAC for quite a while (even before the contest) and specifically asked machs to do it. No one did. After about 15-20 minutes of continuously asking without names. I decided to start to sort out the situation 1 by 1 , looking at machs. Told you to read the guide and do the MTAC if we get to a TCRC. Not even trying to do this is just not an option in my fleets. Its actually really infuriating, when people are not even bothering to actually play the game and the role they are supposed to in a group activity which requires group effort Once again this was nothing personally against you, I did this multiple times in the past and will do it in the future, calling out pilots and asking them to X-up in fleetchat to make sure they are actually listening. It happened before you, it happened after you. You not remembering/hearing/not being there for it doesnt mean it did not happen. If you are not able to participate on the level that is expected because of real life or something else going on it is absolutely fine. Just dont expect to get paid like everyone else who are actually trying.
  43. 4 points
    Hey all my name is sushi shimi in game. I was extremely nervous to fleet up and try this out. I was super surprised at how the fc's and members mentor and explain everything. This is a great community that I wish I could've been a part of from the beginning. That being said Im hooked and I plan on being super active. Thanks again.
  44. 4 points
    The guy that run alone in multibox. How do he run HQ alone is he inhuman? I know VG can be run alone only 15 but 40 toons? Please enlighten me.
  45. 4 points
    One more year in the books. This past week marks our 6th year and as far as public communities go this is pretty big and we owe it to each and every one of yall that choose to fly with us and on behalf of the Warpto SRP Corporation i sincerly thank each and every one of yall. I would like to take a moment and personally thank @Sparta for being one of the founders that makes this shit show possible. Yes i say that with a giant grin on my face not only because this is my chosen content but for giving me a home and a family that means just as much to me as my RL family. For those of yall that are not aware sparta has recently decided to take a few steps back and retire. Hes has passed management to me of our SRP corp and in game channels. Im still settling in on this job and making it my own but our anniversary is going to be big. I have asked one of our commanders to help and be the SRP Corps represenative and act as our loot fairly. That individual will be making their presence known in fleet and doing some random giveaways as a thank you for helping make this place special. And we are just getting started. To give yall an idea we will be starting with some upgrade modules for logi and battleships alike and doing our best to make sure we spread the weath across as many time zones as possible. As the next couple weeks pass we are going to be stepping it up and going with bigger upgrades, hulls, maybe even some fit hulls and finishing off with something big i havnt decided yet. These will all be in fleet prizes. If your not in fleet, you cant win. So again, on behalf of myself and every single commander here, or has ever served here, Thank you. Yall make this worth doing. Sandman Logan3 Warpto SRP Update 4/2/2019: As an update my loot fairy is working their way thru 3b worth of upgrade mods there has also been 2 vindis and a months plex given away.
  46. 4 points
    Very well written Victor. Good Job! I liked your idea for a brief summary of the tactics we use. It will be really useful for the new pilots. Here's something from me, specifically for the Vindicator pilots (my favorite ship) TPPH – Vindicator (DPS) First Room Be sure you got NULL loaded and <keep at range> is set to 5000m. After you land, turn left, turn on MWD, click Outuni Mesen or Ostingele Tectum and then click <keep at range>. NOTE: 1.Do not approach NPC’s at 0! Do not bump them! Turn off MWD when you get to 20km. 2.Don’t forget to broadcast for shields if you are yellow boxed and for capacitor if you got Ottuni. 3.Do not launch Heavy drones if FC say it. Lock Auga’s and start shooting them following tags. Launch your drones and assign them. Start locking Outuni Mesen and Ostingele’s. When Auga’s are down, swap to Void. When you reach webbing range of Outuni/Ostingele’s, start webbing and shooting them in order. Call what you webbing. If your target is already webbed/called, switch to next one. Approach them, shoot and kill them, following the FC order/tags. When last Ostingele left on grid, start approaching Acceleration gate. If there are still frigates on grid, start locking and webbing them. Swap ammo if needed. Approach the gate. Turn off MWD and align down the gate, when FC say it. Take the gate only when FC call it and swap to NULL. NOTE: 1.Use Q to align! Do not use gate for that! 2.Do not Leeroy gates! Second Room After you land, turn on MWD, click Deltole Tegmentum or Ostingele Tectum and then click <keep at range>. Lock Auga and start shooting it. Launch your drones and assign them. Start Locking Deltole, Ostingele’s and Romi’s. When you reach webbing range start webbing and shooting them (With VOID). Follow FC order/tag’s. If Romis are in your web range, web/call them. This will help HHH to kill them faster. Take the gate only when FC call it and swap to NULL. Third room Wave 1: After you land, turn on MWD, click Ostingele and <keep at range>. Start locking them. Launch your drones and assign them. Lock Romi’s also. Until you burning to your primary targets, you can web and shoot some Romi’s in range, while they still don’t have transversal velocity. When you reach webbing range, start webbing and shooting Ostingele’s (With VOID). Follow FC order/tag’s. Call your webs. Start burning to your next anchor point (Keep at range your VVV and don’t bump it) as soon as FC call it, or 2 BS left on field. Turn on your MWD and turn it off after two to three cycles, or when you get to 20km. from your anchor. Swap to NULL while you burning, if some targets left behind, out of your VOID range. Kill them. When you reach the spot, CTRL+SPACE to stop your ship (for better tracking). Reload Void and prepare for the next wave. NOTE: 1.Don’t forget to broadcast for shields if you are yellow boxed, and “In position” when they stop shooting you (yellow boxed again). 2.No web is needed if the target speed is 100 m/sec. or less. Wave 2: Lock Battleships and start webbing/shooting them following the FC order’s/tag’s. If Romi’s are tagged, web Romi and call it, before they run away. Use two webs per Romi. If target is already webbed/called, switch to next one. If they run away, use NULL to kill them. When last two BS left, anchor to VVV. He gonna move you to the spot 20k away of the tower. Reload VOID, CTRL+SPACE and wait for the next spawn. Wave 3: Lock Battleships and start webbing/shooting them following the FC order’s/tag’s. Check your drones for drone agro. When last two BS/Cruisers left on grid, start approaching the Battle tower. If there are still frigates on, start locking and webbing them. Kill what is left. Shoot tower. Send Drones to shoot tower. NOTE: 1.Don’t forget to broadcast for shields if you are yellow boxed and for capacitor if you got Ottuni. 2. Don’t web Vylade Dien. It has no propmod. 3. After tower bash, don’t forget to recall your drones, before you warp out. 4. There might be a different site tactics or target order for some or the all waves, at the discretion of the fleet FC!
  47. 4 points
    Yesterday Maximus Atreide and his gf's world got rocked and they litterally got out of the day with the clothes on their backs when their home caught fire and burned down. We have already shared it with the commanders and if you are so inclined there is a gofundme opened for them. If you chose to donate make sure and leave a comment from wtm, toon name, or the like. For those that want to do something but cant do that, i talked to sparta about the srp throwin a few plex his way to keep his account training while they rebuild their lives from scratch and i told him i would match him 3 months worth. If anyone would like to chip in on top of this you may contract me plex (any quantity not just 500) and i will add that on top my my 3m in a week or so. its times like this when this community comes together and does its best work. Sandman WTM Leadership
  48. 4 points
    This is blobert deciding to help WTM out with a convenient place fore people to dock in HQ systems with repair functions and a clone bay. it is under wtm name and corp. no reason to be rude about somebody helping out commanders and line pilots. You don't have to dock there if you choose not to. We will still have the typical station docks as well.
  49. 4 points
    yeah, Stellaris with the eve mod so you can pretend you are playing eve while servers are offline
  50. 4 points
    https://community.eveonline.com/news/patch-notes/patch-notes-for-eve-online-citadel Devs added the ability to move to a point in space. Hold Q and click in space to do this.