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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Just a little bit of advice for ya Knight: if you want change (which it seems you do), the best way to do this is not to be abrasive to the people who possibly CAN make change. Even if it is not your intent, the way your wrote your post makes it seem this way. You said that you would not apply as an R badge because you could not fly your 4 link scimi. Some of us are saying that if you apply and get accepted, you might be able to fly your 4 link scimi in the future. Becoming an LM is pretty much our version of advanced-super-awesome-and-amazing logi pilot. Especially as Juan said, we can see that there has been some thought gone into this idea so if you joined the Command Core you might be able to bring more people in on your idea.
  3. 1 point
    We don't. We ask them to tell us. Theoretically we could automatically request it, but it would require our waitlist to request a lot more permissions from you when signing in, and we do not believe our pilots should be forced to give us those permissions, because it is a massive invasion of privacy. (We would be able to see way more than what would be relevant to incursions.) How do I identify that someone is an EXPERIENCED pilot, and NOT NEWBROS, and thus I should allow them to use this fit rather than forcing them to switch to a tankier ship?
  4. 1 point
    What are you even talking about. 1 - Why do you want to skill check or implant check them? How do you know that a newbro logi has logistics 4 and not 5? It would work the same way. 2 - What?!? This fit is an ADVANCED fit for EXPERIENCED pilots, and NOT NEWBROS. Did you even read the previous comments on this topic?!? 3 - No, I will not be a LM for WTM. At least not until I can join with my 4L-scimi in WTM fleets. If you (not you, Juan Carlos) cannot bring a valid argument why this fit should not be allowed in WTM fleets, than PLEASE change rules.
  5. 1 point
    OK, lets start with a couple of things: 1 - WTM has always run "Ships not skills." This is so that our fits are not difficult to get into. Our current method of accepting fits onto the waitlist and into fleet does not enable us to skillcheck. Nor does it enable us to check implants. That means we cannot confirm that a pilot flying a 4 link scimi has the ability to be 3 rep stable. It is the same reason we fit Basi's the way we do. 2 - WTM runs higher tank than strictly necessary across all fits to compensate for the newbro friendly aspect of our community. So a new pilot of any ship should be confident in the safety of their ship providing they broadcast on time, and that if that fails then SRP will ensure that they can fly again. 3 - WTM has advanced Logistics pilots, who run different fits. This is the advantage of being a Resident and LM. I love the passion and the thought that has gone into this. Consider joining the program so you can help shape future policy.
  6. 1 point
    If you're new, and you get in my logi wing, I'll say these things to you. Even if you've read this post, I'm gonna say them. Also, yes, that's how long it takes to say this stuff in voice; those speed runs through "Fox In Socks" finally paid off. -- Logi have four jobs: join your logi chat and do what they tell you, move, rep people who broadcast for shield, and basi's have to keep the cap chain going. Setting up As soon as you join fleet, hit the link in fleet MOTD to join basi-chat or scimi-chat. Say "Hi," give your Logistics Cruiser level and how many links/resebo's you have. Join and say hi even if you don't have any links, don't make me hunt you down and ask. Add AAA to your watchlist. If you're a basilisk, add your cap buddies. If your logi-chat gives you link or resebo targets, add them too. Make sure your fleet window's open. You'll need the "My Fleet" tab to find us for the first time, then switch to the "History" tab so you can see shield broadcasts. Move! The instant you land in a site, find your AAA in your watchlist and orbit him at 10km. Turn on your prop mod. Stay like this forever. First exception to this rule: In the first two rooms of a TPPH site, find the EXIT gate, and orbit that at 500m. When any battleship gets up next to the gate, switch your orbit to the battleship. Second exception: at times, the FC will send an "align" broadcast. Align and turn your prop mod OFF. This always happens at the end of a TCRC, and occasionally at other times. Rep people. Lock up every person who broadcasts for shield asap. Every last one, all of them, no exceptions. Use your judgement as to how much rep to drop on which people. Some folks just have a troll frigate nibbling them, some get the whole room. Try not to run all four reppers at once. It attracts aggro and makes you slow to help a new person when Sansha change targets. Stagger your reps. Don't drop several reppers on a person at once, do it like "REP one thousand REP two thousand REP". Cap chain Basilisks always cap up. Cap the person who's immediately above you in the user list of basi-chat; if you're the top of the list, cap the guy on the bottom. Basilisks ABOVE a basi with Logistics 4 also cap down. If the number next to your name in basi-chat MOTD is RED, you're above a L4 basi, use your second transmitter to cap them. Send cap to your cap buddies on gates! We hang eighty billion isk worth of battleships off that cap chain, testing it is important. Basilisks with a free cap transmitter send cap to fleet. Watch for cap broadcasts. If you have a free transmitter, type the first few letters of the guy's name in basi-chat, lock him, and start capping. If somebody types "FRED" just as you were planning to cap Fred, you can either find another cap target or just type "+" to say "I'm capping him too." If we get more cap broadcasts than we can handle at once, send each person three or four cycles of cap and move on to the next one. If you get neuted out or jammed, you can't send cap, and your friends have to deal with that. Tell basi-chat by typing "NNN" (for neuts) or "JJJ" (for jams.) Type "-NNN" or "-JJJ" when the effect ends. Some people also type "WWW" when they're webbed. If the basi you are capping gets neuted out, jammed, or blown up, deal with it by using your second cap transmitter to send cap to THEIR cap buddy. Sometimes this gets complicated and the LC has to tell people where to send their combat caps; when this happens, listen and do what they're telling you. Sites - Each site we do has a particular moment that gives the logi fits. Know them. TPPH - In the third room, on the third wave, there are three Arnons (which jam) and two Outunis (which neut). All combat caps go to the Outuni's target. NRF - The fourth and final wave contains 1-3 Outunis. All combat caps to the Outuni target! After 20-30 seconds, back off to two reps on the person getting hit, because in 45 seconds the entire room switches to a new target, all at once. TCRC - The instant you land, lock up AAA and start repping him. Two seconds later, we get attacked by Outunis, Deltoles (which do EVERYTHING) and Niarjas (jams). Aggro goes everywhere, half the fleet broadcasts for shields, and at least one basi gets neuted out or jammed. If a Scimitar takes aggro during this part, throw armor bots at them immediately, the room can alpha right through their shields and well into armor. Finish your coffee before we go in, please.