Conarion 75 Posted November 22, 2019 (edited) Island Focus Protocol An Island is an area of high sec that is separated from the rest of high sec with low and sometimes null sec in between. Islands are handled specially! You must take EXCEPTIONAL care getting to this focus and there are specific things you need to get into fleet! FIRST: Use a High Sec to High Sec wormhole to travel here! IF YOU GO THROUGH LOW AND NULL YOU WILL MOST LIKELY DIE! This is NOT covered by WTM. People selling bookmarks are likely a scam, it is best to scan your own! This island travel is dangerous! Know what you are doing. Due to security (for yourself) the dockup will not be listed anywhere. You need to find this yourself. SECOND: Only the following hulls are used (Kronos, Paladin, Vargur,Vindi, Nightmare, Basi, Scimi, Loki) Basi and Loki has little to no use in VGs so will not be used until the end of the influence grind. Damage Hulls are preferred. THIRD: Nearly all of the focus is done in VGs meaning very few logi lots of damage ships! This is also why we require optimal hulls. Bring your normally HQ fit ships however visit the fitting website Vanguards section to look at the HQ crossover fits. Bring the modules necessary to change to the VG fit from your HQ fit. You can just use T2 for everything except webs if you don't want to bling. LASTLY: This island is a special circumstance! If you do not have the correct fit and the correct hull you will unfortunately not be able to make it into fleet. THIS IS A DANGEROUS SITUATION! Know what you are doing and bring the correct stuff or you will regret your decision! This is not advised for beginner pilots! We need to remove this focus to spawn one in a better High Sec area so that we can run them as we do normally. As the goal is to down the focus we are trying to move quickly rather than farm isk so we will be moving with that in mind. However should we have enough people, and a clear enough focus, farming can become our priority. Edited April 10, 2022 by Eliz Marbly update on types of ships 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vargon Penken 63 Posted December 10, 2022 (edited) With all that is said above; Island Protocol outlines three separate ways to run said island with the idea in mind to pop the mom as quickly as possible. These protocols are outlined in the priority of how we move and run ships. If one seems to be more achievable at any given time the manner of moving individuals in system may be shifted to said protocol. Protocol one Outlines a doctrine of Covert Ops capable ships Lokis, Tengus primary DPS Loki as booster and logi Covert Ops Battleships are welcome as long as they meet tanking requirements Will bridge as many pilots from Highsec to a low-sec near the island T3s will refit to match the needed roles Run VGs until influence is zero Below are the fits Spoiler [Loki, Island Loki Gun] Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Tracking Computer II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Auto Targeting System I Medium Projectile Burst Aerator II Medium Projectile Ambit Extension I Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Loki Defensive - Augmented Durability Loki Offensive - Projectile Scoping Array Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter Acolyte II x5 Hail M x7200 Optimal Range Script x2 Barrage M x4000 Tracking Speed Script x1 Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile x1066 Synth Sooth Sayer Booster x1 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB5 Dose II x1 Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender x1 Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration x1 Covert Ops Cloaking Device II x1 Spoiler [Tengu, Tengu VG] Damage Control II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Republic Fleet Target Painter Missile Guidance Computer II Missile Guidance Computer II Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I Medium Bay Loading Accelerator II Medium Core Defense Field Extender I Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor Tengu Defensive - Supplemental Screening Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst Missile Range Script x4 Missile Precision Script x2 Scourge Javelin Heavy Assault Missile x3000 Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile x7396 Synth Crash Booster x1 Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB5 Dose II x1 Covert Ops Cloaking Device II x1 Tengu Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration x1 Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender x2 This protocol is the safest (which does not mean it is without risk) and quickest to get started, as long as commander bridgers are available ***Non-Commanders cannot run Black Ops battleships for the sole reason of the ability to "yeet" individuals to a random cyno. Current Voice FC can make a determination to allow certain Non-Commanders to run Black Ops Battleships in their fleets. Protocol two Using t2 fit ships as much as possible finding connecting wormholes going through K-space to get individuals onto the high-sec island Try to look for High Sec to High Sec connections to minimize risk, our incursion communities are public communities and once traveling to low, nul, or wormhole space you are at the mercy of the individuals that live there Bowheads, industrial ships, and freighters are not recommended as their mass will quickly close holes Do not trust random wormholes and insure they are properly scouted Commanders (Full Badged Line Commanders, Training Fleet Commanders, And Fleet commanders) may offer help with holes, they will inform line pilots of the risks of using said routes and will allow for scout ships to go through the hole if necessary (scout ships are Frig or Rookie ships). Bring only a ship you plan on flying Bring a fit for both Vgs and the mom site With this protocol, we allow Heavy Assault Cruisers as well for individuals trying to minimize the cost to their risk. The fits as follows: Spoiler [Vagabond, Island Vagabond] Shadow Serpentis Assault Damage Control Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer Large Shield Extender II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II 425mm AutoCannon II Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Hail M x600 Spoiler [Eagle, Island Eagle] Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Assault Damage Control II Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner Tracking Computer II Heavy Neutron Blaster II Heavy Neutron Blaster II Heavy Neutron Blaster II Heavy Neutron Blaster II Heavy Neutron Blaster II Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Hobgoblin II x5 Null M x1000 Void M x1400 Protocol Three The final protocol utilizes jump freighters to move individual ships from a disclosed location, utilizing an undisclosed route, to move the items for the pilots to the Incursion dock-up or at least a dock-up on the island. This procedure can incur a high cost for the jump freighter pilots and they may ask for moving fees Additionally, if Commanders (Full Badged Line Commanders, Training Fleet Commanders, And Fleet commanders) are running said jump ships, they may instruct pilots to contract a specific way. Do not trust third-party jump freighters without proper insurance provided and utilizing courier contracts only. When outlining the insurance, insure the cost of the items that you are providing to the courier will cover the cost of all of your items Individuals may then move in with fast-moving ships that can withstand smart bombs. This again is up to the pilot. I personally recommend t3 destroyers built for allign time and tank. Below is an example of a fast mover Spoiler [Hecate, *fast mover] Damage Control II Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Medium Shield Extender II Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive Multispectrum Shield Hardener II EM Shield Amplifier II 75mm Gatling Rail II 75mm Gatling Rail II 75mm Gatling Rail II 75mm Gatling Rail II 75mm Gatling Rail II Expanded Probe Launcher I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II Javelin S x2000 Optimal Range Disruption Script x1 As a reminder, we highly recommend that you leave your expensive pods at home unless you have identified a fool proof plan to move them into the system. The fits moved this way are completely up to the pilot, given that the courier will agree to cover insurance costs Edited February 26, 2024 by Tani Makia correct typo, full proof to fool proof Share this post Link to post Share on other sites