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  1. 2 points
    I've been looking at ways to get the sig amp onto a basi with T2 cap transmitters, and yea, it's really hard with incoming meta. I'd like to see what you're starting with exactly. The main thing is: do you have one or two T2 transfers? I haven't found a way to have both T2 transfers and a sigamp, while being within fitting restrictions and stable with incoming meta transfer. However, I have found that: if you use one meta (for the cap chain, per current standard) and one T2 (for the fleet) cap transfer, (along with Republic Fleet LSE, which has the lowest PG of the faction ones) that solves your fitting problem, and alleviates the cap problem, leaving you at -63.1 delta. From there, abyssals are still your savior; if you get a perfect (and I mean absolutely perfect) activation cost roll, you are at -62.2 delta. Sensor Linking V will then be useful to buy you that extra 0.1 buffer... it's super tight, but can be done. That AB will not be cheap, though if you're willing to focus exclusively on the activation cost, and sacrifice the rest, it might be reasonable... But there's one more option: another implant. Not sure what's in your slot 7, but ES-706 (should be available from CONCORD) will reduce the activation cost of the cap transfers by 6%. With the mixed transfers and stock faction other mods that puts you at -61.5 delta. I think that's your best bet, if you can spare your slot 7 implant.
  2. 1 point
    As the title says, today was my very first incursion fleet and WTM. FC and everybody was so kind, and as a newbro I really appreciated the helps you guys all gave to me. I currently fly as a Mach, tho I do have a few questions about it. First is that the snipers are told to shoot alphabet tagged rats, and if there are no A,B,C etc and only X,Y,Z, should i not shoot my guns on anything? Second question, the mach fit has 2 types of drones, heavy and light. It also has two types of scripts, tracking speed and optimal range. What type of scripts should I be loading? Does it depend on site and pockets? And I haven't done drone assisting before, so when you warp in a site to a fleet, you immediately drop heavy drones and assist them to HHH? Or should I differ drone types by sites? So many questions i've got, since i'm not a native english speaker, I do sometimes miss the orders in comms. Would really prefer if there are some basic guidelines about each sites, but I can't seem to find one. But still huge thanks to everyone who flew with me, you guys were the best people i've seen so far in eve. Fly Safe!
  3. 1 point
    Remember with that smaller EHP number, the Scimi has about a third the sig radius and half again more speed than the basi. Logi Roulette. Easy to learn, hard to master.
  4. 1 point
    Get the L badge then you can fly non-srpable snowflake fit if the FC allows ;D Otherwise bling with items or implants so you can drop the PDS for the sigamp. Careful tho' its a bit addictive. Also for the initial problem: if you ever run into it just unlock the the ships who wont die anyway, just has 1 or 2 trolls. Use your best judgement: Usually there are only 3 ships or less that are actually in danger the rest just has 1 or 2 frig or 1 cruiser.
  5. 1 point
    Good post. This is actually part of a larger discussion the logi branch had about 2 weeks ago regarding suggested/required fits due to the recent remote cap changes. Currently our R&r says the dc2 or better is required, the pds is optional and can be swapped under our current R&r as you requsted
  6. 1 point
    Man, Huge thanks on replying every questions that I've asked! I really appreciate it
  7. 1 point
    Answering your question in order, shoot letters in order followed by numbers in order. Always shoot when you can, but never tag J! Use heavies whenever possible, lights for when FC asks for them. I would use tracking whenever possible, assuming you have meta guns with faction ammo, sometimes you may wanna load an optimal, such as in NRF last waves or in Assault sites, but you should have plenty of falloff to cover you. In TPPH and NRF you always wanna drop drones when the fleet is first coming into site and assign them. If you are late on grid, get to your anchor first, then drop drones, as they are slower than you are so it saves time to carry them there. In TCRCs only drop drones when called for as they can cause some split aggro. Sites will come more naturally the more you fly them, as there are only 3 HQ sites we run normally, it'll come quickly A quick run down of each site TPPH or True Power Provisional Headquarters, 3 rooms, last room has 3 waves followed by a tower bash, the slowest site NRF or Nation Rebirth Facility, 1 room, 4 waves, no tower bash TCRC or True Creation Rebirth Facility, 1 room, respawning rats with a tower bash, the fastest but most dangerous site, make sure to listen to your FC in these sites! Feel free to ask questions, and if you have trouble understanding ask if FC could type it out in fleet chat for you. Welcome to WTM o7