Imelda Virpio

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Everything posted by Imelda Virpio

  1. This Is Bhaaloween Fun Fleet

    As everyone can see now, Hurley meant to run his fleet on FRIDAY. This one is SATURDAY. On the one hand I should'a waited some, but on the other hand NEW BHAALGORN WEIRDNESS WITH BAD PUN. Also I got party favors.
  2. This Is Bhaaloween Fun Fleet

    It's that time of year, and we've got Bhaalgorns to play with. What better way to start things off with a fun fleet? The usual rules apply, battleships have to meet the usual tank standard (100k, 70% resists, DCU, passive EM). Logi should be logi, but it IS possible to make the Bhaalsilisk work. (I don't think we could handle more than one, maybe two. Oh god, it's horrible ) There may be some weirdly Bhaalgorn-themed handouts! I thiiiink... Saturday. November 3. From about 1700 EVE time to 2000, or whenever we run out of goats. Also, check this:
  3. This Is Bhaaloween Fun Fleet

    Bring it. I have one condition: have a Basilisk handy. Taking fleet down for lack of combat caps when there's enough logi that we *should* be fine would seriously annoy me. Also, let me warn you, they aren't cheap. I've only built the Loki (built-in passive EM makes it easier to build) but the Tengu fit that was the basis for discussion in command fora was [Tengu, ISS MERCY NDL-V1.0] Syndicate Damage Control Syndicate Signal Amplifier Corelum C-Type 10MN Afterburner Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field True Sansha Cap Recharger Pithum A-Type EM Ward Amplifier Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster Skirmish Command Burst II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor Tengu Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Tengu Offensive - Support Processor Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst Light Hull Maintenance Bot II x5 Light Armor Maintenance Bot II x5 Make sure you're five-reps-stable; that makes you about as capable a repping platform as the scimi. Since you're not command, feel free to bring an 8-rep configuration or a 7-rep without the command burst. If you do bring the command burst, maybe an info boost with the sensor-boosting charge? We've never gotten to play with those.
  4. The Bhaalgorn is cheap right now. Like, 250 million. This is, like, not-even-a-faction-battleship cheap. And the Navy Apoc... actually it's come down a lot, but it's still four hundred and some. And the Bhaal is Just Better in most ways-- it's got more shield, it's got a web! So we're going to take advantage of this. Until the end of the year, we are DROPPING the requirement that Bhaals must use T2 lasers. This makes it a very attractive ship for starter pilots. It's cheap, has more hit points than any starter ship except the Maelstrom, goes faster than any starter but Navy Apoc, produces acceptable DPS... there's some fun value here. Here, look at this fit: [Bhaalgorn, Face-Sucking] Damage Control II Heat Sink II Heat Sink II Heat Sink II Heat Sink II Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Stasis Webifier II Mega Modal Pulse Laser I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Mega Modal Pulse Laser I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Mega Modal Pulse Laser I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Mega Modal Pulse Laser I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Heavy Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu Heavy Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu Heavy Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Large Core Defense Field Extender II Large Auxiliary Thrusters I Federation Navy Ogre x4 Look at this baby. Run up to a Romi, web it down, nos it into submission and punch it in the face with multifreq. What's not to love? But wait, there's more. The proposal I wrote up also included.. beam lasers. BEAM lasers, on a 250m hull. You want to pilot a laser sniper, but don't want all those spikes? I've got your Beamgorn, right here. [Bhaalgorn, Beamgorn] Damage Control II Heat Sink II Heat Sink II Heat Sink II Heat Sink II Tracking Enhancer II Tracking Enhancer II Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 500MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive 'Marketeer' Tracking Computer, Tracking Speed Script Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Multifrequency L Large 'Regard' Remote Capacitor Transmitter Drone Link Augmentor I [Empty High slot] Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Energy Metastasis Adjuster II Federation Navy Ogre x4 Anchor up, cap-buddy up, and you are CAP STABLE in this little darling. You've got enough drone range here to hit the Osti's in the second room of the TPPH while you're still in the first one. You've got better range than the Nightmare, and nearly as much tracking. This is a lean, mean killing machine. How much would you pay for a ship with all these amazing capabilities? For the ultimate in neuts, long range webs, AND the ability to run in either the DPS or sniper role? One billion isk? Two billion? More? No. You can drive away with this beauty, today, for the low, low price of three hundred and fifty million isk. But act fast, this offer is for a limited time only.
  5. Fun fleet 2/11/2018

    Basically a chance to bring weird stuff into a TCRC and watch it explode.
  6. Long Time No See

    /me webs Skyler oh wait, that's not what he meant. Sorry, it's instinctive!
  7. Theres any WTM logistics in place?

    There are a number of Astrahus'es that were set up by Foshkey; if you're in HQ system and see one named "Foshkey's Something-or-Other", that's what those are. The NGA and TVP ones are also pretty much safe to dock in.
  8. Fun Fleet!

    The plural of Gnosis is "Gnocchi."
  9. It's July now, so I could go and look at the total for June: One hundred and thirty six BILLION isk worth of incursion-loaded bowheads died last month. That's about 1/8 of the *total* isk generated by incursions during the month. Most of the kills were in Uedama or Niarja, but several were in Madirmilire, Sivala, and one in Bahromab (all adjacent to one of the Bad Systems, all 0.6). Stop paying for Kusions' subscription. Stop flying loaded Bowheads through the pipe systems. There are several ways to get around this problem. You can go "over the top" through Ammatar space. You can stop in Ashab/Kassigainen, unload the Bowhead, get it to Kaaputenen/Juunigaishi, and shuttle your battleships back and forth one by one. You can take the bling off your incursion ships, move the hulls in the Bowhead, and move the shiny bits separately in something sneaky. You can keep sets of hulls on each side of the Amarr/Gallente divide. There are probably other things you can do; goodness knows some of you are inventive enough with the battleship fits.
  10. Returning

    Read , show up with one of the fits from , and we can get you in fleet. We're pretty good at dealing with new folks by now
  11. FC Can I bring my Paladin?

    Obviously Paladin is not optimal as either sniper or DPS. If a Paladin pilot decides to switch roles a bit, load Scorch, and shoot Maras in TPPH room 2, TPPH room 3 wave 1, and NRF wave 1, I'm not going to yell at 'em. The rest of the time, bring me that extra 400-ish DPS from Conflagration.
  12. New Vargur fit cost is 6.4 bill why?

    The fits we're listing for marauders now are all full-on bling fits. You can still bring your existing marauder if it meets our standards for tank, gun type, damage mods, etc.
  13. Scimi V Advanced with 4 Links

    Blobert, that four-link scimi takes 40% more damage than our optimal when hit. Remember what Tesso said above: look at shield HP and resists, not at the EHP total. Remember what I said: scimis die when Sansha can cut through 100% of shield on a hit, even if we have reps on them. Every time I see one of our current scimis slam down to 1/3 shield and say "oh my drop TWO reps on that one," four-link would be dead. I ain't having it.
  14. Scimi V Advanced with 4 Links

    A scimi has to have enough shield to take at least one full-on strike from Sansha. Otherwise the first solid hit comes in, and scimi is in half armor. We rep like mad, and second hit puts it in structure. We rep again... and it's gone. This is how scimi's die in TCRC entrances. Losing its invuln makes the scimi fragile enough that it would also happen on wave four of the NRF, and possibly during the deltole/deltole/intaki wave in TPPH. If we make changes to the scimi, it will become more tanky not less.
  15. Ideal Fleet Composition?

    Secondary boosters are for the boosts and utility mids. Truly, they are the ultimate sandbagging vehicle Anyway, they've got to stay right near VVV for their boosts to affect DPS, can't chase targets the way a battleship drone bunny can.
  16. Ideal Fleet Composition?

    Secondary boosters are bad DDD because they're not going to apply any damage except the drones. A reasonably skilled DDD in a Vindicator will clear the room's frigates much more quickly than Eos etc. could. The drones are being used efficiently, but Niarjas stay on grid too long.
  17. Machariel Changes, March 2018

    CCP has announced that they have changes upcoming to the Machariel. The one that we care about is that the slot layout will be different; the ship is losing a low slot and gaining a mid. WTM will respond to this change in the simplest way possible. Y'all are going to drop a tracking enhancer, and add a tracking computer. Tracking comps have to be T2 or better. Just to make it entertaining, the storyline "Marketeer" tracking comp is equivalent to T2, and is thus acceptable. Capable Mach pilots will use this opportunity to bring tracking and range scripts, and switch between them as appropriate. CCP has not announced a date for this patch, so you might as well get your computer and scripts now and start carrying them around. If we're in Egmur or something on patch day, and you have to fly all the way back to civilization for a module, you will be Sad. Edit: We have a date now, March 20th, next Tuesday! You know what you're doing, Mach guys, make sure you do it.
  18. A few Logi questions.

    1) Gotta have both. To run any of the HQ sites we need at least two spare cap transmitters -- "combat caps." Those come from the Basi. We like the Scimitar's remote tracking computers to give our Vindicators more range and better tracking. So what we really want is a mix, somewhere between two and four Basi's and the rest of the logi wing in Scimi's. 2) None of our listed fits need any sort of implants. You can get the EO-606 and EM-806 cap implants to make the Scimi more cap stable, and to let you use some advanced Basi fits, but wait on those for a while. For the attribute enhancers, I personally like Snakes-- speed is life, gimme more speed-- but none of the sets make all that much difference. 3) You can just show up, and you'll be fine. There's a speech we throw at people that covers the basics-- you can find my version in the "Logistics Tactics" section of this forum. The logi schools we run deal with those items, and also with some more advanced topics like "How do I organize the MOTD for the logi chat channels?" When one is scheduled, it will show up on the waitlist website.
  19. Fits for alpha players

    Yep, alphas aren't going to be perfect incursion pilots, and it's better if you go omega and get those skills up to 5 and your T2 guns and TRAIN LOGI PLEASE. That said, you can get into fleet, you can fly the shiny fits, and if you pay attention to the FC you can do good work out there.
  20. skill plan

    Skill plan's decent, but it's not gospel, y'know? Train those things and you'll be okay in fleet, but there's a lot of stuff you'll want to get better at quickly, including the BS skills, and some stuff you maybe won't need as much of to get started. Drone Sharpshooting... fit it in where you can. It *does* make your drones apply damage more effectively, because they end up outside their "usual" optimal range a fair amount of the time when chasing moving targets.
  21. Fleet Efficiency - suggestions -

    This is a) a big boost for isk/hour and b) one of the hard parts. Scary to take fleet into an NRF when you only see five logi on grid... but if you absolutely for-sure know the other two are incoming, it's the right thing to do.
  22. Possible additional too;

    When I'm FC, I have this information... and I don't know what ships I'm going to need until five seconds before I hit "INVITE." If fleet's not full, we take whoever x-es up, as fast as we can check fits. If fleet IS full, it depends on who leaves, and then I need to get replacements ASAP. Please, if you've got more than one ship available, x-up with everything.
  23. What do you do when you don't run incursions?

    When I am not running incursions, I remain in my storage cupboard. I have a food dispenser to sustain me, and my cuddly bear.
  24. Me, Inside the Moon

    Our current dockup is only about 50km above the surface of its moon, so I flew over to the center of it. Mildly amusing!
  25. Friendly Tagging Suggestion

    I would be upset if the snipers all murdered their anchor, but aside from that it's a nice idea