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Found 1 result

  1. Rejecting FC Fit alteration

    I know the FCs have the discretion to reject ship fitting that does not meet the requirements set forth in the Rules and Regulations (R&Rs) documentation but I feel, as a member of this community, I have the obligation to reject any FC demaded alterations to a ship's fittings that would, in doing so, cause the ship fit not adhere to the aforementioned R&Rs. Yes, you have theorycrafted ships and fittings for them to set a certain standard that you fully know meet your expectations (as in the R&Rs). Now let me ask you a simple question, which would you rather accept in fleet? 1) a Ship, that's nearly identical to a listed fit, that meets the requirements (R&Rs) or 2) same ship as in 1. but with FC demanded alterations, swapping out 1 module for another, but doing so would cause the ship fit to no longer meet requirements (R&Rs). Exibit A (as in 1. above): Exibit B (as in 2. above):