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Found 1 result

  1. \m/ <3 \m/ Hey WTM<3 I Found this, while trying to soak up wisdom from all sources. Here are some links : Part 1 and 2. I know these videos helped me out greatly, to improve muscle memory efficiency, and i have incorporated it into how I play. I am thankful for all the wisdom/tips that are already posted all over the forum, as well as what has been shared with me in WTM, so I started this thread to help NewBro's and anyone else who wants to become a Logend; my'self included. We love Logi's, and In My Humble Opinion its 2nd place fun only to Being a Vindi with 2 webs <3. "Logi's are Legends" I <3 Logi If you have Tips to share! share them below! Without Further Ado Part 1: Part 2: