Juan Carlos Minjita

Line Commander
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Everything posted by Juan Carlos Minjita

  1. Hi, newbro here

    Hi Dredkyvn Welcome to the group. You should find us all a friendly helpful bunch! And if you really start enjoying them, look to skilling into a vindicator for that amazing DPS! See you in fleet.
  2. New Alpha State Dec 5th

    The other thing I would say is this: We base all fits on all LVL5 skills when the enter our waitlist. Our fits are deliberately more tanky in order to compensate for lack of skills. This is also one of the reasons we run with more logi than strictly required in an optimal fleet. Yes, you should absolutely get your skills up. No, they are not required in order to fly with us.
  3. What do you do when you don't run incursions?

    I play in Test. Carrier ratting and PvP fleets. Mostly though, I fly incursions. I still find it the most enjoyable way to play.
  4. Ships and requirements/types

    Any fits that meet our requirements are placed in the wl until a spot in that squad opens up. If you have a Rattle and a Mach in the DPS + Sniper lists, the one that comes up first will be requested. If you have both on the list at the time of forming, the FC will more than likely opt for the better ship if theres a choice. Important to note, within WTM all fleet positions (Barring fleet need for logis) are filled on a first come first served basis. No favouritism is given to optimal fits over starter/non optimal ships.
  5. Sandman Retirement Fun Fleet

    So I can bring a gnosis?