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Warp To Me

Logi Rookie Guide

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Warp To Me Logi Rookie Guide

See our Fittings Webpage for current Logistics fits.

Once you have a ship, please read our general Rookie Guide.

FleetMOTD.png.8c7d5698106128d5be9733e147a0454d.pngFleet MOTD

The Fleet MOTD contains important Information.

At the bottom of the MOTD are the Fleet Roles. The pilots assigned to these roles are linked so they can be easily added to the Watchlist. Ensure you have the FC and the Booster on your Watchlist. 

  • Warp only to the FC if separated from the Fleet
  • Anchor
    • T3C Logi: Anchor yourself (about 5km off of the HHH)
    • T2 logi: Orbit the Booster at 5km with afterburner on
      • Exceptions: 
        • In TPPH, you are burning straight to the outgate, only in the last room do you orbit.





Watch List

As a Logi pilot, you should make use of your watch list, as it is a quick reference for locking, orbiting, or watching members. To add members to your watch list, right-click on their name, go to Fleet > Add to Watch List.

You should add the following pilots to your watch list.

Basi Pilots

  • Booster
  • DDD (if you have light drones)
  • FC
  • Newbros / Aggro Magnets

Scimi Pilots

  • Pilots you are giving RTCs to
  • Booster
  • DDD pilots (All links should be going to the DDD / DDD2)
  • FC
  • Newbros / Aggro Magnets

- Note for Scimitar Pilots: typically there will be two DDDs in any fleet, there is an in fleet Logi Chat you can join to help sort out links, you want to ideally have 2 tracking scripts and 1 optimal script on each DDD, extra optimal and tracking for either is left to the discretion of the DDD or FC. If you're not sure, ask!

Entering Site

Logi ships should try to avoid taking the initial aggro to reduce their risk of death. This means that you should be aligned but wait until you see a few battleships leave the grid before you activate the gate yourself. You do not want to be the only target on an otherwise empty grid with no backup.

Upon entering a site, there is a pattern that you should follow:

  1. Burn straight forward for 40k with your prop mod on (T2 logi should keep their afterburners on at all times)
    1. In TPPH sites, there are 3 gates, in the first two rooms you are just burning straight to the outgate, then stop your ship and align down the gate as the wave is close to being finished.
    2. For the TCRC site, first burn 40k forward. Only anchor on Booster when FC explicitly instructs.
  2.     Exceptions:
  3. Scimi’s: Lock up the Pilot you need to be linking.
  4. Lock up all Shield and Armor Broadcasts
  5. Apply staggered reps to pilot taking agro and scimi’s apply links
  6. Orbit the Booster once you get clear of the fleet.(Lokis continue to move to your anchor.)

Get Moving!

T2 logi: Once you land in site, get moving! In the TPPH (last room) and NRF, use q-click to burn straight forward 40km. Then, right click the Booster in your watch list and select Orbit > 10km. In the TCRC, q-click to burn straight forward 40km and only anchor on your Booster after FC specifically instructs you to. Always try and ensure you are orbiting the Booster with your Afterburner on. This will ensure that you are in the right spot as the Booster will take you where you need to go, and having the AB on will ensure your speed stays up so you can maintain your speed tank.

Loki should anchor near the DPS. 

Lock up your Link Buddies

Once you have landed and started moving, lock your Link Buddy and give tracking links (Scimi). These tasks need to be done each time you land in a room.

history-min.pngLock up ALL Shield Broadcasts

It is imperative that you lock all shield broadcasts every single time. The broadcasts will appear in the broadcast history window and can be color coded (as shown in the example image). A simple way to lock is hold down your lock hotkey and click on the broadcasts. 

Lock up ALL Armor Broadcasts 

We sometimes have armor ships in fleet. They have a Nestor but still need some reps from us. If an armor ship has main aggro apply two staggered reps and watch them, If they start dipping into low armor or hull apply more reps.

Lock up ALL Target Broadcasts (for pilots)

There are a variety of reasons that a pilot may be target broadcasted by a commander or another keen eyed pilot. Almost always, it is to help that players safety because something is a little off. Example include: late/missing broadcast from the pilot, potential disconnects, pilot who is out of position and may take agro. Logi need to lock these broadcasts, keep an eye on that pilot and apply reps as necessary if they start taking damage. If you are using our color scheme, it should be one of the only uncolored broadcasts. 

Apply Reps

In normal circumstances, you will lock up the person taking damage and give them 2 shield reppers. Try to stagger your reppers by about a second. This will ensure a steady stream of reps landing on the target. If Target is dropping past 50% shield, apply a third rep and then the Fourth when they drop below 25% shield. Remove the 3rd/4th reps as soon as the target has stabilized. 

Applying more reps than needed will cause you (the logi) to get aggro. 

Be ready to switch the reppers off of one target onto the next once the aggro switches. Always try to have a repper in reserve for this aggro switch. 

Remote Capacitor Transmitters

Also referred to as "Combat Caps"

Basilisks will lock all Capacitor broadcasts as well, and apply both cap transmitters for 3 cycles and then move on to the next broadcast. If there is an Outuni Mesen on grid, the cap broadcast of the Outuni target is top priority and ALL combat caps go to that pilot.

If there are very few cap broadcasts, pick random T1 battleships like hyperions, or marauders out of bastion, and top them up proactively.

Also cap all marauders for three cycles when they come out of bastion.

Site Details

TPPH - 3 rooms. First room has an Outuni (Neuts). Second Room has low DPS. Third Room has 3 waves. Second wave has High DPS and Deltoles (Paints). Final wave has an Arnons (Jams) and Outunis (Neuts).

  • Logi Should not be orbiting in the first 2 rooms of TPPH, just burn directly for the Gate. 

NRF - Multiple waves. Relatively low DPS throughout until the final wave. Final wave has 1-3 Outunis and 1-2 Deltoles. Heavy Neuts and Paint with a very hard switch.

TCRC Very High DPS at the start of the site, including Outunis (Neut) and Deltoles (Paint). The Outuni victim will need cap immediately, and afterwards, Deltole victim will need cap. The Ostingeles and Yulais (with whatever remaining Deltoles) will hard switch onto a new target shortly after the Outunis are killed. Deltole Target Painters are very dangerous when applied to Logi. At the end of the site, Logi stay behind with FC until all other Battleships are off grid and FC will call for Logi to warp.

Logi Should be prepared for both initial aggro and then the switch at 60s for each wave. Initial aggro is based on positioning and those who enter grid first. Switches after the initial are based on highest applied damage, then weighted towards remote reps/caps, remote assistance, and ewar/webs. Expect Marauders with their high dps to grab damage switches regularly.

Bastion Marauders


Marauders are special high DPS ships in our fleet that use a unique module called 'Bastion'. While in bastion their DPS is doubled, but they can't receive remote reps or cap. In the case they get aggro while in bastion, they will broadcast for shield once, then broadcast once more when they come out of bastion. While they are in bastion they can use their local rep to keep themselves alive until they exit bastion. Be aware of when they come back out and be ready to catch them.

Additional Logi Tactics

There are times in which everything does not go according to plan. We expect our logi to be able to quickly adjust and correct any such circumstances.

Too Many Targets

There will be times when more people will broadcast than can be locked up at once. If you are out of available locks and a new broadcast appears, unlock pilots who are not taking damage for the new broadcasts. Get in the habit of managing locks so you can be ready to lock up the next broadcast!

Remember that aggro does not carry over between waves, so if all Sansha are killed you may unlock/stop repping everyone.  

Advanced Target Management III, is a highly recommended skill for logi pilots, so you can lock up to your ship's maximum lock limit of 10.

No Broadcasts

Pilots will fail to notice they are being shot, we expect our more experienced logi to learn to catch/save these pilots even without the broadcast. Practice, watching the direction of the Sansha Lasers, Scram Notifications and your watchlist in order to identify these pilots. Once you find them, Start Locking them and Broadcast/Voice who the pilot is for the other logi. Once you are more comfortable in your ship you can practice watching for this, be confident in what you call though, calling out the wrong target can distract from who is really in trouble!

If you are catching up to the fleet or land late on grid, you will likely have missed the broadcast from the person who took the initial aggro. In this case feel free to ask for a rebroadcast. Its better to ask, than to try and spend extra time looking for it yourself. And if you are failing to lock up this person, you may find yourself under scrutiny for not doing your job!


Occasionally, more repping power than is available is needed to save a pilot (Normally in the case of a late broadcast or multiple Logi or Booster Disconnect). When this happens we expect our logi to be able to comfortably overheat in order to reduce their repper cycle time and save the pilot. It is suggested that you set up hotkeys to overheat your modules (default Shift + Module Activation key).

Other modules can be overheated as well. Shield Hardeners to increase Tank, Prop Mod to Increase Speed. Overheating your prop mod a couple cycles can help you keep up when the fleet is burning through empty TPPHs.

When you are overheating a module, it will generate heat that damages the overheated module as well as those around it. Be careful not to let modules generate too much heat or they will burn out and become unusable.

Trusted Logi Badge

For experienced pilots who have proven their ability to perform exceptionally well as a Logi and shown a high level of Situational Awareness while in fleet can be eligible for the Trusted Logi badge on Teamspeak. This allows a pilot to apply to fly T3 Lokis or for our Dual Logi program. If you are interested in this ask a commander while in fleet to watch you or give you feedback!

Edited by Zilvra Selvaris
update logi anchor
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