Static Paaltomo

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Everything posted by Static Paaltomo

  1. As the title says, today was my very first incursion fleet and WTM. FC and everybody was so kind, and as a newbro I really appreciated the helps you guys all gave to me. I currently fly as a Mach, tho I do have a few questions about it. First is that the snipers are told to shoot alphabet tagged rats, and if there are no A,B,C etc and only X,Y,Z, should i not shoot my guns on anything? Second question, the mach fit has 2 types of drones, heavy and light. It also has two types of scripts, tracking speed and optimal range. What type of scripts should I be loading? Does it depend on site and pockets? And I haven't done drone assisting before, so when you warp in a site to a fleet, you immediately drop heavy drones and assist them to HHH? Or should I differ drone types by sites? So many questions i've got, since i'm not a native english speaker, I do sometimes miss the orders in comms. Would really prefer if there are some basic guidelines about each sites, but I can't seem to find one. But still huge thanks to everyone who flew with me, you guys were the best people i've seen so far in eve. Fly Safe!
  2. Today was my very first time to join an incursion fleet

    Man, Huge thanks on replying every questions that I've asked! I really appreciate it