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niki lasvegas

niki's Capsprey Guide for HQ sites

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Hey Guys.
This one has been a long time coming guide, with many requests. Finally it is time.

What is a Capsprey?
A Capsprey is a cheap Osprey focusing on helping out a WTM fleet and its great cap-hungriness, following them around and servicing capacitor on-grid, while not in fleet. Ideally this character is an alt of someone who is already in fleet and getting paid for site-completion.

How to safely do this without blowing up?
You have to play by a couple of really simple rules and you will most likely (99.99% chance) not going to get targeted at all, unless our CCP Overlords will decide otherwise (the 0.01% why you cant say something like "impossible or always/never" in EVE).
1. As always you have to listen to the FC. Nothing new here.
2. Unless you have an explicit permission from the FC you are not going into a TCRC. Only NRF and TPPH. To be fair TPPH is by far the most cap-hungry site anyway, and thats where you are needed the most. In TCRC there are a couple of frigs and cruisers who are not playing by the usual aggro rules, and sometimes its messy enough even without a Capsprey. Feel free to ask permission, but dont get grumpy if FC says no tho'.
3. In NRF and TPPH when fleet takes a gate you have to be a 100% sure that the initial aggro already happened (somebody is already getting shot), after that you have to take the gate really quickly, because you have to keep up with the fleet, and not be out of position when the next wave spawns!
How to confirm aggro? Either check it with your in-fleet character, or if you dont have that wait 15 seconds after fleet took the gate, then catch up fast!
4. Anchoring: DO NOT ORBIT! You have to reach your anchor position before the next wave spawns, this is super important! When you are there then obviously you can turn off your prop-mod. I'll give you two options how to anchor yourself:
a) In case you can move in 3D (Q+doubleclick) and have the capacity to choose a safe spot: anchor yourself! This is probably safer than relying on a booster that sometimes can be slightly out of position.
-TPPH: last room 30 km left from the tower, 80 km from the beacon, your altitude (important) should be the top of the very highest spike of the tower.
-NRF: 50 km right from the tower, 80 km from the beacon, your altitude (important) should be the top of the very highest spike of the tower.
-TCRC: does not matter even if the FC lets you in, there are no waves after Outuni spawn, so you should be fine anywhere.
b) In case you can not anchor yourself: You will anchor on the primary booster. You burn to it really close, keep-at-range 1000  meters. If the booster is not out of position you probably (99.99%) wont take new wave initial aggro.

Okay, you survived. Nice. But how to effectively use a Capsprey, what is the job?
It is rather simple because you should focus on your in-fleet character mostly anyway. You should service cap for the most cap-hungry boats in the fleet.
Who are these guys? Blaster boats.
Typically: all the Hyperions are cap hungry all the time. Vindicators who are burning around like madmen. Vindicators who are doing crazy DPS, pulling damage aggro. Hope they are not in fleet, but alas if they are: Rokhs.  Honestly, all the blaster boats will be grateful for your deed. Some rare times if they notice you they might just tip some ISK as well for your service. I know i do. ;3
So you put 1 cap transfer on each of these guys (5 at a time), and you basically are good for at least 1 wave. I would recommend to maximize your focus on your in-fleet character. And only switch cap targets with the Capsrey if you still have spare time, which sometimes you probably wont have at all. Depends on the fleets nature, really. I would also recommend to just keep capping Hyperions (Rokhs...) all the time and never let them go. You can shuffle around the rest of your cap transfers on Vindicators if you want tho', cuz most typically they wont need them all the time, just a refuel every now and then.
It is completely fine to just choose 5 ships and cap them for a whole site and to not pay attention to your Capsprey at all after you started capping and reached your anchor.

What to do if you screwed up and failed to play by the rules or CCP decided you will be unlucky? AKA: if you are targeted by sansha.
The tanky fit that i listed below most likely will hold and not blow up, if the in-fleet logi can catch you on time. If possible then you should voice it on comms, even target broadcast your own alt quickly. Overheat the tank, the prop-mod and try to burn away. Hopefully the commanders and logies are on the lookout on their own as well and will try to save you.
Do not warp out with the tanky fit, please even if you are able to. It will just cause split aggro, which can easily result in losing some drones, and of course grumpy logi. Most likely you will survive, but even if you die, it is a cheap loss and a good lesson what not to do with the next Capsprey.
If you are in the greedy fit then feel free to warp out, cuz you are not going to survive a full wave aggro. But that fit is only recommended for veteran pilots who are experienced multiboxers and confident enough that they wont screw up ever.

Recommended tanky fit for everyone:



[Osprey, Capsprey Shieldtank]
Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
EM Shield Amplifier II

Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter

Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II


Not recommended greedy fit for veterans who are experienced multiboxers and really confident:



[Osprey, Capsprey Greedy]
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Remote Tracking Computer II
Remote Tracking Computer II
50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Remote Tracking Computer II
Remote Sensor Booster II

Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter

Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hobgoblin II x4

Tracking Speed Script x3
Scan Resolution Script x1
ECCM Script x1
Optimal Range Script x3


Why Small Cap Transfers?
Small Cap Transfers will give enough cap for your targets, but they will not pull enough aggro to be targeted by the sansha. It is the perfect solution and these small Corpii A-Types are also really cost-effective.

Alright thats enough to start. Not sure if i want to expand more on the why's and how's and make this another "book" of mine. I will update if there is something that i feel important enough.
Off you go, and cap some mighty Vindicators! B|

Edited by niki lasvegas
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Thanks for writing this guide.

How do you warp to gate? When in fleet you can click on the broadcast location in fleet History. Do Capsreys need to use the overview to warp?

Is it approprate for non-multiboxers to Capsprey e.g. when bored waiting in queue or wanting some low pressure logi experience?

Why don't you orbit? Do you orbit or otherwise speed tank if you take agro?

I presume it is acceptable to multibox a Capsprey without a call for multiboxing (as long as you only have one character in fleet).


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39 minutes ago, Suu Gaku said:

Thanks for writing this guide.

How do you warp to gate? When in fleet you can click on the broadcast location in fleet History. Do Capsreys need to use the overview to warp?

Is it approprate for non-multiboxers to Capsprey e.g. when bored waiting in queue or wanting some low pressure logi experience?

Why don't you orbit? Do you orbit or otherwise speed tank if you take agro?

I presume it is acceptable to multibox a Capsprey without a call for multiboxing (as long as you only have one character in fleet).

To answer your questions in order:

Use dscan, check distance from sun/station, or simply ask in comms. Most of the time if you are listening in it makes it easier to know where fleet is going or where they are at in the site. Try and keep up with the fleet so you don't have the issue of being behind or coming in at the wrong time. And as niki says, avoid TCRCs.

Capspray is not really like logi. You operate it fairly different, not that there aren't some similarities. You can feel free to do it while you are in queue, just make sure you are ready in the ship you x'd up with when your turn comes up. 

Niki explains it in the guide, but orbiting puts you more out of position of the group which makes you more likely to grab initial. It also is quicker to warp off if needed when sitting at 0 Velocity. Keep at range on the claymore about 2k, and you should be fine. 

Since they are unpaid and out of fleet it's fine. Try not to let your capspray distract you from your main character. Use small cap transfers, pick some vindies, set it and forget it. ;)

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@Suu Gaku pretty much everything, what Malcolm said. One addition: if you are carefully looking at fleet ships on grid in space which beacon or structure are they warping to, you can determine where to go by just watching them warping to a next beacon, disappearing from your screen.

Edited by niki lasvegas

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Update: new fit for the Shieldtank version. For more speed to match faster sitetimes, easier to not be out of position.


[Osprey, Capsprey Shieldtank]
Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
EM Shield Amplifier II

Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter

Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II

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Upon recent events i decided to give 2 different options on how to anchor:

On 1/23/2021 at 10:09 PM, niki lasvegas said:

4. Anchoring: DO NOT ORBIT! You have to reach your anchor position before the next wave spawns, this is super important! When you are there then obviously you can turn off your prop-mod. I'll give you two options how to anchor yourself:
a) In case you can move in 3D (Q+doubleclick) and have the capacity to choose a safe spot: anchor yourself! This is probably safer than relying on a booster that sometimes can be slightly out of position.
-TPPH: last room 30 km left from the tower, 80 km from the beacon, your altitude (important) should be the top of the very highest spike of the tower.
-NRF: 50 km right from the tower, 80 km from the beacon, your altitude (important) should be the top of the very highest spike of the tower.
-TCRC: does not matter even if the FC lets you in, there are no waves after Outuni spawn, so you should be fine anywhere.
b) In case you can not anchor yourself: You will anchor on the primary booster. You burn to it really close, keep-at-range 1000  meters. If the booster is not out of position you probably (99.99%) wont take new wave initial aggro.


Edited by niki lasvegas

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Stable Fit without MWD active.
Niki's fit changes:
switch rig 'Medium Core Defense Field Extender I' to 'Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I'
and 'Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II' to T1 - 'Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I'

cost reduce by 25%~ || HP reduce from 9800 to 8500 || Stable Without MWD Active




[Osprey, Capsprey Shieldtank Stable /w out MWD]
Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
50MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
EM Shield Amplifier II

Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter
Corpii A-Type Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter

Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II



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Not a bad fit at all, altho' i personally do not prefer it.

Making a fit unnecessarily cap stable without a good reason doesnt really make sense.You dont need MWD to stay active all the time. It is also bad for a few reasons to just run it endlessly.

If you want tanky fit, use the tanky version. If you want to lessen the tank thats fine too, but dont just go half-way :) Use greedy fit for more utility.

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