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  1. 2 points
    Just going to take a moment to expand on this explanation fully. When a ship is lost, we look at the total worth listed in the kill mail to begin with. As shown in this image, the value on this example is 2,250,061,899 ISK. So if I had only 2 billion ISK in coverage, then I would not get that extra 250 million back. However, the process doesn't end here. Next we look at what dropped, and determine what the commanders where able to loot and contract back to the pilot. Any drops that were contracted back to the pilot will be removed from the value of the payout. So in the example killmail above, if 1 billion ISK worth of stuff was looted and contracted back to me, I would get paid out 1,250,061,899 ISK. If for some reason, the dropped loot was not able to be recovered and returned to me, then it would not be removed from the payout, and I would receive a payout of 2 billion ISK. Which, while also less than the value of my loss, is the maximum amount of coverage I had. The point being, that you should be able to take the payout you receive, combine that with the loot that was contracted back to you, and rebuild your ship just like it was before you experienced the rapid unexpected disassembly of your previous ship.