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WTS Armageddon Started for incursions at 420,000,000 isk. Its full fitted and is docking in Jita. [Armageddon, CNV Ascendant Spoils] Capacitor Power Relay II Drone Damage Amplifier II Heat Sink II Capacitor Power Relay II Drone Damage Amplifier II Heat Sink II Damage Control II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender 500MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive Drone Link Augmentor I Heavy Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I Mega Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I Large Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Large EM Shield Reinforcer II Large EM Shield Reinforcer II Federation Navy Ogre x5 Imperial Navy Multifrequency L x10 Imperial Navy Xray L x10 Please send me an evemail if you are interestet, I will try to answer quickly. TY!
This is a guide to Roles in Fleet So what are Roles? They are the thing that keep fleets moving and operating smoothly making that wallet of yours fat. 'BUT WAIT!' you say,'I thought that was the FC?' Well they do exactly what I just described but here the meaning takes on a more hands on flying ships pew pewing and repping meaning. The FC cannot do everything, I know a horrible concept to grasp, so we lowly scrubs must do our part! Without these Roles that have been painstakingly devised by people with way more time in game than you or I we wouldnt make anywhere near the isk we can now in Incursions. These Roles are everything from being an anchor to others, to commanding vast mini fleets of drones, to being overlord of your own little chatbox kingdom or even preventing enemy battle towers form living longer than necessary. All you need to do to take part in these glorious activities yourself is X up in Fleet chat when the FC asks. Really, that's it. Below are summaries of each Role with links to the awesomely written guides where they exist. Anchoring Roles VVV- This is the Short Range DPS Anchor. The Pilot performing this Role will, in TPPH 3rd room and NRF, be the Vindicator that the Short Range DPS will follow when a wave is about to finish, any other time Vindis should be burning out to Web and Kill their targets, so they are in range to apply their most damaging ammo and Web targets down to help in that endeavor. Please remember to KEEP AT RANGE 5KM and not APPROACH because if you bump the VVV out of place you risk moving the entire Short Range DPS ball out of optimal range. The VVV is also the backup Heavy Drone Bunny and when assigned drones is to follow the HHH target priority. AAA-This is the Sniper Anchor. The Pilot performing this Role will, in TPPH 3rd room and NRF, be the Nightmare/Leshak that the Snipers will follow at all times. The AAA will ensure that the Snipers are in position to deliver the most amount of DPS possible.Please remember to KEEP AT RANGE 5KM and not APPROACH and bump your AAA. In TCRC the AAA's primary job is to be the Second into the Room and the First to aggress the Tower to ensure that the Sansha aggro is consolidated on the AAA to help make this Site as safe as possible. The AAA is NO LONGER the Logi Anchor. BOOSTER-Now you may be thinking what in the hell is the Booster doing in the Anchor Rolls? The Booster is now the Logi Anchor. Greater minds than ours have theorycrafted this so just roll with it. The Logi are to Orbit the Main Booster at 10KM. The Main Booster will ensure that the Logi are in position to apply the most effective amount of reps to the Fleet as possible. See bottom of page for more Booster info. Drone Bunny Rolls DDD-This is the Light Drone Bunny (and the most fun roll in Fleet). Every Logi is to Assist their Light Drones to the DDD upon entering a site room, except in TCRC. In TCRC we DO NOT use light drones unless the FC ASKS. The Pilot performing this Role is tasked with killing the Sansha frigates. The preferred ammo type is Antimatter becasue it gets no tracking penalties. The DDD gets 2xTracking and 1xOptimal Range Links to assist them in this endeavor and should also be able to refit their DDAs to Tracking Enhancers to assist them as well. As DDD it is preferable to be moving as little as possible for when in motion your tracking falls off considerably. Get in range of the initial spawn of sansha in TPPH and NRF rooms then sit still until they are dead swapping ammo as necessary afterwards ensuring you are in position for each subsequent wave. In the TCRC the DDD is to Focus on Niarjas only killing the untagged Schmaels after the first two Niarja are dead, you may sit still and kill Schmaels until they are out of range on aggro switch or move to your Niarja Spawn position and continue killing them when no Niarja are on grid. The optimal spot to be to blap Niarja is inbetween the Shield Transfer Control Tower and the Sansha Tower slightly behind both. If our DPS is killing frigs at a pace where a competent DDD cannot keep up or a NewBro DDD is struggling the FC may assign a 2nd DDD. If you as a DPS Pilot see frigs up with your last target do everyone a favor lock them up and kill them. HHH-This is the Heavy Drone Bunny. Every Battleship is to Assist their Heavy Drones to the HHH upon entering the 3rd room of the TPPH and the NRF. DO NOT ASSIST DRONES IN TCRC. The Pilot performing this Role will in TPPH and NRF be killing Uitras, Vylades, Romis and DPS Tags in reverse order. Your main goal is to keep the Heavy Drones one one target for as long as possible to maximize the application of their DPS. Specifics on what Sansha you are to prioritize in what site and wave are to be found in the following link. When full Heavy Drones are to be assigned to the VVV. TTT-Rarely when our VVV is full on Heavy drones the FC will assign a tertiary Heavy Drone Bunny in the form of a TTT. Tips-Remember that Drones will always attack the last target you use an offensive module on. In last wave of TPPH and NRF the Drone Bunnies should ALWAYS, unless FC specifies differently, prioritize the last tagged Outuni. SSS-This is the Sentry Drone Bunny used in VG Fleets. The Pilot performing this Role will follow normal Sniper Tags and can fit a Target Painter to help the Drones apply DPS. Logi Coordinator Roles CCC-This is the Cap Chain Coordinator. The Pilot performing this Role will manage the Basi Chat MOTD, Set Up and Update Cap Chain, Assign Remote Sensor Booster Target and Inform FC about the number of Combat Caps. Scimi Link Coordinator-This is, as the title suggests, the Scimi Link Coordinator. The Pilot performing this Role will manage the Scimi Link Chat MOTD. Follow what the MOTD says in assigning links. FC preference will always trump normal assignments but the DDD ALWAYS gets at the least 2xTracking and 1xOptimal Links. Special Snowflake Roles MTAC-This is the only Role that has but one job in one site, without this being performed we could not complete TCRCs. The Pilot performing this Role will ferry the MTAC from the Concord MTAC Factory to the Shield Control Transfer Array to prevent the Sansha Tower from receiving reps. BOOSTER-The Booster provides the Fleet with boosts to our tank and propulsion. The Booster is now also the Logi Anchor. The Pilot performing this Role has to be approved by Command to do so. The Booster moves in such a way as to insure the Logi can apply the maximum amount of reps to the fleet at any given time. In VGs the Booster is also the main Logi pilot. Please Go Out and X Up! o7
Hi there I'm a returning player of Eve Online, I started back in 2015 or 16 and I only played for a few months. I never got around to do incursions, but I was nearly there, having almost completed requirements to fit machariel. I'm pretty sure that I've never been on this website before and that I've never done incursions before, so it strikes me as odd that I'm banned. When I logged in for the first time in years, yesterday, I found I was banned when I joined a corporation and a member tried to invite me to some channel for incursions I think? Anyway, my ingame character name is 'Kara Searae', I would appreciate any help, thank you in advance
So this didn't used to be my main, but it most likely is now. And I have to say, incursion running has been pretty fun with you guys! I was gonna check out TVP but their FC was being a pretty big dick about a gank of his stiletto. And by actively contesting, kind of ruined me wanting to try them out too. So right now my goal is for personal gain towards a farmhole. Then, I'd like to get all the tags for all the ships! As I can fly every ship BS and below with all the tech II weapon systems! Thanks for running these guys! You're a big help.
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- incursions
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Warp To Me Citadel Guide DISCLAIMER: Use Citadels at your own risk. Warp To Me or affiliated Commanders will not be held liable for locking or loss of assets, implants, or jump clones. Introduction Ah, Citadels, the cities of the heavens. Magnificent dreams have become a reality as beautiful, useful, and inexpensive structures have been added to the game. As we incursioners are opportunists, we'd like to ask one question: do Citadels serve a purpose to us? Are they useful? Should we take advantage of them? What are the risks? This guide serves to answer these questions. Benefits First, there are a few benefits of citadels that incursioners should note. The two most significant benefits are safe dockup in stationless systems and free repair, which we'll cover in more detail. However, benefits should be balanced with risks, as to take advantage of these benefits, you should be fully aware of the risks of doing so. Stationless Systems Of course, one problem we HQ runners have is stationless HQ systems. It's quite a bother when, after joining fleet, you have to jump a gate or two to be with the fleet. Citadels are meant to solve this problem, if only temporary. Once a move is set to a stationless HQ system, one of our commanders will anchor one as soon as they are able, but note that anchoring takes 24 hours. Thus, for stationless systems, we will always have an NPC station nearby as our official dockup. We cannot guarantee the safety of citadels, owned by commanders or otherwise. This is EVE Online, which has the unofficial tagline of Trust No One. Docking has risks you should be aware of, including locking of your assets or loss of jump clones. Free Repair Free is good, right? If you have docking rights, just by being nearby a citadel (not docked up), you will be tethered to it. This tethering does a number of things, one of which repairs your ship, drones, and modules (even burnt out ones). This serves incredibly useful in many cases, as you can make a quick trip to a citadel, sit there for a bit, and then rejoin the fleet once you're repaired. Risks Before docking to a citadel, you must understand the risks of doing so. In short: your assets may be locked for 5 days and possibly cost a fee to unlock them, and your jump clones may be destroyed if the citadel is decommissioned or destroyed. I'll cover these in more detail below. Assets / Asset Safety Structures that are well maintained and fueled are relatively low risk. You should understand that you could potentially be locked out of your assets for a minimum of five days and possibly pay a 15% fee to recover them. This is due to the Asset Safety System, which is a system to relocate your assets if they're inaccessible or the citadel was decommissioned/destroyed while fueled. However, player structures, if not fueled, will go into "low power" and then "abandoned". If a Structure goes abandoned and then gets wardecked and destroyed, your assets will loot piñata rather than go to asset safety. You will loose all of your assets, clones etc. If the structure says [LOW POWER] or [ABONDONED], remove all assets immediately. To clarify, for the incursion pilot, here are the cases that the Asset Safety System is triggered: Citadel is destroyed while fully powered Note that it takes at least 7 days to destroy a citadel, due to reinforcement timers Citadel is decommissioned The decommission process takes 7 days Citadel displays an [UNACHORING] tag on grid during this process Citadel owner suddenly revokes docking rights Note that you will not be kicked out, but if you undock, then you're locked out. Asset Safety has to be triggered manually (via the asset window) Once triggered, your assets are locked for five days. After that, you can choose a point of delivery via your asset window and your assets will be delivered immediately. If the point of delivery is outside of the system, then a 15% fee will be included. If no action is taken for 15 more days (20 days total), then your assets will automatically be delivered to the nearest NPC station within the same security (HighSec to HighSec / NullSec/LowSec to LowSec). Note that you still have to pay the 15% fee if it automatically delivers to a point outside the system. Mitigation plan: Dock with the preparedness of locking your assets in there for 5 days and paying the 15% fee. A good suggestion is only dock with what you can undock. E.g. leave the majority of your assets in the official dock-up (NPC Station), and dock to a citadel with only your battleship or whatever you plan on running incursions with. Keep in mind that if the owner suddenly revokes docking rights, you can still undock with your ship, you just can't dock back up again. Jump Clones Citadels can offer jump clone services. While this is generally a wonderful feature, it should also be regarded as a risk. If you decide to leave jump clones in citadels, then know this: If the citadel is destroyed or decommissioned, then all jump clones inside are also destroyed. You cannot remove clones from a "Low Power" structure. They are locked in that station until someone fuels and re-activates the clone bay. Mitigation Plan: Do not leave jump clones in citadels, especially citadels anchored for the express purpose of providing an incursion base, as these are temporary. Decommissioning For Citadels set up for incursion purposes, we cannot guarantee their longevity. As incursioners are nomadic by nature, calling no place our true home, no residence is permanent. Citadels set up for incursion purposes reflect this policy, and are subject to decommission by the owner to save Isk. The decommission process takes 7 days, during which the citadel will display an [UNACHORING] tag while on grid. If, by the end of this process, you don't have your assets moved out, they will be locked in asset safety. Furthermore, any jump clones within the citadel will be destroyed. Mitigation Plan: Ensure you have no assets and jump clones in the citadel 7 days after the end of the incursion. Citadels are likely to last longer than that, but nonetheless, the decommission process lasts 7 days. Conclusion So, a question: should you take advantage of citadels in stationless systems? As long as the risks are understood, the answer is absolutely yes. Just know that Warp To Me or affiliated commanders holds no responsibility for loss or locking of assets or jump clones, and we will in no way replace them.
Warp To Me Logi Rookie Guide See our Fittings Webpage for current Logistics fits. Once you have a ship, please read our general Rookie Guide. Fleet MOTD The Fleet MOTD contains important Information. At the bottom of the MOTD are the Fleet Roles. The pilots assigned to these roles are linked so they can be easily added to the Watchlist. Ensure you have the FC and the Booster on your Watchlist. Warp only to the FC if separated from the Fleet Anchor T3C Logi: Anchor yourself (about 5km off of the HHH) T2 logi: Orbit the Booster at 5km with afterburner on Exceptions: In TPPH, you are burning straight to the outgate, only in the last room do you orbit. Watch List As a Logi pilot, you should make use of your watch list, as it is a quick reference for locking, orbiting, or watching members. To add members to your watch list, right-click on their name, go to Fleet > Add to Watch List. You should add the following pilots to your watch list. Basi Pilots Booster DDD (if you have light drones) FC Newbros / Aggro Magnets Scimi Pilots Pilots you are giving RTCs to Booster DDD pilots (All links should be going to the DDD / DDD2) FC Newbros / Aggro Magnets - Note for Scimitar Pilots: typically there will be two DDDs in any fleet, there is an in fleet Logi Chat you can join to help sort out links, you want to ideally have 2 tracking scripts and 1 optimal script on each DDD, extra optimal and tracking for either is left to the discretion of the DDD or FC. If you're not sure, ask! Entering Site Logi ships should try to avoid taking the initial aggro to reduce their risk of death. This means that you should be aligned but wait until you see a few battleships leave the grid before you activate the gate yourself. You do not want to be the only target on an otherwise empty grid with no backup. Upon entering a site, there is a pattern that you should follow: Burn straight forward for 40k with your prop mod on (T2 logi should keep their afterburners on at all times) In TPPH sites, there are 3 gates, in the first two rooms you are just burning straight to the outgate, then stop your ship and align down the gate as the wave is close to being finished. For the TCRC site, first burn 40k forward. Only anchor on Booster when FC explicitly instructs. Exceptions: Scimi’s: Lock up the Pilot you need to be linking. Lock up all Shield and Armor Broadcasts Apply staggered reps to pilot taking agro and scimi’s apply links Orbit the Booster once you get clear of the fleet.(Lokis continue to move to your anchor.) Get Moving! T2 logi: Once you land in site, get moving! In the TPPH (last room) and NRF, use q-click to burn straight forward 40km. Then, right click the Booster in your watch list and select Orbit > 10km. In the TCRC, q-click to burn straight forward 40km and only anchor on your Booster after FC specifically instructs you to. Always try and ensure you are orbiting the Booster with your Afterburner on. This will ensure that you are in the right spot as the Booster will take you where you need to go, and having the AB on will ensure your speed stays up so you can maintain your speed tank. Loki should anchor near the DPS. Lock up your Link Buddies Once you have landed and started moving, lock your Link Buddy and give tracking links (Scimi). These tasks need to be done each time you land in a room. Lock up ALL Shield Broadcasts It is imperative that you lock all shield broadcasts every single time. The broadcasts will appear in the broadcast history window and can be color coded (as shown in the example image). A simple way to lock is hold down your lock hotkey and click on the broadcasts. Lock up ALL Armor Broadcasts We sometimes have armor ships in fleet. They have a Nestor but still need some reps from us. If an armor ship has main aggro apply two staggered reps and watch them, If they start dipping into low armor or hull apply more reps. Lock up ALL Target Broadcasts (for pilots) There are a variety of reasons that a pilot may be target broadcasted by a commander or another keen eyed pilot. Almost always, it is to help that players safety because something is a little off. Example include: late/missing broadcast from the pilot, potential disconnects, pilot who is out of position and may take agro. Logi need to lock these broadcasts, keep an eye on that pilot and apply reps as necessary if they start taking damage. If you are using our color scheme, it should be one of the only uncolored broadcasts. Apply Reps In normal circumstances, you will lock up the person taking damage and give them 2 shield reppers. Try to stagger your reppers by about a second. This will ensure a steady stream of reps landing on the target. If Target is dropping past 50% shield, apply a third rep and then the Fourth when they drop below 25% shield. Remove the 3rd/4th reps as soon as the target has stabilized. Applying more reps than needed will cause you (the logi) to get aggro. Be ready to switch the reppers off of one target onto the next once the aggro switches. Always try to have a repper in reserve for this aggro switch. Remote Capacitor Transmitters Also referred to as "Combat Caps" Basilisks will lock all Capacitor broadcasts as well, and apply both cap transmitters for 3 cycles and then move on to the next broadcast. If there is an Outuni Mesen on grid, the cap broadcast of the Outuni target is top priority and ALL combat caps go to that pilot. If there are very few cap broadcasts, pick random T1 battleships like hyperions, or marauders out of bastion, and top them up proactively. Also cap all marauders for three cycles when they come out of bastion. Site Details TPPH - 3 rooms. First room has an Outuni (Neuts). Second Room has low DPS. Third Room has 3 waves. Second wave has High DPS and Deltoles (Paints). Final wave has an Arnons (Jams) and Outunis (Neuts). Logi Should not be orbiting in the first 2 rooms of TPPH, just burn directly for the Gate. NRF - Multiple waves. Relatively low DPS throughout until the final wave. Final wave has 1-3 Outunis and 1-2 Deltoles. Heavy Neuts and Paint with a very hard switch. TCRC - Very High DPS at the start of the site, including Outunis (Neut) and Deltoles (Paint). The Outuni victim will need cap immediately, and afterwards, Deltole victim will need cap. The Ostingeles and Yulais (with whatever remaining Deltoles) will hard switch onto a new target shortly after the Outunis are killed. Deltole Target Painters are very dangerous when applied to Logi. At the end of the site, Logi stay behind with FC until all other Battleships are off grid and FC will call for Logi to warp. Logi Should be prepared for both initial aggro and then the switch at 60s for each wave. Initial aggro is based on positioning and those who enter grid first. Switches after the initial are based on highest applied damage, then weighted towards remote reps/caps, remote assistance, and ewar/webs. Expect Marauders with their high dps to grab damage switches regularly. Bastion Marauders Marauders are special high DPS ships in our fleet that use a unique module called 'Bastion'. While in bastion their DPS is doubled, but they can't receive remote reps or cap. In the case they get aggro while in bastion, they will broadcast for shield once, then broadcast once more when they come out of bastion. While they are in bastion they can use their local rep to keep themselves alive until they exit bastion. Be aware of when they come back out and be ready to catch them. Additional Logi Tactics There are times in which everything does not go according to plan. We expect our logi to be able to quickly adjust and correct any such circumstances. Too Many Targets There will be times when more people will broadcast than can be locked up at once. If you are out of available locks and a new broadcast appears, unlock pilots who are not taking damage for the new broadcasts. Get in the habit of managing locks so you can be ready to lock up the next broadcast! Remember that aggro does not carry over between waves, so if all Sansha are killed you may unlock/stop repping everyone. Advanced Target Management III, is a highly recommended skill for logi pilots, so you can lock up to your ship's maximum lock limit of 10. No Broadcasts Pilots will fail to notice they are being shot, we expect our more experienced logi to learn to catch/save these pilots even without the broadcast. Practice, watching the direction of the Sansha Lasers, Scram Notifications and your watchlist in order to identify these pilots. Once you find them, Start Locking them and Broadcast/Voice who the pilot is for the other logi. Once you are more comfortable in your ship you can practice watching for this, be confident in what you call though, calling out the wrong target can distract from who is really in trouble! If you are catching up to the fleet or land late on grid, you will likely have missed the broadcast from the person who took the initial aggro. In this case feel free to ask for a rebroadcast. Its better to ask, than to try and spend extra time looking for it yourself. And if you are failing to lock up this person, you may find yourself under scrutiny for not doing your job! Overheating Occasionally, more repping power than is available is needed to save a pilot (Normally in the case of a late broadcast or multiple Logi or Booster Disconnect). When this happens we expect our logi to be able to comfortably overheat in order to reduce their repper cycle time and save the pilot. It is suggested that you set up hotkeys to overheat your modules (default Shift + Module Activation key). Other modules can be overheated as well. Shield Hardeners to increase Tank, Prop Mod to Increase Speed. Overheating your prop mod a couple cycles can help you keep up when the fleet is burning through empty TPPHs. When you are overheating a module, it will generate heat that damages the overheated module as well as those around it. Be careful not to let modules generate too much heat or they will burn out and become unusable. Trusted Logi Badge For experienced pilots who have proven their ability to perform exceptionally well as a Logi and shown a high level of Situational Awareness while in fleet can be eligible for the Trusted Logi badge on Teamspeak. This allows a pilot to apply to fly T3 Lokis or for our Dual Logi program. If you are interested in this ask a commander while in fleet to watch you or give you feedback!